2 APRIL 1859, Page 9



The Consol Market maintains a wonderful amount of strength, consider- ing the condition of our Indian finance, the European Loans, and the state of home and foreign politics ; the present week has established a rise of more than 1 per cent. The defeat of the Ministry last night instead of creating a fall in public securities seems to have had the very contrary effect, the Funds are absolutely 1 per cent higher, but the chief cause is in the Revenue Return, its favourable character more than counterbalancing the bad effects of the defeat. The Government Broker continues his daily purchases on account of the Savings Banks, but instead of 5000/. which had been his daily limit for a week or ten days past he purchased double the amount this morning. The public make investments to some extent and the markets at present seem sound and good. Consols have been sta- tionary all day at so 954 for both Money and April Account, India Stock, 219 221' Exchequer Bills, 32 35. Money has been in greater demand and the rate has ranged between 11 and 2 per cent. The drain of silver for the East is still excessive.

There is nothing new to record in the condition of the Foreign Stook Market, the public continue to show great disinclination to enter into any fresh transactions and prices remain much about the same. Mexican retains the late rise and should favourable &hien, be received by the West Indian packet now due, a more important rise may be expected. Turkish Six per Cents are a shade weaker than last week, the supply of stock being more abundant. The settlement of the account passed off satisfactorily, but money has been more in demand than for sonic, time, as much as 6 and fi per cent being currently given. Turkish Six per Cents, 93 93k; Ditto New Six per Cents, 79 791 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 91 92; Ditto Three per Cents, 74 76 ; Mexican, 211 21k; Grenada Active, 191 20; Ditto Deferred, 5 6; Venezuela Active, 421 43k; Ditto Deferred, 17 171; Buenos Ayres, 79 81; Ditto Three per Cents, 181 19; Spanish, 441 46; Victor Emmanuel, 90 91 ; Sardinian, 82 83 ; Brazilian, 94941.

Transactions in the English Railway Market have been on a very limited scale, prices generally exhibiting little important change since last noticed ; the settlement of the fortnightly account as usual engaged the chief atten- tion, but today there has been rather more doing and quotations have ex- perienced some slight fluctuation; the markets, however, are not so firm as at the opening.

The following are some of the principal figures : Caledonians, 82 821 ex div. ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 33 341; Great Northern Stock, 1021 1021; London and North-Western, 941 951; London and South-Western, 921 93; Midland, 1011 1021; Great Western, 59 691; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 941 951; North British, 581 681 ex div. ; Eastern Counties, 591 601; London and Brighton, 112 113; South-Eastern, 701 701. Contangos and rates for carrying over were moderately light.

The Foreign Market is comparatively steady with no particular feature; unsettled politics and an expected loan in Paris prevent any great rise.

Strasbourg, 26 261; Northern of France' 37 371; Paris and Lyons, 331 34; Lombardo-Venetian' old, la 11 prern. ; Ditto New, / prem. The Indian Market is dull, the financial news from India having a bad effect on the minds of holders. East Indian, 102 103; Peninsula, 101 1011.


Consols have not altered in price since yesterday ; ranging this morning from 951 to so for money, and from 951 to 96 for the May account.


An Account, pursuantto the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 82, for the week ending on Wednesday the 30th day of Match 1889.

111111 DEP•ITMIXT.

Notes issued 133,404,950 Government Debt /11,015,106 Other Securities 3,459,900

Gold Coln and Bullion 18,929,950

Silver Bullion 133,401.950 533,404.930

• ARZINO116.•11./MLYT.

C14,553,000 m

Governent Securities (litchi- ding Dead WeightAnnuity) 111,708,353

Other Securities 17,387,488 Notes 12,416,730 Gold and Silver Coln 700,820 112,183,091 442,183,091

• including Exchequer, Saving-Banks,CommIssioners of National Debt,*Dividend Acct.

Proprietors 'Capital Rest 3,668,339 Public Depoalts• 9,348,914 Other Deposits 13,579,986

Seven Days and other Bills 744,853

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