Hawks and Game On the general subject of hawks and
game some peculiarly interesting evidence has been supplied by one of the small but by no means extinct bands of hawkers. One expert was called in to defend our airmen. Birds are a real and constant danger to the aeroplane ; so the experiment has been tried, not without some success, of scaring birds from the immediate neighbourhood of aerodromes by the use of trained peregrines. Some of these falcons have been trained chiefly on and about grouse-moors, and the experience is that the grouse are very little the worse for their presence and are certainly not scared away by the occasional flying of the pere- grines. A particularly interesting letter (unsigned) on the general theme appeared in a recent number of the Estate Magazine. It would be interesting to know front where the peregrines are secured. Those from the neighbourhood. of St. -David's, in Pembrokeshire, were at one time especially prized, and it is thereabouts that I happen to have seen the falcon at its best.