comes off the floor after five dances in a com-
petition, even his tails are soaking,' as an ex- perienced dancer remarked), gloves and shoes (six pairs each per year on average).
Affluence is reflected from the glittering sur- faces of Hammersmith Palais, which opened as a bare converted tram shed in 1920. Since then ballroom dancing has taken several knocks, most recently from the twist, before that from jive and jitterbug. A veteran dancer described his dismay when he came back from the war to see IF YOU KEEP THE SPECTATOR
when you have read it each week, you may like to know that a comprehensive index to it is published twice a year. It consists of a Subject and Title index to everything in the paper, including editorials as well as signed articles and reviews, together with an index of Contributors. The index costs 5s. each issue, and that for the six months July- December 1964 is now available. Readers may obtain their copies by sending 5s. to the