2 AUGUST 1828, Page 14
On the point of Publication.
Stafford on Strictures of the irre- A Spinster's Tour in France and
thra, bds. . . . . 0 6 0 Italy, bds 0 10 6 Duppa's Travels in Sicily, bds.. 0 8 0 Anderson's Sketches of the An- Captain Beauclerk's Journey to eient Native Irish, bds. . . 0 5 Marocco, bus. . . . 1 1 0 OM/DP:CI:UV. Mitchell on the Ergot of Rye,bds.0 G 0 Pinnock's Grammar of Modern
Burrows on Insanity, lids. . 0 IS 0 Geography, sheep. . . 0 5 0 Leslie's Rudiments of Plane Geo- Stewart's Compendium of Modern
s. el. S. s. d.
OCTAVO. DUODECIMO. - metry, bds. . . . . 0 7 6 Geography, sheep. . . 0 3 6