CORN EXCHANGE, FittoAv, AttensT 1. There has been a good supply of Wheat and Floor this week, and the mealing trade is on the whole dull, and front Is. to 2s. per quarter cheaper. Barley, Beans, and Peas maintain Monday's prices, and Oats being in short supply sell on full as good terms, but the business done has been Mien worth notice.
Return price of Grain on but trifling. In other articles no van.
Board Ship, as under :—
s. s.
Wheat, Essex Red, ..... 44 to 12 Peas, White, ....... ..... ... 38 to 40
Fine,— ..... ..........
56 — 64 Boilers,.
White 50 — 62 Beans, small, 42 —44 Fine,...... ........... ..... Il5 — Si Ticks, new, .. .. 36 — 40 Superfine, .. .. 68 — 70
Old, ........ ...... .....„
„. — Rye,... 30 — :34 Oats, Feed,. 19 —21 Burley, Fine,. 30 — 34 34 — lta Fine,....................
Poland, ....
. 2'2 — 2;" 20 — 22 Malt, .... .... ..... 52 — (a)
Fine,...... ..... ...........
24 — 26 Fine, 60 — 62 Potato, ...... 26 — 28 Peas, Hog, ... ..... . 14 — 35
Fine, ..... .....
28 — 30 Blaple, .. ...... ...... .., .. as, — at;
To-day's demaml for Beef has been moderate, with a fair supply, and Monday's terms are realised car good qualities, 4s. 6d. being our top quotation. Mutton and Lamb have both a free sale, and connuand without difficulty the figures beneath. In Veal and Pork there is little variation, the prices in our currency being those of last market.
To sink the offal—per stone of Sibs.
Beef, 3s. Gd. to 4s. 2d. to 4s. 6d. 1 Veal, as. Gil. to 4s. 4d. to 5s. Oil. Mutton, 3s. 8d. to 4s. 2d. to 4s. Ga. Pork 4s. Gd. to 5s. lid, to 5s. 6d. Lamb, 4s. to 4s. a to 5s. 6d.
Head of Cattle this day. Beasts, 422—Sheep, 10,280—Calres,=—Pigs, 100. Head of Cattle on Blonday. Beasts, 2,154—Sheep, 28,890—Calves, 246—Pigs, 150, NEWGATE and LEADENHALL—By the Carcase.
Beef, as. 10(1. to 3s. 8d. 1 Veal,........ Is. 4d. to 4s. 8d. Illutton,... 3s. 0d. to 4s. Oil. 1 Pork, .. Is. dd. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, 3s. 0d. to 4s. 8d.
Rent Pockets ..
.... 31. Os. to II. fis. to
31. 15s, per cwt.
31. 8s.
Sussex Pockets
. ..... 21. 16s. to 31. :is. to It/s. 31. Essex Pockets
........ . ai• 0s. to 31. :is. to
41. 10s. to 51. 5s. Farnham, fine 51. Os. to 61. 6s.—Seconds .
Kent Bags . 21.
10s. to 21. Ills. to
31, as. per cwt.
21. 16... Sussex Bab 21. 8s. to 21. 125. to 31. Os. Essex Bags . 21. 10s. to 21. )5s. to Old Duty laid at 175,0001.
SMITRFTELD.—Hay, S7s. Gd. to 95s.—Inferior, 6lis• to 85s.—Clover, 95s. to 105s.— Inferior, 75s. to 90s.—Straw, 30s. to 36s. WIIITECUATE L.—Clover, 90s. to 1 I5s.—H ay, 72s. to 95s.—Straw, Ms. to Ms. ST. JA3I Es's.—Superior and prime Upland Meadow Hay, front 04s. to 105s.—In- ferior ditto and coarse Lowland Hay, —s. to —0. ; new 48s. to 84s.—Clover, 705. to Ills.; new, --s. to —s.—Wheat Straw, 36s. to 42s.—Oat, —s. to —s.— Barley,—s. to —s.—Rye, —s. to —s.; per load of 35 trusses.—Good supply, and trade extremely heavy and dull.
Ships at Market. Ships sold. Prices. 72a Newcastle...". ... • •.40 . . 29s. Oil. to :35s. 6d.
Sunderland tg Odt