This official appeal to the charity of Westminster has been
sent to us for in- sertion, and we gladly make room for it. "The High Bailiff of Westminster has received two letters from the Mayor of Quebec begging him to bring under the notice of the citizens of Westminster the distressed situation of the inhabitants of Quebec, occasioned by the two fires which have taken place there on the 28th May and 28th June last. By the first fire, 1,650 dwellings and 2 churches were destroyed, and 12,000 inhabitants were left without house, food, clothing, or bedding. By the last fire, 4200 dwellings, 2 places of worship' 3 school-houses, with store and out-buildings, were destroyed; and at the time of his writing to the High Bailiff, he states, there were 15,000 inhabitants scattered over the fields without shelter or food; and he suggests to the High Bailiff, that contributions of clothing, bedding,. huildiog-materials, brick, slate, tiles, tin, iron, nails, glass and
articles of bard-ware u in building, should be forwarded to Quebec, addressed to Alexander Simpson, Esq., Treasurer of the Relief Committee. Any of the citizens of Westimnster who-feel disposed to respond to this application may have farther particulars given to them at the High Bailiff's, 40, Jermyn Street, St. James's; and he will thankfully receive any money donations on this account which may be remitted to him."