2 AUGUST 1845, Page 19


On the 5th July, at Montreal, Canada, the Lady of Captain.Brovnwigg, Secretary to the Right Hon. the Governor-General, of a son.

On the 23d, at-Compton House, Dorset, the Lady of. John Goodden, Esq., of it son and heir.

On the 25th, at Shelbourne Hotel, Stephen's Green, Dahlia, the Vlso3unteeeadatila. reene and Ferrard, of a son.

On the 25th, in Dublin' the Lady of MaJorCottinghani,..of a daughter.

On the 26th, at Castle Ashby, Lady WIRLaux Compton, of a daughter.

On the 27t1,, at Derwent Bank, near Derby, the Lady of Edward Strut!, Esq., M.P., of a daughter.

On the 28th-at.Whitehalt, the Rightlion. the Lady Caringtonof.a.-son.

Lately, at Camas Houso ceunty of Limerick, the Lady of Sir David. Roche, Earg.,, Of a.son.


On the 22d July; at Southampton, Commander Montagu. Thomas; youngest- sow. of) 'the-Hon. Sir George Thomas, Bart., to Isabella, youngest daughter of the late Rest., John Bowie, of Salisbury.

On the 23d, at Jardine Hall, Hugh.Edwin Strickland, Esq., eldest, son of N. Strickland,. Esq., Tewkesbury Lodge, Gloucestershire, to Catherine Dorcas Maulap; second daughter of Sir William Jardine, Bart., of Applegirth, Durefriemtdre.

On the 24th, Alfred Higgins, Esq., to Mary-Caroline, sewed. daughter- of Thome; Mereeroft, Esq., of the Manorhouse, Rock, Fetry, Cheshire.

On-the 24th, at Bebington, Daniel Aidersey, eldest son of Daniel Taylor, Esq., el Clapham Common, Surrey, to Louisa, third daughter of Thomas Morecroft, Esq., of.tain Manorhouse, Rock Ferry, Cheshire.

On the 28th, at St. George's, Hanover Square,. the Earl Nelson, to the Lady Eery Agar, only daughter of the Earl of Normantou. On the 29th, at St. Marylebone, Henry Christopher, second son of A. W. Robarbi, Earn, Hill Street, Berkeley Snare, to Janet, second danghterof Roar-Admiral awilltie Hon. Mrs: Dander, Barton Court, Berkshire.

On the 29th, at AU Souls' Longhorn Place, the Hon. Colin Lindsay, youngest-sower. the Earl of Balearreat to Lady Frances Howard, third daughterof the Earl of Wicklow.

On the 29th, at Moreworth, Kent, Evelyn Bosco wen, Esq., eldest son of the-Hum- and Rev. John Evelyn Erase/Lunn, Canon of Canterinuy, to Mary Frames. Elizabsthy. Baroness Le Deepencer.

Orr the 29th, at Faringdon, Richard Meredyth Richards, Esq., of the Inner Templet,: only son of Richard Richards, Esq., M.P., of Caerynweh, 11ierionethslitre; to MIA"! beth Emma, only daughter-of the late William. Bennett, Esq., of Faringdon Berks. On tire 29th, at St. Margaret's,. Westminster, D. Jones, Req., of Glaabrtur Pork, high Sheriff of Carmartbenshire, to Charlotte, eldest daughter of Sic-George Campbell, anti niece to Lord Campbell.


On the 15th July, at :Malta, Dominick William O'Reilly, Esq., orlfildangau Castle, Ireland.

On the 2351, at"Stone Vicarage, the Rev: Thomas-Morgan, M.A., Rector of Rushock, Curate of Stone, and late Head Master of Kidderminster Free Grammar School ; in his' 78th year.

On the 24th, at Scarborough, Eleanor; the 'Weer George S. Lister, Esq., of Ouse- fleet Grange, and youngest daughter of Thomas Coalraan, Esq., orWhitglft Hall, both' in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

On the 25th, at Chalfont Park, Bucks, Eliza, wife of Sir Robert Alexander, Hart.; In her 75th year.

On the 27th, in Hyde Park Place, Lady Afhleaster, wife-of Lieutenant-General Sir F. Dfuleaster, K.C.H.

On the 29th, at Bibury House, Bibury, Gloucestershire, in giving birth to a still-born child, the Lady Elizabeth Dutton, eldest daughter of the Earl of Suffolk, and wife to the Hon. James Dutton.

On the 30th, Mrs. Lawrence, of Studley Park, Ripon, in her 85th year. On the 30th, at New Place, Alresford, Anna Maria, daughter of tire late Sir imam Paxton, of Middletor Hall, Carmarthenshire ; in her 57th year.

On the 31st, at CardIngton, Beds, accidentally killed by the fall of a tree, Chariee, youngest-son of Samuel Charles Whitbread, Eel.; hrble 7th Year.