The Fourth Session of the Parliament of 1852 was opened on Thursday the 31st January, by the Queen in person' and prorogued on Tuesday July 29th, by commission. Duration of the Session, six months.
Both Houses rose for Easter recess March 14; resumed March 31
rose for Whitsuntide recess May 9; resumed May 19.
War was declared (date of Gazette) March 28, 1854. Sebastopol fell September 9, 1855. Treaty of Peace signed at Paris, on Sunday March 30, 1866. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, on Sunday April 27. Peace declared in London, on Tuesday April 29.
In anticipation of the war being continued, the Esthnates presented to Parliament in February stood thus For the Army and Ordnance 134,998,504 For the Navy and Transport Service 19,876,665 Estimates as reduced on declaration of peace : For the Army and Ordnance £20,747,674 For the Navy and Transport Service 16,568,614 £54,875,169 37,316,188 Saving L17,558,981
• Notes. Sir George Coruewall Lewis, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his- Budget speech (May 19) estimated the total expenditure occasionedby the war at 77,588,000/. Lord Palmerston in proposing a vote of thanks to the Army, estimated the loss sustained gam all causes by the British force at 22,4.50 men; " of whom comparatively few were killed in action." The loss sustained by the French army under like circumstances is officially stated at 62,492 men.. According to an estimate quoted by Lord Palmerston, 90,000 Russians are "lying under the sod ou the heights of Sebastopol" ; and during the war- " 500,000 men have been swept away from the Russian army."
Prisons, Ireland.
Encumbered Estates, Ireland.
Court of Chancery (Ireland) Receivers._ Courts of Common Law, Ireland.
Court of Appeal in Chancery, Ireland..
Grand Juries, Ireland.
Turnpike Acts Continuance, Ireland..
Seamen's Savings-Banks. Mutiny.
Marine Mutiny.
Outpensioners, Greenwich and Chelsea....
Aldershot Camp. Militia Ballots Suspension.
Militia Pay.
Indemnity. Drainage Advances Act Amendment..
Public 'Works.
Bankers' Compositions.
Stock in Trade Exemption.
Metropolitan Police.
General Board of Health Continuance..
Public Health Supplemental. Survey of Great Britain, 8tc.
Commons Enclosure.
Commons Enclosure, No. 2.
Sheep, &c. Contagious Diseases Pre- vention.
Turnpike Trusts Arrangements.
Turnpike Acts Continuance. Episcopal and Capitular Estates Con- tinuance.
Delamere Forest.
Whichwood Forest.
Coatham Marriages Validity. Magdalen Hospital, Bath. Endowed Schools at Moulton.
Corrupt Practices Prevention : Contitaa- ance.
Partnership Amendment, No. I. Partnership Amendment, No. 2- Local Dues on Shipping. Wills and Administrations.
Divorce and atatrinionial Causes. (Cams from Lords.) London Corporation.
Criminal Appropriation of Trust Pro- perty.
Education' Scotland : for Burghs. Parochial Schools, Scotland. (lu e0m-
sequence of Lords' Amendments.) National Gallery Site. Civil Service Superannuation.
Juvenile Offenders, Ireland.
Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Ireland.. Court of Chancery, Ireland.
Juries, Ireland.
Lunatic Asylums, Ireland. Dublin Metropolitan Police. Queen's Colleges, Ireland.
Aberdeen Colleges. Metropolis Local Managehient Amend-- ment Act, (No. 1.) Public Health.
Burial Acts Amendment.
Scotch and Irish Paupers Removals- Poor-law Amendment, No. 1 and No.. 2..
Coal-Whippers (Port of London.)
Note. During the last week of the session the Lord Chancellor laid an the table nine measures of law reform, which lie over till next sesaion.
Number of Ministerial Bills introduced into both Houses 136 Passed into Law 95 Withdrawn or Rejected 35
BILLS WHICH HAVE BECOME Dwellings for Labouring Classes, Ire- land. (Sir W. Somerville.) LAW. Marriage Law, Scotland, Amending'.. Drafts on Bankers : Cross Cheeks. (Mr.
Pellatt.) (Lord Brougham.)
Pr(oLocedrdureBrobeugfhoil.)Justices, Scotland.. Marriage and Registration Acts Amend- ment : Dissenters. (Mr. Pellatt.)
Industrial and Provident Societies. (Lord Iay an ln• ton.)
4- ) Straw Trade. (Earl of
Goderich.) Smoke Nuisance Abatement (Metropolis), Small Debts Imprisonment Act Amend- Act 1853 Amendment. (Lord Reda+
ment Scotland. (Mr. Craufurd.) dale.) Grand Juries. (Mr. Bowyer.)
Advowsons : to facilitate Sale. (Mr. BILLS REJECTED OR WITHDRAWN, Child.) CHIEFLY IN THE COMMONS. Joint-Stock Banks : election of Di- Episcopal and Capitular Estates. (M- rectors. (Sir John Shelley.)
Lunatic Asylums (Superannuations), Judgments of ian
gin cntBsExecution. Re. (Mr. Crall-
Ireland. (Sir R. Ferg-usson.) turd.) Commissioners of Supply, Scotland. (Mr. Court of Chancery, Ireland. (5 bills.)
Dunlop.) • (Mr. Whiteside.)
Reformatory Schools, Scotland. (Mr. Church-rates Abolition. (Sir William. Dunlop.) Clay.) Intestates Personal Estates. (Mr. Locke Church-rates Abolition. (Mr. Puke.)
King.) Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction. (Mr..
Statutes not in use Repeal. (Mr. Locke Collier.)
King.) Medical Profession. (Mr. lleadlam.) Reformatory and Industrial Schools. (Sir Municipal Reform, Scotland. (Mr.- S. Northcote.) Ewart ) Formation, &c., of Parishes. (Marquis Contractors' Disqualification Removal.
of Blandford.) (Mr. Mitchell.) Lunatic Asylums Act Amendment. (Sir Justices of the Peace Qualification. (Mx.
Colville.) G. Pechell.)
Criminal Justice. (Mr. Deedes.) Oath of Abjuration. (Mr. 31ilner Oils-
Factories: fencing off Machinery. (Mr. son.) (Lost in the Lords.) Wilson Patten.)
Oxford College Estates. (Lord R. Summary Jurisdiction. (Mr. Locke
Cecil.) Ministers'-Money, Ireland. (Mr. Fagan.)
Exchequer Bills Funding.
Consolidated Fund : 1,631,005/. Is. bd.
Consolidated Fund : 26,000,000/.
Exchequer Bills : 21,182,7007.
Exchequer Bills : 4,000,0007. Annuities.
Annuities, No. 2.
Annuities Redemption.
Income and Land Taxes.
Distillation from Rice.
Revenue (transfer of charges). Customs Bill, No. 2.
Race-horse Duty. Fire-Insurance: to check foreign ofiices.
West India Loans.
Insurance on Lives : abatement of In- come-Tax.
Sardinian Loan : to authorize the ad- vance of the second 1,000,000/.
Sir Willi= F. Williams's Annuity : 1000/.
Cambridge University.
Police (Counties and Boroughs).
County Courts Acts Amendment.
Joint-Stock Companies.
Mercantile Law Amendment.
Leases and Sales of Settled Estates.
Vice-President of Committee of Council on Education.
Cursitor Baron of Exchequer : to abolish.
Trial of Offences.
Evidence in Foreign Suits. House of Commons Offices : to regulate appointment.
Metropolis Local Management Act Amendment.
National Gallery : to authorize sale of pictures.
Oxford University. Coast Guard 8ervice: better defence of kingdom. Bishops of London and Durham Retire- ment.
Church-Building Commission.
Joint-Stock Banks, Scotland.
Bankruptcy, Scotland. Registration of Voters, Scotland.
Deeds, Scotland.
Judicial Procedure, &c., Scotland.
Nuisances Removal, &c., Scotland.
Poor-law Amendment, Scotland.
Court of Exchequer, Scotland. Mercantile Law, Scotland, Amendment.
Secretary to Poor-law Commission, Ire- land : to abolish.
Juvenile Convict Prison, Ireland.
Railway Act (Ireland) Continuance. Transfer of Works, Ireland.
Unlawful Oaths, Ireland.
Peace Preservation, Ireland.
Public Works, Ireland.
Hospitals, Dublin.
Burial-Grounds, Ireland.
Drainage, Ireland. St. Sepulchre's Manor, Dublin.
Spirit Trade, Ireland. (Mr. Brady.) Grand Juries, &c., Ireland. (Sir Denham Norreys.) Rating of Mines. (Mr. Kendall.) Registration of Leases, Scotland. (Mr. Dunlop.) (Put off in the Lords.) Scientific and Literary Societies. (Mr. Hutt.) Judges and Chancellors. (Mr. John Phillimore.) Imprisonment for Debt. (Mr. PeIlatt.) Gaols. (Mr. Bowyer.) Dublin University. (Mr. Napier.) Ecclesiastical Courts. (Mr. Headlam.) Dwelling-6 for Labouring Classes (Ire- land) No. 2. (Sir William Somerville.) Proctors in Ecclesiastical Courts. (Mr. Hadfield.)
Notes. Sir Fitzroy Kelly introduced several Law Reform bills, but they were not proceeded with, being superseded by the bills introduced by the Chancellor.
In the Lords, Lord Broughara's Bills-Religious Worship Penalties Re- peal, Observance of Holidays Repeal, Popish Guardians Restriction Repeal, and Judicial Statistics-Lord Lyndhurst's Church Discipline Act Amend- ment Bill, and the Bishop of Exeter's Clergy Offences ?Sill, went no fur- ther than the first reading. Earl St. German's bill to legalize marriage with a deceased wife's sister was rejected on the second reading by 43 to 24. Mr. Milner Gibson's Oath of Abjuration Bill (amended by Lord John Russell and approved by Ministers) was rejected on • the second reading, by 110 to 78.
Transportation. (Sir George Grey.) Re- ported May 27, June 20, and July 11. Public Offices (Accommodation). (Sir Benjamin Hall.) Reported July 18. Sound Dues. (Chancellor of the Exche- quer.) Reported July 22.
New Westminster Bridge. (Sir Benjamin Hall.) Reported July 23. Adulteration of Food (reappointed). (Mr. Scholeffeld.) Reported July 22. Public Prosecutors (reappointed). Mr. John Phillimore.) Reported May 29. Masters and Operatives. (Mr. Mackin- non.) Reported July 8. Contracts for Public Departments. (Mr. Ricardo.) Reported July 15. Medical Department of the Army. (Mr. Stafford.) Reported July 3. Audit of Public Accounts. (Sir Francis Baring.) Reported July 21. Rating of Mines. (Mr. Kendall.) Re- ported July 11.
The Lords held 89 sittings representing 218 hours. The Commons held 119 sittings, representing 834 hours.
In the course of the session there was an unusual number of holidays, chiefly connected with the return of peace. Reviews, naval and military, the Metropolitan illumination and fireworks, led to cessations in legislative labour. On three occasions there was "no House "; and the same number of premature counts-out.
The number of divisions was 198.
April 7. Mr. Cowan's Billeting in Scotland motion carried against Ministers by 139 to 116.
15. Mr. Spooner's motion to go into Committee on Maynooth Grant carried
by 159 to 133.
24. Lord Goderieh's Civil Service motion carried by 108 to 87. June 17. Mr. Walpole's Irish Education motion carried by 113 to 103. (See Minis- terial triumphs.) 26. Lord Elcho's motion on the subject of Site for New National Gallery carried by 153 to 145. July 8. Mr. Cowper's Public Health Bill lost by 73 to 61. 10. Appellate Jurisdiction (House of Lords) Bill lost (practically) by 155 to 133.
14. Partnership Amendment (No. 2) Bill withdrawn in consequence of de- feats on clauses.
The Local Charges on Shipping Bill was withdrawn in consequence of a formidable opposition.
Mr. Roebuck's Censure motion (Commission of General Officers in refer- ence to M'Neill and Tulloch's Crimean Report) withdrawn. Mr. Whiteside's Censure motion (Fall of Kars) rejected by 303 to 176. Mr. Moore's Censure motion (American Enlistment) rejected by 274 to 80.
Mr. Roebuck's Censure motion (General Beatson's case) rejected by 71
to 23.
Lord Castlerosse's motion to reverse the vote on Mr. 'Walpole's Irish Education motion carried by 282 to 95.
Constituency. Vacancy how occasioned. Successor. Wigtonshire Retirement of Lord Dalrymple... Sir Andrew Agnew. Edinburgh Retirement of Mr. Macaulay .... Mr. Adam Black. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Retirement of Mr. Blackett Mr. George Ridley. Rochester Retirement of Mr. Villiers Mr. P. W. Martin.
Cambridge University. Death of Mr. Goulburn Mr. Walpole. Midhurst j Retirement of Mr. Walpole. (See Mr. Samuel Warren. ( Cambridge University.) 5 Captain Townshend becomes a Tamworth Lord Raynham. 1 Peer Leominster Death of Mr. Arkwright Mr. Gathorne Hardy. Sligo Death of Mr. John Sadleir Mr. John Wynne. Si George Heathcote becomes a Mr. George II. Heath- Peer Peer cote.
Retirement of Mr. G. H. Heathcote Boston Mr. Herbert Ingram. (See Ruthuidshire)
New Ross Retirement of Mr. Gavan Duffy.. Mr. C. Tottenham.
Athlone Mr. Keogh becomes an Irish Judge Mr. Ilenry Handcock. Chippenham Death of Mr..T. Neeld Mr. R. P. Nisbet.
Longford County Death of Mr. R. M. Fox Mr. H. G. Hughes. Cheltenham ( Mr. Grenville Berkeley becomes a 1 Mr. Francis W. F. ( Commissioner of Customs j Berkeley. Lichfield Retirement of Lord Waterpark.„ Lord Sandon. Leicester Death of Mr. Gardner Mr. John Biggs. Calne c Earl of Shelburne created Baronl Sir William F.Williams 1 Wycombe j of Kass. Dorsetshire Death of Mr. Bankes Mr. H. G. Shut.
Ironic Lord Dungarvan becomes a Peer. Major Boyle.
Dorchester ( Retirement of Mr. H. G. Sturt. 1 C. N. Sturt. 1 (See Dorsetshire) Kerry County
(Lord Castlerosse becomes Comp- 1 Vacant.
1 troller of the Household Nottingham Mr. Strutt created Baron Belper. Mr. C. Paget. Tenant Right, Ireland. (Mr. Moore.) Tithe Commutation Rent-Charge, (Mr. R. Phillimore.) Bleaching, &c. Works, No. 2. (Mr. Isaac Butt.) Railway and Canal Traffic. (Mr. Black- burn.) Aggravated Assaults. (Mr. Dillwyn.) Specialty and Simple Contract Debts. (Mr. Matins.) Married Women's Reversionary Interest. (Mr. Matins.) (Dropped in the Lords.) Charitable Uses. (Mr. Atherton.) (Drop- ped in the Lords.) Medical Qualification and Registration. (Lord Elcho.) Poor-law, Ireland. (Mr. Napier.) Maynooth College. (Mr. Spooner.) House of Lords. Appellate Jurisdiction. (Earl of Derby.) Reported May 20. Public Executions. (Bishop of Oxford.) Reported July 7. Ticket-of-Leave System. (Earl Stan- hope.) Reported July 17.
House of Commons.
Silver and Gold Wares. (Mr. Wilson.) Reported May 1.
Local Charges on Shipping. (Mr. Lowe.) Reported July 3.
Ecclesiastical Commission. (Sir George Grey.) Reported April 25, June 13, and July 19.
St. James's Park, (Sir Benjamin Hall.) Reported March 7.
Ordnance Survey, Scotland. (Lord Dun- can.) Reported May 6.
Civil Service Superannuation. (Chan- cellor of the Exchequer.) Reported
July 7.
Feb. 29.
May I. July 2. July 23.
June 23.