2 AUGUST 1957, Page 4

lu nge .4 i,5, 10 the chairman's statement included

in the report, were buoyant in all sections of the business. As the board see it, tele-

vision, far from depressing the sales of

books and magazines, is bringing to its enormous public a wider variety of interests than ever before and the effect may well be,

they feel, to he

especially in technical, educational and non- fiction books, periodicals and magazines.

On the other hand television may well have

hastened the decline already apparent before its advent, in the reading of fiction.

If sales have thus resumed their upw -i Pxpenses have also continu- *

er 1

_aid Extract from a reported statement by The Hon. David J. Smith, Chairman of W. H. Smith & Son (Holdings) Ltd.

reprinted for those who like to get tha facts straight by GRANADA TV It is possible that neither case was referred to the Council, who therefore saw no reason to act. Yet the strong impression formed on reading the reports was that the Council was distinctly selective in its efforts to defend cavil liberties. While doing first-class work on some sectors, notably those that, rightly or wrongly, are popularly adjudged 'left-wing.' it appar- ently remained aloof from other no less dangerous threats to liberty. Freedom is indivisible, and can be threatened by the powerful State apparatus of both Communist and non-Communist countries. It would be pleasing to have evidence that the Council is now

,_,,n,6. dale last year, accord- .,. Luiresponding the reading habit, a

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