On the 12th November, at Chapel House, Queen Square, Bath, the Lady of the Rev.
H. B. W. HILLCOAT. D.D., of a sun.
Ou the 19th. at Moray Place. Edinburgh, the Lady of Captain A. D. Tarr, of Mill- rig. late of the Fourth Dragoon Guards, of a son.
On the 2211, at Dublin, the Lady of the Rev. SIDNEY SMITH, D.D.. of a son. On the 25th, at Portman Square, the Hou. Mrs. A IMERLEir, of a daughter. On the 251h. at Warley Lodge, Essex, Mrs. THOMAS HELmE, of a sou. Ou the 25th. at Warham Rectory, Norfolk. the Lady of the Hou. and Rev. THOMAS REPPEL, of a son.
On the 27th, at the College, Durham, Viscountess CHELSEA, of a daughter. On the 28th, at St. Helen's, Derby, the Lady of EDWARD Sraurr, Esq., M.P., of
On the 28th, at Cubic, county Tipperary, the Lady of Colonel VAT:HELM:TR, 10th
Royal Hussars, of a sun.
On the 23d November, at Billesley Church, the Rev. Fassrms GEORGE JACKSON, only son of Sir George Jackson, K.C.H.. to MARIA MARGARET-TA, youngest daughter of the Rev. F. FORTESCUE ENOTTEI.FORD, of Alsestou Manor, aud Rector ot Biltesley, Ware ick. shire.
On the 23d, at Richmond. Surrey, WILLIAM WRIGHT, Esq., late of the Bengal Civil Service, to SARAH EVMUNDA. second daughter of the Rev. THolIAS BOURDILLON. On the 25th at Upper Moline:ay. RICHARD SMALES, Esq., of the Terrace. Walworth, to CATHERINE Euzusenr. only child of the late Rev. WILLIAM CLAYTON, Principal or the Mill-bill Grammar School.
On the 27th. at All Saints Church, Leamington. the Rev. FREDERIC COUBTENAT CHALMERS, late of the Madras Army, to MATILDA HARRIET, second daughter of the Rev. WILLIAM Marisa'. DJ,- Incumbent of St. Mary's. Leamiugton. On the 28th. at St. George's, Hanoi er Square, the Earl of MARCH, eldest son of the Duke and Dutchess of }traumata, to FRANCES HARRIET, eldest daughter of Mr. AL. °ERROR GREVILLEs.
On the 28th, at St. George's. Hanover Square. ROBERT JENNER, Esq., Lieutenant R.N., third SOD of the Right Hon. Sir HERBERT JENNER FOOT, to SELINA HELEN, youngest daughter of the late JAMES JAM csos. Esq., of Calcutta. On the 28th, at St. Andrea 'a Undershatt. Jame HUNGERFORD GRIFFIN, Esq., Captain In her Majesty's Royal Regiment of Artillery. to ANN AuGusTA, eldest daughter of Joule GtormER. Esq., of the Crescent. America Square. On the 28th, at Austy, HENRY WILLIAM /Looms, of Ansty Hall, Warwickshire, Com- passion of the Bath. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Eighteenth Royal Irish, to I:Ararat:yr, second daughter of the Rev. T. CORER ADAMS, Vicar of Ansty. On the 29th, at Kintbury. JAMES Corm CRAWFORD. Earl., of Overton, Labarkshire. only son of the late Captain Crawford, R.N., to SCENIC oungest daughter of Admiral DUNDAS. C.B., M.P.. and granddanghter of the late lord Amesbury. On the 29th, at Canirington. Somersetsbire. the Rev. CHARLES BETIDES. Rector of West Camel, to LETITIA ANNE. eldest daughter of the HOD. P. KIMBELL BOIMERIE. On th 301h, at Stamford Hill Chapel. CHARLES WILLIAM Ilnsonsvt, of Wood Street, Cheapside, to HESTER, third daughter of the late ADET BELLAMY SAVORY, of Stamford Hill, Middlesex.
At Munich, the Baron Orro VOGT ror HowoLsrmsr, Steiu Kalleufels. Aide-de-Camp to his Majesty the King of Bavaria, to AGNES MARY, daughter of WILLIAM FILDER, Esq., Commissary-General to her Majesty's Forces.
On the 11th September. rat Port Louis, Mauritius. FRANCIS CyNRIC SHERIDAN, Esq., Treasurer of the Island, third son of the late Thomas Sheridan, E•q., aud grandson of the Right Hon. R. B Sheridan.
On the 16th November. at Stones, in SOWCrby. SUSY HAIGH; in her 98th year. SIR lived to see the fifth generation of her family. which numbered, exclusive of herself, 170; she had 9 children, 45 grandchildren. 111 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great- grandchildren. On the 21st, at Buslamills House, Sir FRANCIS WORKMAN MACNAGHTEN, Bart.; in his 81st year. On the 23.1. the Rev. RICHARD TWOpENNY, A.M., formerly Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. and sixty years Rector of Fasterlon Parra, Rutland; in his 87th year. On the 23d, JAMES BALDWIN BROWN, Esq.. LL.D.. of the Inner Temple, Barrister- at-Law; in his 55th year. On the 22rl, at Walsohen House, Norfolk. THOMAS BROUGHTON, Esq., a Deputy-Lieu- tenant for Lincolnshire ; in his 5911, year. On the 24th, at Brook Farm, Cobham, Surrey. Admiral Sir GRAHAM MOORE, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.
On the 24th, at Edinburgh, MARGARET, Widow of Lieutenant-Colonel ALEXANDER LORAINE.
On the 2411i. in John Street, Fitzroy Square. BERNARD BAYLIEy, Esq.. Assistant-Com- raissary-General. and many years at the head of the Audit office for West India Ac- counts ; in his 80th year. On the 24th, at Pickett Place. Strand, Mr. WRENCH, the Comedian; in his 66th year. On the 25th, at Bath. Miss ELLEN PirRERtwo. the popular novelist.
On the 26th. at his residence in Berkeley Square. JOHN HAMILTON Erourarrox, Esq.; late Lieutenant Colonel of the Scots Fusileer Gatards- On the 26th. at Blackheath. WILLIAM BROWNING, Esq.; in his 91st year. On the 27111. in Bloomsbury Square. Lady SILVESTER. Relict of the late Sir John Silvester, Bart., of Yardley House, Essex, and formerly Recorder of Loudon; in her 90th year.
()tithe 27th, at Loftus, near Guisborough, Yorkshire. the Hon. Mrs. Caaroure. On the 27th, at Shad., bush, Poslingford. Colonel WESTON; in his 8Ist year. On the 27th, drowned at Plymouth, Commander Davotas, R N.
On the 28th, FitaxcEs GEOROIAXA, eldest daughter of theVice-Chaucellor of England; in her 19th year
On the 29th. in Cavendish Square, the Marquis of WINCHUTER I in his 79th year. On the 29th. at Harley House, Regent's Park, REBECCA, Widow of the late CuaRcEs DAY, Esq. ; in her 63d year. On the 29:h. at Marston. IABELLA. Countess of Cork and Orrery. On th. :C9111, at Richmond. Surrey, the Lady CHARLOTTE WALPOLE. On the 29th, in Bolton Street. Piccadilly, CHARLES BUR:SLIT SHERIDAN, Esq., second son of the lute Right Hou. It. II. Sheridan ; in his 4811, year. On the 30th, Mr. Jolts- BAG,TER, of Old Windsor, son of Mr. Samuel Bagster, Pub• Usher, Paternoster Row; in his 41st year. At Tyrella. Ireland, the Hon. EMILIA MorroomErar, Relict of ihe late Rev. Hugh Montgomery, of Grey Abbey, and daughter of Viscount Bangor; in her 82d year.