2 DECEMBER 1843, Page 21





Prices.) Wedues

Thurs. Fridag.

FUNDS. (Closing

Saturday Monday

per Cent. Consols 951 961 961 96t

964 Ditto for Account

95 961

961 961 961 961 3 per Cents. Reduced 95/- 953 95f 951 951 951 34 per Ceuts Reduced 1021 1021 102k 102/ 1021 102* New 31- per Cents 1021 103 1021 1021- 1021 1031 Ltmg Annuities 121 - 12t 124 124 I2/ Bank Stuck, 7 per cent, 181 181 181 181 1811 182 India Stock. 104 - 2711 272 272

Exchequer Bills, ltd. p. diem 53 pm. 51 53 54 51 55 India Bonds. 34 per cent 70 pm - - 72


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 511 Ct.; Austrian 5 - Belgian 5 - Brazilian 5 - Buenos Ayres 6- Cuba 6- Chiliau 6- Columbian of 1824 6 -

Dainsh 3-

Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 2t - Ditto (Ditto) 5 - French 3 Ditto 5 Indiana (Sterling) 5 Illinois 6 Kentucky 6

Louisiana (Sterling) 5

Maryland (Sterling) 5 Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 75 , ; 112 ' 103+ ; • 741 ; 29 - - 1 1 t 86 541 99i - , - 37 - - 62 61 - , Mexican Ditto (Deferred) Michigan Mississippi (Sterling) Neapolitan New York (1858) Ohio Pennsylvania Peruvian Portuguese Ditto (Converted) Russian Spanish Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferrea) South Carolina Teen essee United States Bank Virginia. 5 5 p. Cl.

5 6 - .6 - 5 6 5 - 6 5 - 5 - 5 p. Ct.

6 - 6 21s. 6d. i 311 ' 91 1 - i 50 - 92 90 . GO 221


; 431 1151 , fat ; 51

1 121

- i - S H ARE S.

(Last Official Quotation dur log the Week eliding Friday Evening.)


Bola:Jos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Candouga Cobre Copper


Chelteuhum and Great Western Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Mauchester London and Brighton London and Blackeell Loudon and Greeuwich London and Birmingham Lotion and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland Soutlpeastern and Dover South-western BULLION. METALS.

Gold, Foreign to Bars ...per oz. 31. i7.. 93. Copper, British Cakes.per ton 061. Os. 050 86 10 0 Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars.. 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars 5 0 6 - 5 0 0 Mexican Dollars ... 0 4 54 Lead, British Pig 17 5 0 - 0 0 a Silver in Bars. Standard 0 4 Ili Steel, Englioh .... ...... 0 0 0 - 0 00

GRAIN, Mark Lane, December 1.

We have very moderate supplies of Grain generally this week, and the trade is firm for most articles, though witl.o it animation. The little English Wheat offering is held at preViOlIS rates, but sales proceed very slowly. In Foreign Wheat the transactions are chiefly for immediate wants, and there is scarcely auy country demand; but prices are unaltered. Barley of every description is rather more in request, and prices have some., hat of an upward tendeecy. Beans and Peas are taken off slowly, but we do not alter our quotations. The Oat trade is slack. though the supplies both from Ireland and Scotland are much less than usual; there is, however, no material variation in Prices since Monday. Malt sery steady, and Ship Flour a shade cheaper.

Wheat, RedNew44 to 46 Fine 45,, 5 Old 38 .. 44 White 44 .. 48 Fine 50 .. 56 SuperfineNew50 .. 53 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Ter Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.

Wheat 5l.. Yd. Rye 49,11d Wheat 19s. Od 'Rye Its. ad

Barley... 31 7 Beans ... St 8 Barley 7 0 Beans 10 6 Oats ..... 111 4 Peas ..... . 33 6 Oslo 8 0 Peas • .... . 9 I


BUTTER-Best Fresh, 145. Od. per doz. Carlow, 31.15, lo 41.6s. per cat . BACON, Small Old, per rat.... Os, to Os. CHEESE, Cheshire Os. to Os.

Derby Plain 46,10 53.. HAMS, York 595. to 805, EGGS, French... per 1z0 61. Od to 90. Od.


Kent Pockets 105s to 115s. York Red.

Choice Ditto 130 0 Scotch Reds Sussex Pockets 103 - 110 Devon.

Fine Ditto its - 11.3 Kent and Essex Whites


NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• SMITHFIELD.. Beef' Cs. 6d. to 3s. Oct. to 3s. 4.1. Cs. 10d. to 3. 63. to 4s,01.

Mouton 0 4 2 10 . 3 4 0 0 .. 3 8 .■ 4 4 Veal 5 4 . 3 4 .. 4 0 3 0 .as .., • 0 Pork 4 B .. 3 4 . 3 10 If 6 . 4 0 .. 4 A Lauds V 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 • To sink the offal-per Mb, HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.

Beasts. Sheep, Calves. Pugs.

FHday ..... ...... .... 638 ........ 3.400 ..... ..• 107 410 Monday 3,430 47.510


Rape Oil ......... .,...per ewt D. l5s Ed Refined 0 0 0 Linseed Oil 1 8 0 Linseed Oil Cake per 1000 0 0 0 CANDLES, per dozen, 0,0d. to Os. Od. Moulds (51. per doz.discount) Os. Od.

COALS. Berton 005. 93.

Tees 10., 3d.

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)


55 4. 68

0 ..

BO „ 105 75 105 0 .. 0 60 106


as 25 .. 30 0 .. 0 at no Bay, Good

Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw BANKS- ' Anstralasian

British North American 411 131 ; Colonial London and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Iceland 14t National Provincial Provincial of Ireland 541 Union of Australia 29

9t URioft of Loudon 91 DOCKS -

924 East and West India 128 London 99 42 St. Katherine 1051 44 lifieeEMANEOITS-

41 Aost ral Mu Agricultural

2184 British American Land 151 Canada 90 General Steam 85 New Zealand 90 Royal Mail Steam 304 South Australian 691- Van Diemeu's Land

Oats, Feed . . 19 to 19 Fine . 19 ...SO Poland . ...St. 02 Fine 02 .. 43 Potato PC •.03 Vise..., 511 .. 44

Rye es to ae

Barley R7 .. 28 Malting 90 .. 32 Malt,Or.liGary 54 ..56 Fine 53 .. 60 Pens, flog.... 59 .. Maple 31 lo 32 While 00. 34 Boilers as . 38 Beans, Tick. an .. 59 Old 31 ., 33 Harrow. 3.i


Town-made.... ...... ......per sack 455, to 50s. Seconds 40 45 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 33 - 40

Noifolk and Stockton 30 - as

BRAN per quatter Os. to Os. POLLARD. fine Os. to Os. BREAD, lid. to Bid. the 41b. Loaf.


?emu 504.10 7fav

50 60 60 - 70 50 - 55


TEA, Bohea, fine, p.lh. Os. Od. -0 IL Conon, fine .........5 9 -e 4 Souchong, fine 1 8 - 3 0 • In Bond-Duty 2s. ld.per COFFEE, fine (lrilla) per tut. 122s. (0 1501,

Good Ordinary 5Cus.to 764. SUG A R, Mu.covado . per cw,8115.1.051. West tudie Molasses. ,. 5119.t0