2 DECEMBER 1848, Page 11



The fluctuations of the English Stock Market have been immaterial. A de- cline of 4 per cent took place when intelligence of the disturbances in Rome was received; but the market has since recovered: the closing quotation this afternoon is 874 8, within it per cent of the highest of the week. No change in the Bank rate of interest- Money is not quite so abundant as it was last week; interest at the rate of 2 per cent per annum having been obtained upon loans fur short periods. In the Foreign Market, the business has been unimportant. A demand for Dutch Stock exists, especially for the Two-and-a-half per Cents; and at the set- tlement of the half-monthly account yesterday, these securities could be sold at rather better prices for money than for the middle of December. Portuguese Four per Cent Stock has remained steady between 244 and 24; and though the announcement of the resumption of the payment tit the -dividends upon this Stock gave a momentary impulse to speculation, the demand for the Bonds thus created was but temporary, and the transactions of the lest few days have been unimportant. Mexican Bonds have continued steady between 214 and 214; and the appearance of-the market is-firm. By the last arrival from the Brazils very favourable advices were received of the progress of the St. John Del Bey Mining Company ; and it is expected that the next dividend declared upon the Shares of thia Company will be at the rate of 11. The dividends paid have for some time been at rate of two annually, and have averaged ten shillings each; one of 12s. ed. was paid in the early part of this year. Tne nominal amount of the share is 201., upon which 151. is paid up; and the present price -is from 11 to 12. For many years no dividend was paid upon-these shares. The project for the amalgamation of the three great Railway Companies luta been abandoned. -Ostensibly this abandonment has been occasioned by the diffi- culty of apportioning the number of Directors by which each of the three Com- panies should be represented at the amalgamated Board; the deputation represent- ing the North-western insisting that the number of Directors should oe pro- portionate to the amount of capital of each of the three companies. These- representing the other -two companies with equal determination contend that each of them should be represented by an equal number of Directors. Had the North- western Company strccesied in its object, the consequent preponderance of that interest in the amalgamated Board would have been equivalent to a sale or lease of the other two lines to the company in question; and the idea of amalgamation except in the latter sense is an absurdity. It is not probable that theacheme will be revived; and perhaps its present a Walden- ment is as much to the advantage of the companies themselves as-it undoubtedly is to that -of the public. The transactions of the Share Market have not been im- portant. The North-western interest seem to consider the abandonment of the project for the amalgamation of the three companies as favourable; the price of the Shares having risen aoout 31. as soon as it was known that the negotiation had terminated. This-advance has not, however, been supported. Great Western have declined between 21. and 31., and South-western are without change. The general-aspect of this market is heavy. An appearance of vitality is mica:don- ally given to some of the minor classes of Shares, in consequence of the forced closing of bargains where from the scarcity of particular shares the sellers are unable to obtain them for delivery-at the required time: but this impulse is but momentary, and there is 'no appearance of -a general revival of investment or speculation.

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 25th November exhibit, when comp firedwith those of the preceding week, the following reculta--

.BANKINo DSPART1LENT. Increase. becrease.

187,720 _ 219,686 This week. Last .re*. _ 1il 14,139,846 8,919,90 1

17,400,445 7,844,145 SATURDAY. Twrztvg O'CLOCK.

The English Funds are-lower; the flight of the Pope, and the generally on favourable appearance of foreign politics, having produced an unfavourable effect' upon'the market. The first price of Consols for Money was 874, wink for Ao- count the opening quotation was 874; Stock was, however, immediately offered at 874 both for Moues and Account, and the price fell to 87j; at which, tor Account, there were fur a short time sellers. A trifling reaction has since occurred, eiatl, the price is now 87i i both for Money and Account. There is no material change or business occurring la the Foreign Funds. The Railway Market is without im- provement; and the following are the only transactions as yet recorded: &Astern Counties, 114 4; North-western, 1164 174; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 51; North British, 144; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 254. A per Cent C,....is sn i Danish 3 per Cents 62 5 Ditto for Account ..... . . •-• 87/ I Dutch 2I per Cents 47 8 RI per Cents 88I e Mexican 5 per Cents 1546... 721:45143 3 per Cent Reduced 14 Ditto 4 per Cents

Long Annuities. BI 9-16 New Granada Bank Stuck Exchequer Bills 40 46 prom Portuguese Old 1524

Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 67,294blit:54,4

Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 4I per Cents '19 2241 Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents lie '12 24t.6 India Stock

Buenos Ayres 'Venezuela

Ditto 3 per Cents 1842

64 X16 Chllian 6 per Cents • .... ..... -85 7

Government Securities, including Dead-weight Other securities „Notes unissued Actual Circulation


Notes issued

Peat- • • •

Penile Deposits

Other Lep...sitti Seven-clay dila other Bills

X3,509 £842,997




15,458 630,420

442.700- Total Bullion in both Departments Actual Circulation