A remarkable meeting was held at Bristol on Monday in
Colston Hall, attended by 3,000 operatives, who listened to. speeches of the most diverse character from Mr. Morley, Mr. Kirkman Hodgeon, and Mr. Hughes with the deepest attention, and at the conclusion sang "God Save the Queen" with almost unanimous energy, ten at the utmost keeping their hats on in pro- test. This was the more noteworthy because all three speakers, each in his different way, had expressed himself in favour of the Church of England. Mr. Morley supported disestablishusent, but did not see his way to disendowinent, wanted a compromise, and would refuse to secularize the property. Mr. Kirkman Hodgson wanted purchase abolished. The living in his own pariah had been put up to auction, and lie found himself as the biddings went on the property of an Evangelical at. £5,000, of a Broad Churchman at £5,050, and of a Ritualist at the latter number of guineas. That must be cured, or he should follow Mr. Miall, Mr. Hughes, in his turn, went in for a bold, defence of the Church, both as the Church of the people and as too formidable an organization to be set free, and he also wee heard with quiet attention, as by men who wanted to make up- their minds. The general sense of the meeting was that Bishops werenuisances, but that the Church might be let alone if she. popularized herself.