The situation in the United States becomes more and more
-complicated, the legality as well as the fairness of some of the Returning Boards being impugned. The Returning Board of South Carolina, for example, is in prison, under an order from the Supreme Court of the State. It is now believed that Mr. Hayes will be returned, but that Congress will declare sufficient votes illegal to deprive both candidates of a ma- jority, in which case the election falls to Congress. The
A people hitherto have remained quite quiet, though business is declining in the excitement, and President Grant seems to have decided on his line, which is to support the clearly legal authority. Governor Chamberlain, of South Carolina, for instance, called for Federal troops, and the President sent them, remarking that however the elections might turn out, Mr. Chamberlain was Governor at the moment, and his requisition must be obeyed. Neither candidate has as yet warned his fol- lowers against illegal practices, or declared that if his majority were not clearly honest he would resign.