Lord Morley of Blackburn said that he had listened with
profound regret to Lord Courtney's speech—a regret which will be shared by all sane people, fora more mischievous public utterance we find it difficult to recall. Lord Courtney had invited them to ally themselves with Germany and to trample on Italy. Lord Morley could not imagine a more unfor- tunate line to take. Sir Edward Grey's desire for peace was proved by his recent noble speech in which he urged the possibility of resort to arbitration with the United States first and later with other nations. Mr. Bonar Law's repudiation of aggressiveness compared favourably with Lord Courtney's unfortunate argument. Sir Edward Grey's speech on Monday had been "an entire answer" to the alarm of Lord Courtney After a high tribute to Germany's great and pure administra-
Lion and her triumphs in art and science, Lord Morley said that Great Britain had no thought of standing in the way of Germany's just and honourable aspirations. But no Govern- ment had ever taken greater care than the present Government to avoid drifting into entanglements.