2 DECEMBER 1911, Page 9

RoU in the Woods. Written and illustrated by Ernest Thomp-

son Seton. (Constable and Co. Cs. net.)—Mr. Ernest Thompson Seton has written an extremely good boys' story. It deals with the adventures of Rolf Kittering, a Yankee lad of fifteen, who, to escape a cruel uncle, joins a solitary Indian trapper in his wigwam. The scene is chiefly laid in the Adirondacks a century ago. Mr. Seton's knowledge of wild life, wild animals, and will Indian ways stands him in good stead, and though there is no crowding of adventures the short chapters are never for a moment dull. The fur traders prosper. Then comes a journey to Albany, and Rolf and Quonab are engaged as guides to young Van Cortlandt, the Governor's son, who is to pass three months in the woods for his health. Then comes the war of 1812 between England and the United States, when Rolf acts as scout and des- patch-carrier to the American General. Fighting and narrow shaves succeed each other till the Peace of Ghent. The tale ends when Rolf is twenty-one and married to Annette, the daughter of a Dutch farmer. The story has all the qualities which a boys' book should have and many which are often lacking. It is profusely illustrated with the author's familiar and clever sketches. We have described the book as one for boys. Let us add that one old boy at least has enjoyed it, and with this we recommend it to our readers.