Occupation for the Workless The Government has been well advised
in, enlisting the co-operation of the National Council of Social Service in the organization of what is termed ameliorative work for the unemployed. Finding situations is the business of the Employment Exchanges, but something can be done by other agencies to keep the still unemployed occupied and fit. The Society of Friends, with which the Government is also co-operating financially, has proved that by its allotment schemes. There is room, in particular, for both physical and occupational training, especially for bays who have never had the opportunity of getting a job since they left school, a point which was urged with force and imagination by Mr. Clarke, the. Member for Dartford, in the House of Commons on Monday. His proposal for local social councils devoting themselves primarily to this field of work deserves consideration, though a good deal is being done through the National Council of Social Service already. While the ultimate responsibility for the unemployed millions rests, and must remain, with the Government, official-and voluntary effort can with great advantage be co-ordinated.