Annual Affairs
There is a newcomer this year to the argosies that reach port just before the Christmas present season : The Silver Ship (Putnam, Os.). It is one of the very best kind of-annuals, and Lady Cynthia. Asquith has gathered together as strong a team of authors as could be imagined. Why do not more people realize that it can do children-to say the least of it- no harm to read good prose and good verse as soon as they can read anything ? In The Silver Ship there are poems by W.R. Davies, Walter de la Mare, G. K. Chesterton, and Lord David Cecil, and numbers of good stories, notably that of the stage- struck boy by Lady Cynthia ..4.scialth,,, and those by Elizabeth Bowen, . Hugh de .Selincourt„ '.Man Delgado, and L. A. G. Strong (which last -has magnilleept . illustrations). We hope that there will -be another Ship next year, and that it will soon become an annual necessifk: of course, has, been that for some years, - and Number Joy Street (BlackWell, 6S.) continues its fine traditkin-. There are good
writers herei.AQ0 I made a list of the bese; and :found it included them all, so I must just mention Meldrum's
Robin Hood tale, Red and Silver, Laurence Ilbuituan's Linked Limericks, Algernon Blackwood's -tale of a .flood;:and-Compion Mackenzie's of a diaing-rooni fight-- There is no space •to detq it ffp, the other Ohnbals,'. wind-) 'continue, each in their several ways, the sane as eVer." We particularly welcome' the following : The Boys' Own Annual, Vol. 54 (R.T.S., 12s. 6d.), The Oxford Annual for Boys (Oxford, 5s.), Blackie's Boys' Annual (5s.), Nelson's Jolly Book for ,Boys (3s.), The Scout Annual (Pearson, lOs. Cid.), and The Oxford Annual for ScOtiti (Oxford, 3s: 6d.) : The Girls' .OrPn, Annufil 12s. 6d.), The Oxford Annual for Girls (Oxford, 5s.), Blackie's Girls' Annual (5S.), and Nelson's Jolly Book for Girls- (3s. 6d.) The Oxford Annual for Children (Oxford, 5s.), Nelson's Chummy Book (5s.), Blackie's Children's Annual (5s.), an& Os& What .4 Like (Blackie, 3s. 644.