SIR.-1 am constitutionally an early riser. I am also one
of the few people in' this area who could answer his correspondence immediately he got it.• The letter-box opposite my house is cleared at 8.45 a.m. My
first post arrives just after nine. •
The really idiotic thing is that a house opposite me, in the same side- load but numbered in the main road, gets its letters soon after seven. I frequently observe-the postman having to this people up so that he can make a dcliVery that will not go through the letter-box. My front door is .firthe same side road, and my back on the main road ; but I am numbered on the side road, and so I am last on the round. If :hc Post Office were in private hands, there is no question but that some sensible arrangement could be arrived at. I have even offered to pay for a private box on my back gate in the main road. But the Post Office is adamant. Indeed it is making a special thing of it. A postman efarmed me this week that there were written instructions in the office see that my post was delivered last on the round.—Yours faithfully, AUSTIN LEG . St. Stephen's Vicarage. Parkside Road, Hounslow, Middlesex.