Sia,--The account given by your Madrid core - spondent of the
growing influence of the `Secular Institute of Christian Perfection' in Spanish politics is revealing; but the remark of one of their leading members that 'they will soon start on Europe' is not strictly true. They have already started. Opus Dei is already installed in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Birmingham and Manchester. Its aim is to influence young Roman Catholics in the universities, and it has already started to attract a 'coterie' away from the official Catholic chaplaincies. The members of Opus Dei are encouraged to gain high qualifications in the professions; as your correspondent rightly points out, they arc a sort of freemasonry, and their methods do little to dispel the distrust in which d eY arc held by many Catholics. It would be interesting to know how many members of the Institute are already 11
ady in high places in this country.—Yours fai - fully,
BRIAN Derail
'11illbrow,. Redwood Road„Sidinouth, DerOTI