ACROSS 1. Green-bag, full of wine? (6) 4. It's terrible .about Guinevere's lover, although so calm (8)
to. Nothing off-beat about a piece in the viva (7) Did this legendary king blacken one of five? (7)
12. Warning noises from a Scot with his heart in his boots (5-5) 13. Right welcome kind of criticism (4) 15. Oddly reformed Lascars (7) 17. Turned red and left by water (7) 19. That's the twentieth letter about yon slip! (7) 21. The good old man might in fact commit treason (7) 23. Head of the cathedral? (4) 24. Pa's as cruel in a way as Browning's eponymous hero (to) 27. Artist of a lenient turn (7)
28. Stiff but mischievous goddess is a member of the order (7)
29. 'I have heard the-singing, each to each' (Eliot) (8) 3o. Makes one familiar with poetry (6)
DOWN 1. Love in a monastery? (9) 2. Herrick Was bewitched to see them flow con- fusedly (7) 3. At top cricket has ability, that can be sworn (to)
5. Taken by an Anglo-Saxon messenger (9) 6. Affected songs (4) 7. Cowper advised fearful saints to take it fresh (7) 8. 'Folk - like a wave of the sea' (Yeats) (5) 9. A voice heard in Rialto ratings (4) 14. Erring sage can engage in making a book (to)
16. l' alar(i9a) added distinction to a well-shod appear- ance
18. Rest hurts pushful types (9)
20. Upper class? (7) 2223.. (IRP1 aaost:,ek-eel:rn: 4ew:h5o) could scare forbear to cheer (7)
25. 'Hills peep o'er hills and - on - arise!'
26. She s anxious to come up (4) So/tajott pest week SOLUTION TO CROSSWORD No. 1249 ACROSS.•-t Belted. 4 Rainbows; 9 Bayard. to Magnolia. 12 Drifting. 13 Static. 15 Laud. 16 Complexity. to Preference. 20 Silk. 23 Brands. 25 Arpeggio. 27 Londoner. 28 12028111. 29 Salad oil. 3o Damsel.
DOWN.--t Bobadil. 2 Lay-figure. 3 Errata. 5 Ajax. 6 Nineteen. 7 Owlet. 8 Starchy. 11 Uncover. 14 Epicure. 17 Isinglass. 18 Dead- wood. 19 Pobbles. 21 Knowall. 22 Verona. 24 Annal. 26 Pcri.