On the 27th ult., in Hertford Street, Mayfair, the Lady of Captain St. dome MILD• Mss, Royal Navy, of a daughter. On the 27th ult.. in Witten Crescent. Mrs. DIGRT WEANGNAM, of a daughter.
(In the 2Ctli ult., at the Deanery, the Lady of the Very Rev. the Dean of HEREFORD, of a son.
On the 28th ult., in Upper Wimpole Street, the Lady of GEORGE hustivinsar, Esq., of a daughter. On the 1.! !st tilt., at Marseilles, the Lady of ALEXANDRA TURNBULL, Esq., his Majesty's Consul at that place, of a daughter. On the 2701 ult.. in Whitehall Place, the Lady of Sir GEOEGE SEYMOUR, of a daughter. On the 30th ult., at Normanhy Hall, Lincolnshire, the Lady of Sir ROBERT SHEFFIELD, Bart., of a sou.
On the 28111 ult.. at Groton, Suffolk, THOMAS POCHIN. Esq., of the above place, and of North Kilworth Lodge, Leicestershire, to Mrs. Meow, only daughter of the Rey. Dr. Pearson. Rector of South Kilworth, Leicestershire.
On the 29th alt., at St. Mary's, Maryiebonc, the Rev. JOU% YOUNG, A.M.. Minister of the Scots Secession Church, Albion Chapel, Moorflelds, to ELIZABETH', youngest daughter of the late Rev. Alexander Waugh, D.D. On the 29th ult., at Marylebone Church, the Rev. TROUAN Roamer; WELCH, M.A., of El ailshana. Sussex, to MARY, daughter of Benjamin Bond, Esq., of Devonshire Place. On the 24th tilt., EDMOND ROBERTS LARKEN, Esq.,. of Trinity College, Oxford, eldest son of the late Edmund Larken, Esq., of Bediord Square, to MARY, second
daughter of Thomas Lawrance, Esq., of Dunshy, Lincolnshire. DEATHS. ' •
On the 23i1 ult.. Lord EXMOUTH, in his 76th year. On the 26th ult., at Woolwich, Lieut.-Gen. Sir JOHN MACLEOD, G.C.H., Director- General and Colonel Commandant of the Royal Horse Artillery, iu Ms 81st year. At Bath, in his 77th year, Viscount FITZWILLIAM, of the kingdom of Ireland, By his Lonlship's demise the title is extinct. At Leintwartline, Herefordshire. Gen. Sir BANASTRE TARLITON. Bart., Governor of Berwick-ou-Tweed, Colonel of the 8th Hussars, and many years M.P. for Liverpool, in his 79th year. At Milan, SPENCER. eldest son of Sir C. Wolseley, Bart. At Salford. THOMAS WHITTLE, in his 99th year. On the 26th ult, in the Island of Guernsey, in her 83d year, CATHERINE, relict tithe late John Topper, E• sq.. one of the Jurats of the Royal Court of that Island. On the 27th ult., at the Vicarage, Kensington, in his 83d year, PERCIVAL Porr, Esq., eldest son of the late Percival Pott, Esq., Senior Surgeon of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. On the 26th ult., in London, the Rev. BARNARD BANBURY, M.A. F.R.S., late Domestic Chaplain to his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, and Rector, of Chignall cum Maslibury, Essex. . . • • On the 22t1 August last, at Calcutta, ROBERT HENRY &Mawr, ER:, Honourable Company's Civil Service, in his 21st year, eldest son of Major-General the Honourable P. Stuart ; and at Edinburgh, on the 22d inst., AT40711.1. THERESA, his youngest
daughter, in her 2d year. • , -
(in the 26th ult. at Glasgow, suddenly. Dr. Dtex, of the United SieetariOn .halt, Albion Street, and Professor of Divinity to that body. On the 31st ult., at Muswell Hill, hfrm:S. R. Brme/e; sa*et dap anbaequent to the birth of a daughter.