2 FEBRUARY 1839, Page 2

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Viscount Melbourne and Lord Hill had audience of the Queen on Mon- day. In the evening, Viscount Melbourne, Lord Morpeth, and Mr, George Ilyng, dined at the Palace, Viscount Melbourne visited the Queen on Tuesday morning. Her Majesty went in state to see the lions at Drury Lane Theatre in the evening. In the Royal box were the Marchionesses of Tavistoek and Breadalbane, Miss Spring Rice, Miss Cavendish, the Duke of Argyll, the Marquis Conyngham, and Lord Hill, the Gold Stick in Waiting. Next morning, Viscount Melbourne was at the Palace ; and in the evening, Viscount MeMourne, Mr. Wil- liam Cowper his Lordship's nephew and private secretary, and Mr. Charles Gore, dined with the Queen. Viscount Melbourne called on her Majesty as usual on Thursday ; hut dined with the other Cabinet Mi- nisters at the Marquis of Lansdowne's.

Last night the Queen went in state to Covent Garden Theatre; at- tended by the Marchioness of Tavistock, Lady Lyttleton, Miss Murray, Miss Anson, Miss Spring Rice, Miss Cavendish, Mrs. George Camp- bell, the Earl of Albemarle, the I hike of Argyll, the Marquis Conyng- ham, the Earl of Ilehester, Lord lull, Lord Lilfbrd, Mr. Byng, Colonel Caremlish, Sir Robert Otway, Colonel Wemyss, and Lord Kilmarnock.

The name of the Dutehess of Kent occurs but once in the Courtly record of the week : she walked yesterday in the Palace gardens. Her Royal Highness, it would seem, is rarely in her daughter's company.