The Lord Clittneellitr, on 'Illtirsday. di);solt - ed an ilijitnetitm (d)taine(l by
the proprietors of the .21/onfie'll lite/, iell. te..•vent the t)roprietorx of' the Ititilicity Times from eop■ ItS 'lit of tim I. niter teddieatioll an acc(ittnt of soli.. exit...1.1111,ms 1).)- him', time C :rem AN'e,tt!rn ltailtvmmy. Cotteniumni ...aid, the 11J3,1e for time pur- poses (if criticism —it was net a pirati...1 mm ;He pt tm repriet mime po-
tiff's \roil: in It ele_ap fieee. m, • it assist ditto iiiipemle the sale of' the mmr11 m "Ht.
appe,tred the pri,otter:, eHetly tm the p • r ti.' I; • •
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There cemal,' . no mlevimt of the fact tlemt fifitt smpitam, mm::'! /,- r, a, re, tl,c /.:,m. 4,1/ Time ! • .1 '1 p, .t,m'
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But he 1)...d :me; ;5 01111111C(
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moIs to mlm- public mind .•
that he had talm. o mIt mm,m:ue,' me, 1m • 'was plated, and hal
which 11 1.1 been MI lam.,metl to hi o m .1! .m11 John Coliro% to 111a111 opilut 11111IcIN' ;11.111f.t.11 ti) the (..11.11't
1V11111 eli. the ...Mir...0 mmi11.•1111., uI 1.■ 11.1 !!.;
Conro.t timm,.t 1: „mt.1.
mr111% • • .1 . 01 iii111. t'cltdallt to simm, .11111.1, Maki.; hilt in. ■111'111:k :,..t11111;2 1, %%11, Ova hm iii tim N.•1■1■1 h.11,1 11”.14.1. 1.11t
L'ilantett'l'ii.Cti. -,•111*Ot t■I 1:11.1 1111f1 (sr of Sir .1o".11 Colmrot
Mr. JltStiee 1:11tie(1;11k. Ilk' facts ef the ease. mid ex,- itlaine(1 to Mr. sou. that In. :Is the ostensible printer .1111 iall.lishee, liad no cause to comp....tie of lit bag tlte person St lecteti 1)r peeislititent ; alit the e0111'Se he 5,1,11.I 1l) :tett tlie editor of this, "I..1 .1 lilutli.t..— tt if t!mt paper Its at I it, Ch W(01'1:01' forty year,. it I. .; that sh.,,nhl be the firs! m. 1 with it plact.a io the p.m, sem. Ilut. w.hat, i,i - ms I, . • I' .4' die 1 it tIot 1111.1,, '1,, ■11•1, this libel. It is a libel ef a ne•-1 5. ;,, gross weld; and ille man I., it, 'et 11,, ;•,,i
soppased to li.; tree, ‘v....d.1 he le Led ; • t ‘votild be excluded .;:,•i, ly.
to do ,vittm the articles 1,1116- paper m you have tie other eoncyru with them-114o ;‘,.t
)111111'.\ 11, t.- ut.y, it ))ae ,,tit f:ir
a shade et sa-piel.•11 mm t,,, Y. m I.
11„ .
composition of these articles: but if the law were to confine punishment to those who actually wrote libels, it would in many cases be difficult, if not im- possible, to reach them. You, being the printer of the piper, are bound to take notice of what you print. You have the opportunity of seeing it and of lookiog over the press and seeing what it contains ; and if there is any thing improper in it, it is your duty to go to the editor and point out to him what is improper ; and if he perseveres in having it published, it is your duty to resign your situation ; and if yon do not, you Intel take the consequences of the pub- lication. You have not done so in the present instance, and you cannot now complain of punishment being awarded to you. The Court, taking all the cir- cunistaeces Into consideration, does award and adjudge, that you for this offence he imprieoned in the custotv of the Marshal of the Marshalsea for the space of one calendar mouth; thei you pay to the Queen a tine ofi3.00/.; and that you he further imprisoned in tin same custody till that fine is paid."
In the Bail Court, on Wednesday, Sir William Follett applied on behalf of the Reverend Ebenezer Morris, Vicar of Llanelly, for a rule to Alow cause why a criminal infimmetion should not be filed against Mr. Brigstoek, proprietor and punisher of the Welehlwrn newspaper. The plaintiff alleged that his conduct and motives in the suit against James, his Churchwarden, in the Ecclesiastical Courts, had been grossly misre- presented by the defendant in his newspaper ; that he had acted through- out that affair with extreme reluctance, and only so far as his duty im- peratively demanded ; and that he had treated James with leniency, not harshly as the defendant alleged.—It ttle granted.