Mr. Thonms Gladstgue, Member flw Leicester in the last Parliament,
will stand On the Tory interest, in opposition to Sir ilufane Donkin, for Sandwich. Deal. and %Widmer.
Sir Froarls Burdett (11111 ml the invitat:en from the Wolverhampton operativea to lay before then) his " pitrposiii,ttis for improving the con- dition of' the opssatives," for the sufficient reason that he had " no such proposition to inalae :" but the Baronet nevertheless condescended to -.explain his notions oo the subject. -which igoee that modesty alone pre- vents him from emlerta'sing the task of is yalar regeneration. Thus- " The tj. ash. 41 oin ,r the :di,: the highest impor- tance, like thal.I maeritin!!. the 11c:ft:milli.; anti th; emlidg of the world, it has puzzled Pitiltisup.tert of till age,, till others :MI: lit. nsi:atilleanue in comparison with it. It ought to engro, the elicit.* attention, to ba the chrij'ohject, and end, a: it he the paramount duty of all government. It is (me upon which I have besmwed alt the pain, labour, and reilertion, of Ishieli I ant eqpalde. The result VI ill, I fe tr, prove la4 lii tic :iti,t.ti,'tary to flies.: 1 on ieldoosing, as to myself, %is., that there are only two means of producing any amelioration in the conditimi of wuchiag people, viz., either diminishing the number of those who live hy hdttuttcr atigataitrIng the funds which pay the wages of laboor, One or other of...the •2 halSt IL 111.0(1!a.i1. hefora any material advantage im- parted to the Ivo; kHz issids of c non vy, cod their cla., rtti,...(1 to that point in the w!AH. all ne-cc must equally and devoutly desire; and who- ever shan mint lc.. the nr an e, zucl priv't;c;i':ilitv, of attalnin::! this end, this long diga:Cil 011 I •aal not S,ly mglocted, end, will ‘v,11 deserve a statue of gold. Of this however I tut, .:.;tra pert-ail!, that no passible good to the working men call be din ,,-,Ifro:a combinations against capitalists, their employers, front vio- lent a.a.■ 0, which, frotn whatever cause it spring, is their certain had or otherwt:c, justiliable, or uujustitiahle, to them it wor!o: ne‘ wati. mischief, and suffering, certain, immediate, and fre- ti se.; tly it tithe, b itistiatt d by shallow pretenders, crackbrainal C11. tilt: prs,iots, fhlse pt.ophets, or lying impostors."
(hi S.eerd.iy, Sir Francis was chairman of a Tory party at Ashby- de-la-Zooeit. Lord Charles Manners and Mr. Milford delivered long speecloo of a very prosy description. Sir Francis indulged in stale abuse of Mioisters mid adulation of the Dake of WeEington ; wItoso lieu!tily mental teniaerament must nauseate the gilded pill of fluttery prolfigLs: by the fawning old Baronet.
" Loolang to the whole of the public caresr of that distinguished man ; the won derail coml o.' iii in flittleXtlitttd:attrilltat'S wh. Cii Met in his cha- racter ; la4 deeds unsailinpled of glory and renmvn, einid,t difficulties, trials, arid merLices or which. they could ihrin J10 t1.4. ell:tte 121,11C,Alti011,—looking to his (ma detinticie..s, which Cu'emel litel dam; geoat public service in giviog to the %Auld iti a complete awl corrected farm, ft raMwtion worth all the fhomc.,,, and a 14,01/i of st51ll of education-- lo ,Liog to tlot c!3 ..;.11.-1 or his despatches, exhihit liar as it did in so remark- :it-4e Ii mamor •eis!, ,ieal.s•••— parpose and aiin and devotion to his country, such etieray of eliaram, aedi tem sant:air alatity, such unerring judgment and per,averonce surmounting every obstacle, such lohiness combined with slob sinqdic;ty of diameter, incleible of any imam or sordid motive,—for all those ,pc:!iiies i■ ere thought to he earjed to such a pitch of perfection ittnuog the ancients,—look log tu the whole connected career of the Duke of ncllio.,; too, Ae Lord Rmwoi stforo, lo profiteer his c pod. All history did not 1. :d lc to 1:it! admiration :mil indiction of mattkind u chef- .1•• t:ret owl contpletc, or on, whirl i preSentell leSS to • • Ir.. of its admirable qualitiss than that of the Duke of Wt Ins•a • al a ;so aor might he thought of the state of the country so far th• • in p et. ar ca.:awn:al, the transcend:tot glory of the achieve- ments or 'Well:m.1.m sod Nelson still maintained its ner-fluned character for military 'mirth" A part o of' North lieshire Conservatives dined together at Knuts- ford, on Monday. Sir l'hilip Faerton was the twincipal orator, but no- thing particularly noticeable NV:IS spoken.
'file 4 legal -Is held a moonlight meeting on Brandon Hill, Bristol, on the of Fsi•aty has Th ;itincrint Cockney demagogue, Vincent, (mire,/ n.h fc in-,flin.'osie do! Matilde!' on et white lunwc, harangued some three or l',1r announciog his intention to offer himself a', a Van republiaan principles nw Bristol, in the event of an el. etion.
The Leicester 1'o1s it it recent meeting, adopted ten re- solutions, in v, !deli i1!.. 0%4!ennell's political delimpieneles were summed up and the Was, thiq Mr. O'Connell is " one of' time vilest of traitors mid po!itica! lap ,:tatss."