1 A report that the Duke of Sussex is about to leave this country, and live on the Continent, has been in circulation, but is contradicted by the Globe. - Mr. Baron BoHand's resignation has at length been formally received. Lord Ellenborough's marriage was announced in the'.Jithii 13tilllatt
Sunday ; but the newspapers of the week have been authorized to • dare that that no marriage has taken place, and that the account of it Was " a gross fabrication."
We hear, from a source upon which we can place great reliance, that Sir Robert Peel will support a anodification, but not a repeal, of the Corn-laws, in his place in the House of Commons, on the opening of Parliament.—Ten Towns .31esstmer. [The Morning Post says this re- port is "mere fudge."]
The Earl of Cardigan has refused permission to Captain Smith, bro- ther of the Princess of Capita, to enter his regiment, the Eleventh Dragoons—because the Captain is about to commit the crime of matri- mony. Lord Cardigan thinks marriage a sufficient ground of exclu- sion : we should suppose that the temptation to enter a regiment com- manded by the officer who figured at Captain Wathen's trial, cannot be very powerful, and conclude therefore that Captain Smith will keep the lady and cut the corps.
Mr. Henry Bulwer has arrived at Paris, on his route from Constanti- nople to St. 'Petersburg, via London. The honourable and active Se- cretary of Legation takes a rather circuitous path to the scene of his future labours. Possibly he may have been anxious to ascertain how his Whig patrons stood in England, and perhaps had no great relish for exchanging Turkish suns for Russian snows in the month of January.
Mr. Joseph Hawker, Norroy King of Arms, succeeds the late Mr. Lodge as Clarenciettx King of Arms, and Mr. Francis Martin, Windsor Herald, takes Mr. Hawker s place. Mr. Robert Laurie Rouge Croix, Poursuivant of' Arms, is appointed Windsor Herald ; arid Mr. William Courthope succeeds Mr. Laurie.
A report has been copied from the Worcester Journal into the London papers, that Dr. Tonson, the new Bishop of Kill:doe, is a brother of the 'late Lord Ribblesdale, and therefore connected by marriage with Lord John Russell; but the Bishop's brother is Lord liiversdalc, and no con- nexion of Lord John.