2 FEBRUARY 1839, Page 8



At Lishecn, Lady JUDISIN FITZGERALD, of a daughter.

On the 1711u ult., at Ashysteel, Selkirkshire, the Lady of Major-General Sir JAMES RUSSELL, of a daughter. On the 24th ult., the Ladv of' Sir G. I'M:NG, Bart., of Formosa, of a son. Out the 25th ult.. at Blind:heath Park, a few days after the death of her husband, the widow or Ise bite AnAm Manton, Esq., or a son.

Ott the 24th ult., at Coliallehl House, Arsluiru. N.11., the Lady of J. S. 1lAr, Esq., of a daughter.

Ott the 3,411 Dec., at tho Government House, Fredericton, New Brunswick, the

Lady of Captain Taros, 43d Light Int:nary, of a a:1110AM.

On the 31st ult., in Connaught Square, the Lady of HENRY HUGH ERASER, Esq., of

a daughter.

OH the 24th ult., at Wellsbourne, the Lady of D. J. OUNYNOHAME, Esq., of is sou 11114 heir.

Ott the 36th ult., in Hereford Street, Grusvenor Square, the Lady of JOHN Ewa, Esq., M.P.. of it still.born sun. On the t31111 ult., at the Rectory, Ilmtwell, Bucks, the Lady of the tier. How= J. EHILLIss M.A., of it S011. Ott the 25th ult., at Shatwell, the Linty of the Rev. NV. Mu HLENCOWE, of a daughter.


Out the 29th tilt., at Edinbtirgh, Eie,vAttn IlskrucoTr. SMITH, 115th., Captain in ber Majesty's 76th Ite,■timent, youtt_!est sun of Sir John Wvhibure Smith, of the Down House, Dorset, to CHRIsTINA, 0th:A dallghter Of William Mackintosh, Esq.. or Geddes, Noire.

Oil the 24th ult., at Dorney, Bucks, JAMES, only sun of Sir James Nicoll M'Adam, of Whitehall and Tendon End. Essex, to ANGELICA, eldest daughter of Philip Palmer, Esq., of Dertiey Wood. On the 291!i ult., nt Streatham Church. WILLIAM Oitleca, Esq., of the Inner Temple, fourth son or Joseph Cripps, Esq., M.P. fel. Cirencester, to MARY ANNE, eldest daughter of Bettlatnin Harrison. Esq., of Clapham CoMinoll. Olt the 22d ult., at Black Rock, Cork. hats: Ilcou limminsitax, Esq., to JANE ANNE, youngest daughter of the late Henry Westropp, Esq., of ElcliMellti Villa, county of Limerick.


Ott the 2ellt tilt,, at her house in Hamilton Place, Emzsiterit. Datelless-Countess o

Sittherland, in hir 74th year.

On the 2.,1,1 tilt., at Iiis seat Cludderton Lodge, Amesbury, Lieutenant-General Sir Jong K.C.11., K.C.11., Govvrnur of Ualway, and Colonel of the 17th Regi- ment of Lancers.

On the 211 ult., at lialtrantsley Lodge, near Lymington, Hants, General ROBERT HIM, Feuntatu, RM., in his ebtli Tear. On the 25th alt., at Hampstead, Sir WILLIAM HERCHEy, R.A., in his 87th year. On ate :-7th Mt., Lady liesu,rx Gitosvcxell, (1.1 ttt Miter of the Earl of Grosvenor, iu her 13th year. Ott the 3Utli ult., four days after giving birth to a (laughter, CATIIIMINE JANE. Wife of S. I,ane, Esq. Ott the 23d ult., at Auchmaty Mill, Mr. 11 ■11 ear Tumas, youngest sou (if the late Mr. Robert TuRis, bookseller, Ctuttir.met 1"tteer er the km et' R• "'el Co"

paper inamitheturers at .1(telimuly and ii l's.

Ott the t..5:1t tilt., at the Vicarage, the Rev. II, ITYNe, MD., in his 41st veer, twenty-tete rears Vicar of that hat-hit. Aho, on the same day, ANNA MARIA, his youngest daugliter, hi her 7th year. l'erished, at Formby Banks, near Liverpool, from euld and 11..in,er, in the ri;giug oh the lungIlatvest Iloine, IIKNitv Putitme, of College Street, Dublin, Esq., ; and Mr. WILLIAM MAORATII, son of .1. NlaAratli, Killough, county Down, E,q.