STOCK Examen, FRIDAY AFTEnNoON., The increasing expectations of peace continue to operate favourably out the various markets for commercial traffic, and to which the English Funds have occasionally responded. On Monday, Consols were f better, and reached 91f ; from which point there have been many fluctuations. Owing to the extent to which speculations for the rise have been lately carried on, the dealers are anticipating a very heavy settlement next Thursday, and the probable requirements to continue transactions for. the March Account are likely to increase the pressure for money, already worth 6 to 7 per cent for loans on securities. The market has had to contend also with furnishing means for the Stock and Share settlements concluded yeaterday, when high rates were paid for accommodation. The demund for discount at the Bank of England for commercial and other purposes has greatly increased ; and preparatians are making for bills due on the 4th of the month, which are expected to be unusually heavy. Some uneasiness continues th be felt at the differences with the United. States. Yesterday, owing to the Queen's Speech, there was much 'excitement : before its publication, Con.. sole were dull at 90k; they afterwards rallied to 911, but re- turned to their former position through the allusion in the Speech to our financial necessities. Today the Funds have been f lower, but have since rallied : Consols, after being at 901, leave off at 901 f, and 904 1 for Account. India Stock is 3, and Bank Sleek 2 better this week; Exchequer Bills 4s. lower. The French Funds have improved 11, notwith- standing the heavy charges for continuation on Eoliths, which rule at 15 to 20 per cent. The exchange on London shows a downward tendency, through the quantity of silver sent to most the demand for India. At Vienna the Funds are rising rapidly ; within the past fortnight they have improved 12 per cent. The average amount of bullion in both departments of the Bank of England, for the month ending the 22d December, was 11,148,692!.; a decrease of 85,616/. -compared with the preceding month,- and a decrease of 2,861,670/. in comparison with the same time last year. Of 500,0001. that arrived from Australia last week, about 200,000/. has been deposited at the Bank of England ; and the remainder, it is thought, will be sent to Paris. Only a small amount of gold has arrived from Australia 'this week. The West India packet brought 140,0001., of which 90,0001. was gold : among the exports, 14,7001. has been sent to Lisbon and Cadiz. In Foreign Stocks, the late improvement has been' well maintained, and in some cases a further advance has ocourreAl ; including Peruvian and Russian Five per Cents, which are 2, and Austrian, Russian Four-and-a- half, and Venezuela, 1 higher. Turkish hag been extensively dealt in, and
is now 931 1. • Railways have been firm, relieved from the pressure of the Account ar- ranged on Wednesday : the rate of continuation was then high in most cases ; on London and North-Western it amounted to 15s. per 100/. stock. The principal advance has been in London and South-Western ; which has improved 71., including a rise of 4/. 10s: today—present 'quotation, 94 6. Great Western is 1/. 10s., and Lancashire and Yorkshire, London and North-Western, and Midland, I/. better : Great Northern is 31. lower. French Shares have improved 15s. to 11.
Owing to the protocol for peace having received the signatures ',of the several Governments, the English Funds opened 1 better than the official quotations of yesterday ; they are now rather lower. Consols for Money have been done at 91f ; Consols are now 901 1 for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 105 discount. The bullion return by the Bank of Eng- land shows a decrease of 79,209/. In Foreign Stocks there is no difference. Turkish Six per Cents are 931 f, and the Four per Cents 101 f ex die. In Railways there has been great activity, *and some of the leading descrip - tions have advanced 1/. 10s.—Eastern Counties, 101 ; Great Northern A, 78; Great Western, 591 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 8'4; Landon and North- Western, 1011 ; London and South-Western, 94k; 70f.
3 per Cent Consols
eei 1 Danish 3 per Cents
ES 5 Ditto for Account
1 Dutch 21 per Cents 64 6 3 per Cent Reduced
Ditto 4 per Cents 95 1 New 3 per Cents 9 2 Mexican 3 per Cents . 201 1 Long Annuities 31 Perm Ian 41 per Cents 80 2 Bank Stock 211 13
Ditto 3 per Cents
55 7 Exchequer Bills 10 5 dis. Portuguese 4 per Cents 47 9 India Stock 222 4 Russian 5 per Cents 103 6 Austrian 5 per Cents 85 8
Ditto 43 per Cents
92 4
Brazilian 5 per Cents
100 2 Spanish 3 per Cents 42 3 Belgian 41 per Cents 93 5 Ditto Deferred 231 4 Chilian 6 per Cents lel 4 Sardinian 5 per Cents
ES 90
Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Swedish 4 per Cents
The half-yearly meeting of the North Staffordshire Company was held on Monday, at Stoke-upon-Trent ; Mr. J. L. Ricardo M.P. in the chair. Allu- sion was made to the action pending against the London-and North-Western Company; the chairman hoped that at their next meeting he would be able to state they had established their claim, in justice if not in law. An ex- tension of their line to Liverpool had been contemplated, and had been surveyed ; but the tightness of the money-market rendered it prudent not to carry it forward at present. The report was adopted. A resolution was carried authorizing the Directors to proceed in Parliament with the agree- ment entered into with the Bridgewater Trustees. A dividend at the rate of 4 per cent per annum was declared, payable on the 224 February. The half-yearly meeting of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Com- pany, took place on Tuesday ; at which Mr. L. Schuster presided. During the half-year' they had expended 17,000/. out of capital account for works sanctioned by the proprietors; they had now 23,000/. remaining. In 1848, the traffic on the line amounted to 453,000/. ; in the year 1855, to 719,000/. The revenue account showed an increase of 12,0001. compared with the same period of 1854. The Crystal Palace during the past year had increased their receipts by 43,000/. Resolutions were pasted adopting the report and statement of accounts, and declaring a dividend of 2/. 18s. per cent ; making with the previous dividend 5 per cent for the year. The Directors of the London and South-Western Company intend to re- commend at the meeting on the 14th instant a dividend for the half-year at the rate of 51. 12s. 6d. per cent per annum ; equal with the previous divi- dend to 5 per cent for the year.
At a meeting of the new Association of Railway Proprietors, held on Wedncedey at the London Tavern to organize a council of 100 membert, twenty-eight leading shareholders were nominated.
The proprietors of the Royal British Bank held their sixth annual meet- ing yesterday. The dividend declared was at the rate of 6 per cent per an- num, free ot Income-tax. The report stated that the amount duo by the bank was 983,052/. ; the total assets, 1,178,812/.; the reserve-fund IS now 13,990/. ; a. balance of 2341/. is carried to new account. Though the capitol has been recently increased to 300,000/.-150,000/. paid-tip is intended still further to augment it—to 600,000/., 300,000/. to be paid-up. The in- crease is to be made by instalments of 1000 shares each ; the first lot to be issued at a premium of 51. a share.
At a special meeting of the proprietors of the City Bank, on Tuesday, it vvas resolved to apply to the Queen in Council for powers to increase the nominal capital from 300,000/. to 1,000,0001. The directors propose to issue at first either 1500 or 3000 new shares ; a guarantee-fund to be commenced by means of a premium to be charged on these shares. It was stated that the bank has already more than 500,0001. of deposits.
The prospectus of the "Western Bank of London" has been issued. The chairman is Sir Henry Bulwer ; Mr. Roebuck is one of the directors. The proposed capital is 400,0001., in 1001. shares ; with power to increase to 1,000,0001. The promoters point out the advantages the bank will afford as the only joint-stock bank with its head-quarters at the West-end of London.
The "Bank of Egypt" has issued its prospectus. The capital will be 450,0001., with power to increase to 1,000,0001. The bank has a substantial direction. A charter has been granted by the English Government after communication with the Viceroy of Egypt.
At iimeeting of the proprietors of the Bank of New South Wales, held at Sydney on the 24th October, a dividend for the half-year ending 30th September at the rate of 20 per cent per annum was declared. The reserve- fund was increased to 100,0001.
The Electric Telegraph Company have declared a dividend at the rate of fi per cent per annum.
The dividend of the Scottish Australian Investment Company, declared on Thursday, was at the rate of 15 per cent per annum.
A scheme of a railway in Ceylon has been revived. The line is to run from Colombo to the interior. Capital, 1,000,000/. A Government guaran- tee of 6 per cent is to be asked for. • A company is ,projected under the Limited Liability Act to be called the "United Kingdom Provision Company," for supplying provision-dealers with the produce they trade in. The capital is to be 100,0001.
From various rehirns—shipping, metal, coal, and others—the trade of South Wales is shown to be in a very improving state.
Messrs. Kelly and Gilmour, spinners of Manchester, have failed, with
rather heavy liabilities. . Nowa has arrived of the stoppage of Messrs. Aspinall, Mackenzie, and Co., great operators in the tea-market at Shanghai, for 150,0001. The assets are expected to be small; tho greater part of the loss will fall on Chinese. .Adviccs from Sydney announce that the Bank of New South Wales has been appointed agent in England for the sale of 900,000/. Five per Cent Government Debentures, secured on land, for the purpose of carrying out public improvements.
The news of Peace negotiations produced a fall in the New York market of 3r. to is. 6d. per quarter on wheat.
Gaisrm: l'aLaca.—Rctuni of admissions for six days ending Friday February 1st, including season-ticket-holders, 6193.