2 FEBRUARY 1856, Page 37


Perhaps the most practical mode of testing the position of parties on the paramount question of the time, would be, to ascertain what the strength in votes of what is known as the "Peace party " really is During the last long session of Parliament however, numerous and varied as the discussions were on questions arising out of the conduct of the war, not a discussion was raised' or a division taken calculated to show the true force of those who oppose a the war on a theoretical principle, or of those who were ready to accept the Austrian proposals of last year, upon which Lord John Russell made 6ipVireck. 'For all that is known to the contrary, the Peace party emulate of the gentlemea who sit at the Speaker's end of a bench on the Ministerial_side of the House, helow the gangway,-Sir, James Graham' r to

M. Gladsne, Mr. Sidney Herbert, Mr. Cardwell, Mr. Bright, Mr. Milner Gibson, Mr. Cobden.

Taking Mr. Disraeli's motion of the 26th May, accusing Ministers (the Palmerston Ministry and the Aberdeen. Ex-Ministry) of " ambiguous language and uncertain conduct " on the subject of the war' the Ea- Ministers of course voted against that motion and in favour of their own war policy ; and they Were supported by Mr. Alcock, Mr. James Bell, Mr. Cowan, Mr. Crossley, Mr. George Duncan, Hon. Arthur Gordon, Mr. Alexander Hastie Mr. Hadfield, Mr. James Heywood, Mr. Edward Miall, Mr. Moffatt, Mr. Robert Phillimore, Mr. Pilkington, Mr. John B. Smith, Mr. Laing, Mr. J. L. Ricardo. ,

Turning to the critical division of the 20th July on the Turkish Loan question, we find the gentlemen just enumerated voting with the Ex- Ministers in the minority which came within four of upsetting the ar- rangement, and probably the Ministry with it. So far; therefore, un- certain conduct " may be attributed=to that section of the Liberals.

In the new edition of Dod's Parliamentary ampanion, it is mentioned that since the begin'ig of 1855, "thirty-two Members, many of them wholly new to Parliament," have filled vacancies. "Four Irish Bishops have come into the House of Lords who had no seat in that assembly last session."


Fifty-two notices of motion in Members' wiles stand over from last session. The subjects are varied ; indluding Church Reforms, Opening of the Crystal Palace on Sunday, Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister, Advancement of Science, Improved Translation of the Bible, Superan- nuation Fund, Wine-duties, Salt-tax in India, Navy Patronage, Tem- poralities of the irishUhureh.


Year of Election. Ministry- Time of Meeting.

Dissolution. Duration.



January 29,1833 'Dec. 30, 1864 _ 2 years.

1835. (Peel) February 19, 1835. July 17,1887 .. 2 years 0 months.

1837. (Melbourne) ... November 15, 1837 .. June 23, 1841 3 years 11 months.

1841. (Melbourne) August 19, 1841 .. July 23, 1847 .. 6 years 1 month.

1847. (Russell) November 18,1847,.. Itdy 1, 1852 4 years 11 months.

1852. (Derby) November 11, 1852.