Many persons have an apparently well-grounded apprehension that in- surance companies have of late years sprung up too rapidly, the supply exceeding the slow-growing demand. That many have been started with- out a fair prospect of success is proved by the numerous failures; years will probably put others that have survived to a severe test. The Post Maga- zine Almanack and Assurance _Directory for 1856-a work noted for its peculiar information respecting insurance companies-gives some interest- ing facts on the subject. The statistics of the Almanack refer to all kinds of insurance companies-life, fire, and ship, with their varieties. In the United -Kingdom there are now upwards of three hundred offices actually engaged in the business of insurance. Since 1844, 513 offices have been projected, 228 founded, and 130 ceased. During the last year 54 were projected, 23 were founded, and 14 ceased-the oldest dates from 1840; 7 of the 14 transferred their business to other offices, and two amalgamated with other companies. There are 17 winding-up their ex- istence in the Court of Chancery.