On Thursday week, Mr.' O'Brien broke away from the Court
at Carrick-en-Suir, by which he was on the next day sentenced in his absence to four months' „imprisonment without bard labour, and 'disappeared. in space. - It is said that he 'got shelter in a bakery, whose proprietress disguised him -in a farmer's old frieze-coat and wideawake, and suggested to him to feign intoxication, and then took him under her protection as if he had been her father, and so helped him to elude the vigilance of the police ; that he drove ninety miles to Wexford, got himself taken on board a collier bound for Wales, reached Portheawl, in the Bristol Channel, on Sunday morning, where he went to the house of the Catholic priest of Bridgend, and that night left for London. On Tuesday he went to Man- chester to keep his engagement to speak for Mr. Jacob Bright, and was received with rapture on the platform of the Hulme Town Hall as a hero who had compassed almost fabulous achievements.