We have said enough of the effect of Clarke's evidence
as to the Muswell Hill robbery in another column, but have to record here a much more effective robbery, en.tirelylfree from violence, which' will illustrate by the strong contrast it affords to the levity of the Muswell Hill burglary, the burglary of well-planned crime. Mr. Henry White, the First Secretary of the United States Legation, who has a house at Ramslade, near Bracknell Station, lost from it on Wednesday night jewellery belonging, to his wife, said in the Times to have a, value of about 2,5,000, and in the Standard of about 27,000. The- jewel-case seems to have been taken between half-past 9 and 10, while the lady's-maid and housemaids were at supper. The dressing-room was entered by a ladder taken from a, neighbouring shed, the bolt being pushed back by a palette. knife, and the jewel-case at once abstracted ; no effort to obtain more booty having been made. The jewel-case was thrown away in the shed, one or two jewels being dropped, and all the rest taken. It is supposed that two men who took the train at Bracknell soon after 10 o'clock,—one of them having a ticket for Richmond, and the other no ticket at all,—must have been the thieves.'