The King has made the German Emperor a Field-Marshal in
the British Army, and thus William IL now holds the highest rank attainable in both our fighting Services. He has for several years been Admiral of the Fleet,—the equivalent rank in the Navy. Why Sovereigns should care to possess such purely honorary rank it is difficult to say, but since they do, there is, of course, no objection to bestowing it on Princes worthy of the honour. The country is indeed glad that the King should be able to mark in this way its sense of the courtesy to the nation, as well as of warm family feeling to the Royal house, that has been displayed by the Emperor William. The giving of rank in the national Army is not a mere personal matter like the bestowal of a Court decoration. The compliment is nationaL We also record with pleasure that the young Crown Prince of Germany has been admitted into the charmed circle of the Knights of the Garter, still infinitely the most desirable Order in existence.