We are glad to note that Mr. Brodrick has addressed
a letter to the Mayor of Guildford a propos of the unpatriotic decision of the Guildford Town Council that no Reservists should be eligible for employment iu the town fire-brigade. The Secretary of State for War asks the Mayor and Corpora. tion to reconsider their decision. We hope most sincerely that for the honour of their town they will do so. To place men who have undertaken to answer the call of their country under such a disability is not merely cruel, and even insult- ing, but it is in the highest sense contrary to public policy. The Reserve system enables us to have a large army without the cost and inconvenience of keeping our barracks filled with idle men. To do anything to make the Reservist feel that there is a stigma upon him and to teach other employers to raise the cruel cry of " No Reservists need apply " is an act unworthy of a public body. which should be a model employer. We cannot hot think that the Guildford Corporation will reconsider and reverse their decision when they realise its tree nature.