[To the Editor of Tun SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am much interested
by your excellent article on "Sterilization and Society" and wonder why we should mit proceed forthwith to ask for the necessary legislation for legalizing voluntary sterilization—With proper safeguards ? 'Your article says that "Whatever our religious or ethicn1 prejudices, most of us would weleome such legislation. If any appreciable number of mental defectives 'could be per- suaded thus to make parenthood impossible; it Would be all to the good ; for apart altogether from questions of heredity, the feeble-minded can rarely be described as -fitted for the care and training of the young."
This being so and the Departmental Report "a most valuable document," surely we may- now proceed to "action along the lines it suggests, instead of continning to confine ourselves to "serious Thought and restrained discussion."-4