And more recently when commenting upon the develop- ments in
the United States, Lord Revelstoke showed himself to be clearly in sympathy with what he believed to be the high aims of the President. Referring to a then recently published Essay in which President Roosevelt made use of the words I believe that we are at the threshold of a fundamental change in our economic thought. I believe that in future we are going to think less about the producer and more about the consumer," Lord Revelstoke said : " If this is, as I believe it to be, the voice of America making itself heard, in simple language, through the mists of artificiality and restraint, and if the American people are really standing on the threshold of a new era, it is difficult to resist the conclusions that the world's recovery and the liberation of mankind may not be so far off as is sometimes supposed."
The crowded congregation at the Memorial Service, which was held last Tuesday at St, Michael's, Cornhill, testified to the honour in which Lord ReveLstoke was held in the City.
A. W. K.