Dear old duck 1 sir: Your correspondent, Mr T. C.
Skeffington-Lodge (January 19) is obviously a dear old duck — one of those .ereatures of whom one can say "If he ilidn't exist, Beatrix Potter would have lad to invent him." But his letter has • \,ft me, a mere unsophisticated New oorker, in a state of total bafflement. „.11ring a night of insomnia I have ,ritten the following poem on the subject.
With each quack, this queer letter sets better and better, iut what it's expressing
s °Pen to guessing. If a Blue (if he's red) ?' a Pole in the bed .the gist of this plea, 'too that's OK with me.
Harold and Mary 'IllaY find airy-fairy p,,ell a curious receipt "r a Tory defeat.
_ le4 .15... Arnold Jones Bayswater Road, London W2