Eve of destruction
Sir: However one views the rights or wrongs of the Gulf war, it should be remembered that the United States and Soviet Union, together with many other nations, provided Saddam Hussein with his arsenal. The coalition of UN forces is now in the process of systematically destroying that very same arsenal at unimaginable cost to the entire world.
The ultimate hypocrisy is each side praying for or claiming to have the support of God. Can anyone really believe that God could conceivably side with wanton destruction in any form whatsoever? Is He a God of Love, or not?
I wonder how many share the impression of being on a planet that is spinning insanely out of control; populated by hu- man beings who must surely be unaware of the insanity of their thoughts and actions. All the more strange because each belief system is based on sound logic. But in the final analysis how can anything that is not creative be sane?
We have just enough time to re-examine our perceptions from the point of view of creation instead of destruction. This would demand a re-appraisal of all religious, philosophical, cultural, traditional and political beliefs that embrace any concept of attack and destruction. It would also make us think again about our being created in the image of God and whether or not our will is the same as His.
Kevin Scott
107 Crockford Close, Towngate Wood, Tonbridge, Kent