Bivalves through the post
Sir: Digby Anderson (Food, 26 January) is very wide of the mark when he estimates that the 'lower and middle classes' eat two and a half oysters each per year. In fact even throwing in the upper classes the average in this country is still only one fifth of an oyster per head. (France currently consumes some 20 oysters per capita; 100 years ago we ate rather more — around 30.) However, his suggestions concerning the distribution of oysters are sensible, as consumption is sharply on the increase. Oysters might have been designed by nature for mail order delivery. Travelling comfortably inside their own shells they will stay alive and well for at least a week `Damn! Still no chicken, just another of those round things.' out of water. Indeed they can even be lost in transit for a day or two without particu- larly minding.
John Noble
Loch Fyne Oysters, Clachan Farm, Ardkinglas, Cairndow, Argyllshire