The Paris papers of Thursday give no domestic news; the
most im- portant being supplied by the City article of this morning's Times. The reserve of bullion at the Bank of France is now reduced to 65,000,000 francs. At the same time, the demand for discounts is unusually large. It has been necessary, however, to restrict accommodation; and while banker's paper is discounted at 4 per cent, that of the " petit, commerce" finds great difficulty in getting negotiated at all. M. Hottinguer has cane' on a mission to London, undertaken, it is believed, wit!; the view of making arrangements here to strengthen the Bank of France, and to ren- der it independent of Baron James Rothschild; whose terms for assistance are somewhat high. But prompt action is necessary. In addition to the corn already imported into France, fresh supplies to an equal amount will yet be required, causing a new drain of five millions sterling. The wants of Government also are very large; being aggravated by the increased expenses of the army, and the recent inundations of the Loire.
The King and Queen of the Belgians left Paris for Brussels on Wednes- day morning. The Constitutionnel announces, that they had invited the Duke and Dutchess de Montpensier to visit Brussels next February.
Rossinfs new opera of Robert Bruce was produced at the Grand Opera in Paris on Wednesday; and, according to the accounts, with great success; although the prima donna, Madame Stoltz, was ill, and was put into a state of violent agitation by the hisses with which she was persecuted.