Wax-onocE, Dec. 29.-1st Regt. Life Guards-Lieut. the Hon. W. H. S. Cotton to be Capt. by purchase, vice Anderton, who retiree ; Comet and Sub-Lieut. H. W. Boul- ton to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Cotton; E. J. C. Lord Elliot to be Comet and Sob- Lieut. by purchase, vice Boulton. 3d Light Drags.-Cornet E. J. Thackwell to to Lieut. by purchase, vice Ireland, who retires; T. C. B. St. George, Gent. to be Cornet, by Purchase, vice Thackwell. 4th Light Drags.-Idajor Lord G. A. F. Paget to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Vandeleur, who retires ; Capt. H. Fane to be Major, by Purchase, vice Lord G. Paget ; Lieut. F. IL Barron to be Capt. by purchase, vice Fane ; Comet C. Montgomery to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Barron ; H. A. Sparke, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Montgomery. 9th Light Drags-Sues. R. J. G. Grant, from the 16th Light Drags. to be Surg. vice Wood, who exchanges. 16th Light Drags • -Surg. A. Wood, M.D. from the 9th Light Drags. to be Surg. vice Grant, who ex- changes. Coldstream Foot Guards-Lieut.-Col. Lord T. Cecil, from half-pay Unat- tached, to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. vice J. H. Pringle, who exchanges ; Brevet Major Lieut. and Capt. C. A. Windham to be Capt. and Lieut.-COL by purchase, vice Lord T. Cecil, who retires ; Ensign and Lieut. (Adjt.) P. G. H Somerset to have the rank of' Lieut. and Capt. ; Ensign and Lieut. 0.J. W. Melville to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Windham ; W. B. Reeve, Gent. to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Ale] vine., 1st Foot- B. H. E. Muller, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Myers, promoted in the 36th Foot. 5th Foot-Capt. S. B. Jeffries, from half-pay 25th Light Drags. to be Capt. ; Lieut. W. C. Master to be Capt. by purchase, vice Jeffries, who retires ; See. Lieut. W. R. C. Potter to be First Lient by purchase, vice Master ; G. Bennett, Gent. to be Sec. Lieut. by purchase, vice Potter. 13th Font-Assist.-Surg F. W. Tupper, from the 57th Foot, to be Assist-Sorg. vice Pros;, appointed to the Staff. 19th Foot- Ensign J. C. Taylor, from the 74th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Palmer, who exchanges. 27th Foot-Acting Sergt-Mgjor W. Crozier to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Dick- son, appointed to the 5th Foot. 30th Foot-Ensign J. Rose to be Lieut. without pur- chase, vice Whitmore, appointed Adjt. ; Ensign F. A. Edwardes to he Lieut. by lair chase, vice Shorn, promoted ; Gent. Cadet T. W. Cator, from the Royal Yi n. (..n. to be Ensign, vice Rose ; W. W. H. Greene, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Edwardes ; Lieut. E. A. 'Whitmore to be Adjt. vice Macdonald, promoted. 36th Foot-Ensign C. Rivers, from the let Foot, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Carew, promoted. 48th Foot-Staff Assist.-Surg. J. Dickson to be Assist-Sorg. vice Johnston, promoted on the Staff. 56th Foot-Lieut. R. Anderson to be Capt. by purchase, vice Barclay, who re- tires; Ensign H. J. Tolther to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Anderson ; F. J. G. Saun- ders, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Toleher. 61st Foot--Capt. 0. Fitzroy, from half-pay West India Rangers, to be Capt. vice W. Ward, who exchanges; Lieut. J. F. BrIckdale to be Capt. by purchase, vice Fitzroy, who retires ; Ensign E. S. Powys to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Maher, dec. ; Ensign It. G. Brackenbary to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Brickdale ; Gent. Cadet J. Nagel, from the Royal /411. Col. to be En- sign, vice Powys ; T. H. Harrison, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Brackenbury. 64th Foot-Ensign R. Bickerstaff to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Maddison, who retires ; E. W. Armstrong, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Ilickerstaff. 66th Foot-J. T. La Pride, Gent. to be Assist: Surg. vice Cowper, promoted in the 56th Foot. 67th Foot-To be Capts. without purchase-Lieut. C. Coape ; Lieut. R. G. Banbury ; To he Lieuts. without purchase-Lieut. W. Du Verret, from the 50th Foot, Ensign J. One ham ; Ensign F. Pratt, vice Coape ; To be Ensigns. without purchase-Gent. Cadet R. Daubeney, from the Royal Md. Coll. ; Gent. Cadet A. A. Jones, from the Royal Mll. Coll.; W. W. Davy, Gent. vice Graham ; W. C. Shells, Gent. vice Pratt. 74th Foot- Ensign H. W. Palmer, from the 19th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Taylor, who exchanges. 77th Foot-Ensign It. Mostyn to be Lteut by purchase, vice Walpole, who retiree; W. Ronaids, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Mostyn. 85th Foot-Brevet Col. B. C. Browne, from half-pay Unatt. to be Lieut-Col. vice Sir J. G. Le Merchant, who ex- changes; Major B. Taylor to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Browne, who retires; Capt. J. Blackburn to be Major, by purchase, vice Taylor ; Lieut. E. L. Parrett to be Capt by purchase, vice Patterson, who retires; Lieut. Lord S. S. Compton to be Capt. by purchase, vice Blackburn ; Ensign W. A. Slider to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Par- rett ; Ensign the Hon. W. S. Knox to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Lord S. Compton ; Sir H. H. Edwardes, Bart. to he Ensign, by purchase, vice Filder ; F. Thistlethwayte, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Knox. 94th Foot-Lieut. W. H. Dore to be Capt. without purchase, vice Deere, dec.; Ensign H. T. M'Crea to be Lieut. vice Dore ; It. H. Lewis, Gent_ to be Ensign, vice M'Crea.
2d West India Regt-A. W. Dickson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hill, who retires ; C. De Blaquiere, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Dickson.
Brevet-Lieut.-Col. Lord T. Cecil, of the Coldstream Foot Guards, to be COL In the Army; Capt. S. B. Jeffries, of the 5th Foot, to be Major in the Army ; Capt. (5. Fitz- roy, of the 61st Foot, to be Major in the Army.
Unattached-Lieut. H. Capadose, from the 8th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase. Chaplain-The Rev. W. W. Jackson, M.A. to be Chaplain to the Forces. Hospital Staff-Assist-Surg. J. T. 0. Johnston, M.D. from the 48th Foot, to be Strdf Stirs. of the Sec. Class; IthsLet.-Surx. A. A. Prout, front the 13th Foot, to be Atudilt■ Sorg. to the Forces.
OFFICE or ORDNANCE, Dee. 28.-Errata in the Gazette of the 224 hist/int-For Gent. Cadet the Hon. J. J. Bury to be Sec. Lieut. in the Royal Artillery, read, to be See. Lieut. in the Corps of Royal Engineers, vice De Butts, promoted ; and for Gent. Cadet' A. Mackenzie to be Sec. Lieut. In the Corps of Royal Engineers, vice De Butte, pro- moted, read, vice Stace, promoted.
WAR-OFFICE, Jan. 1.-Royal Rego. of florae Guards-Lieut. T. Brunt to be Capt. with• out purchase, vice Brevet Major Trent, deceased-7th Drag. Guards- Regt. Sergt. Ma- jor J. Grey to be Adjt. (with be rank of Cornet), vice Knight, promoted. 2.1 Regt. of Foot-Brevet Lieut.-Col. It. Carruthers to be Ltent.-Col. without purchase, ?tee Baum.. gardt, appointed Inspecting Field Officer of a Recruiting District; Brevet Major M. S. H. Lloyd to be Major, vice Carruthers ; Capt. D. St. V. Hamilton. from 78th Foot, to be Capt. vice Grebe'', who exchanges ; Lieut. G. N. K. A. Tonga to be-Capt. rice Lloyd ; Ensign W. W. Kirkby to be Lieut. vice Tense; F. L. 0. Atty, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Kirkby. 36th Foot-Assist-Sung. J. Jopp, M.D. from the 2d Foot, to be Surg. ; F. Smith, Gent to be Assist: Sorg. 50th Foot-Ensign R. C. Clifford to be Lieut. without' purchase, vice Du Vernet, appointed to 67th Foot; W. Barry, Win. to be Ensign, vice Clifford. 78th Foot-Capt. P. Grehan, from 24 Foot, to be Capt. vice D. St. V. llama-- ton, who exchanges. 1st West India Regt.-Major E. R. Hill to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Bush, appointed Inspecting Field Officer of a Recruiting District ; Brevet Major L. S. O'Con- nor to be Major, vice Hill; Lieut A W. Mackenzie to be Capt. vice O'Connor ; Ensign H. Johnstone to be Lieut. vice Mackenzie; S. Head, Gent. to be Ensign, viceJohnstone. Brevet-Capt. W. Elsey, of the East India Company's Depth, at Worley, to have the• local rank of Major in the Army, while so employed. The ander-mentioned Cadets, of the Hon. the East India Company's Service, to have the local and temporary rank of Ensign, during the period of their being placed under the command of Lieut.-Col. //RP.' Smith, of the Royal Engineers, at Chatham, for field instruction in the art of Sapping and Mining-D. C. Home, Gent. ; B. H. Hutchinson, Gent.; F. W. Pelle, Gent.; G. E. Watson, Gent. ; A. S. Johnstone, Gent.; R. H. Sankey, Gent.; J. B. G. 01084' Gent.; J. A. Fuller, Gent.
Unattached-Lieut. J. M. Brown, from the 934 Foot, to be Capt. without parch:WM.