int Court.
No business appears to have been transacted at Windsor Castle in this festive season. The Queen has gone abroad little, but taken horseback exercise in the Riding-house. The Prince Consort has been shooting with the Prince of Leiningeia, the Duke D'Aumale, and the Count of Paris. The Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred have shot together in the Heine Park. The Princess Royal has sat to Mrs. Thorneyeroft for her bust. Herr Frikell, the Russian conjuror, has exhibited before her Majesty and her visitors.
Her Majesty and family went on Friday to the Riding-house to wit- ness the distribution of the Queen's gifts of food and clothing to the poor of Windsor and Ckwer.
The list of guests includes the Duchess of Kent, the Prince of Leiningen, the Duchess and Princess Mary, of Cambridge, the Com- mander-in-chief, the Portuguese Ambassador, and the Dean of Windsor.