The Prussian Press takes a melancholy review of its relations
with the Government during the past year. The Volks Zeitung has been eleven times proceeded against by the police, the National Zeitung, seven times ; the Tribune and the Biirsen Zeitung, six times ; the Abend Zeitung, five times ; the Berlin Allegemeine Zeitung, four times ; the Publicist, three times ; the Vossische Zeitung and the Preussischt Volksblatt, twice ; the Spenerische Zeitung and the German Punch (Kladderadatseh), once. The total amount of the fines was not very heavy, about 300/. ; but the editors were in many of these cases imprisoned. The Garten- 1aube was suppressed for giving an imaginary account of the loss of the Prussian brig Amazon, which really was lost, but not in the way stated,—the Prussian Government considering the narrative as derogatory to the administration of Prussian naval affairs ! Almost all these penalties have been inflicted for liberties which in England would be considered milk-and-water criticisms,—half- way between silence and blame. Such is the liberty which Ger- mans are so anxious to press on Schleswig-Holstein !