The Book of the Dairy. Translated from the German of
W. Fleischmann, Ph.D. (Blackie and Son.)—The translators of this work, Mr C. M. Aikman and Professor Patrick Wright, have performed a great service to British dairy-farmers and the students at our dairy schools and agricultural colleges by trans- lating Professor Fleischmann's treatise on the theory and practice of dairying, which is universally recognised as the text-book on the subject. The ordinary citizen hardly understands the im- portance of dairying as an industry, and would probably be greatly surprised to learn that an income of upwards of £32,000,000, or one-sixth of the whole income of British agri- culture, is derived from the sale of dairy-produce, while it is imported to the extent of another .R20,000,000. The eyes of men should be opened by this volume of some three hundred and fifty pages, devoted exclusively to milk, butter, cheese, and margarine. In this volume, which is admirably written and admirably illus- trated, a most important subject is considered in all its aspects, mechanical, sanitary, and economical. The illustrations, which are a feature of the English translation, greatly enhance the value and add to the interest of the letterpress.