The first German aeroplanes which have visited us since the
beginning of the war appeared on Thursday and Friday of last week. On Thursday week, about eleven o'clock in the morning, an aeroplane circled over Dover and dropped a bomb, which fell in a garden and did very little damage. British aircraft started up from the ground in pursuit, but the German aeroplane disappeared in the mist over the sea, after having been visible for only a few seconds. The aero- plane of Friday week appeared near Sheerness, about 12.30 p.m., flying very high—as German airmen generally do—from east to west. The machine was of the Albatross type, and flew up the river as far as Erith. Both going and returning it ran the gauntlet of the anti-aircraft guns. Several British aero- planes also Went up in pursuit, one trying directly to Overtake
the Albatross, while others attempted to outflank it. The fog, however, was in the Germane favour, as well as the great height which be had already reached, and he succeeded in escaping to sea after crossing the Essex marshes below Southend.