GERMANS IN CANADA. Du en Emma me Tfl " &sermon:1
• think that your readers will be interested in the following passage of a letter just received from an observant and trustworthy American friend, who has been visiting Canada on business:— "When I wrote you last I told you how very patriotic Canada is. I told you that they bad started to raise a fund of one hundred thousand dollars in Toronto and had made it a million. The Prime Minister told me they had raised a patriotic fund that now exceeded five millions in Canada. A man I met from Brantford told me that his little town of ten thousand people had beaten all the others. They had subscribed one hundred thousand dollars to the patriotic fund. I never saw any community in which the determination was so conspicuously manifest as there, to thrash Germany, until they have broken up this Prussian military spirit that is seeking to enslave the world. There is a little German town in Canada called Berlin. It is a community of three or four thousand people. Even their patriotic fund was unusually large, which all goes to show you, when people emigrate and get away from military traditions such as exist in Europe, how quickly they imbibe that keen spirit of liberty which seeks to allow others to live their own life without dictation from any clique and sect."
This practical condemnation of Prussian policy by Germans in Canada is surely full of significance—I am, Sir, &c., W. E. GARRETT FISHER,