2 JANUARY 1915, Page 2



TOPICS OF THE DAY. A IIBREVIATION of Words 831 1'1_ Aged, the and the War ...

Au Raid on Yarmouth, dc., the ... 100709 Alien Enemy, Some Reflections or an 539 America 11.12d Neutrality (" A Great Danger ")


— and the New Naval Measure. 322 American Government, the, as a Shipowner ... 39

— Protest against British Treatment of Neutral Trade

— — the British Reply to the it — Reply to British Not. ea the 'Blockade of - Note to Germany, the

Ammunition the Need for the Increased Output of ...392.393431-800-804800 Aniraal Sentries _ 291 Army. Improvising a — 5

Arraying the Nation ._ „. 640-706 Asquith, Mr., his Speech at Newcastle 577 U75 Belgians, the Starving ... 643 Belgium, Gerson. Outrage. 674,07789 Besieged Birds, Nesting, Mortality among 307

Bismarek's Prophecies of Doom 466 — the Gaited State. and the 493 Blockading Germany, How We are _ 394 Bonsr Law, ble,his Speech ou Lord Kitchener Brooke, llupert 612 Brother. and Friends, Mnshand. and Sons ... 772

Bryan, Mr., the Resignation of ... 801 841 .flABINET Reeponaibility . , 608 Cabinet Salaries mad CabineiPenaionn ... 803866 Cat, the Story of a gaily 866 Census, Military, the Need fora -. 64.674.704770 Chemist., German, Finding Substitutes for Row Materials — 740 Churchill, Mr., Naval Statement by, on Feb.

Cold-Blooded Goodness 883 Coleridge and Sara Colesidge 398

Comprouthie, th.e.Drink Question coda feasible 497

Compulsion, Abraham Lincoln _. 69 Compulsory Service, the Needfor 68-640-173.701.770 Concentration, National ... 465.640 — the Right Spirit of ... 673 Constantinople the Future of ... 320 "Contract, the Sanctity of _ ... 707 Convalescents Some Portraits 805

Courage and Cowardice ... ... 100 Creeds, Latent73 Criminal Warfare end Retaliation 679

Criticism, the Duty of ... , 18.5 Curzon, Lord, his Speech on the Duties 'of Use Cut yen, the Raid on .- _

Comb, a: Reflection. of an Alien Enemy 539 • TNACI.A.' Incident, the ... ... 101 _LJ Danger, a Great (Amenca a Attitude towards England)... ... 101.147.183

Dardanellea, the Attack on the ... 208 — the Military Position at the .. _ 610

— the (" The Crafty, Briny River.") 71D

Defence of the Realm Bill, the 303 Depression and its Causes 768 Dialogue of the Dead, a ... _ 368 Disaster at Sea, the Policing of .., 470

Dog. the Story of • ("A Gift") 826eh Dr Drill, the Psychology of . • ..• — 257 Drink Question. the ... 219...392-3O3-43L4g4464496-

497-532.578-380-640-883 Dye-Using . i Industries, the Governmen and .. 149

Dye Scheme, Doctrinaires and the ... 291 E East Coast Air Mild on January 18th, the 800

Neat End, Humours of War Relief in the 884 Economic Quackery 103 Egypt, the Invasion of _ .34145

Employe.' Profit., the Limitation of .., 57

Eternal Serial, the _. _ 326 Exemption, Certificates of ... 640

TIAVOU3cITEFinance of the War, the 254. Financial Statement by Mr. Asquith on Mures467 — Position of the WagoEarning.thes ass ... BOO — Flat-Hunting _ — 742 Food: High Prices andQuack Bemedies 103.1N-181 — and and her Supply of 290

— and Drink ._ 883

Freemasonry of Trouble, the 613

Free Traders and Trade Problems .. ... 148 Friendship and Oro War _ 001

GASES, the German Excuses for Using ... 64264.9 Germany, What is Wrong with her? ......118200

— How We are leeks:ding . Mat

— and the Allied Powers, the Position of ... 53.1

— and the United States ... ... 673

German, How It Looks to n 08.1337 Gift, a ..Goodness, Cold-Blooded 883

Goose-Step, the Mental 151 Government, the: Why do they Hesitate? — 464

Government. a Notional 7114-736 Government by Newspaper... _ _ 738

Grey, Sir Edward, his Reply to the American — — the Foreign Policy of... _ _ 611

Guides, Surrey, a Night Rid.. withlhe ... 42.885 'IQ-ALDINE, Lord, and Compulsory Service 68 .11 Happiness, Three-sixpenee-worth of 470 Harrison, MI. Jane: her Pamphlet on "Peace

Hell, the Gates of 469

Heroism," Maurice Maeterlinck' on — 503

High Prices and Quack Remedies._ 103-196.181

Hobernsollerns, Machiavelli and the .. ... 743 Holy Phices, the Security of. and the ICIlalifate 610 Home Guard. nod the Mon of Military Age ... 37

— — Lord Kitchener and the ... 821

— — the Growth of the ... 497

— — How to Use Our _ e39 Hospital for Urgency Cases at Bar.14Due, the 679

Ithapitals, Territorial, at Home ... 842841

Humours of War Belief in the East End 884

Hungary, Retribution to ... 103

H usbands and Sons, Brothers and Friends ... 772

TISPEOVISATION, the Great _ 5 Incorartibility, Social ... 259 Inoculation, CompulsOry217

Italy, Soldier. of Some Glimpses ... 392 — the Future of 703

— What she Brings to. the Allies ... 737 Italian Peasant Story, an 774 TFEEPING on the Peel 943 JO_ Klialifate, the Future of the ... 610 King's Royal Rifle., the . ... 614 Kipling, Mr., on Bands for the New Armies .. 187 Kitchener, Lord, Mr. Boner Law on2-31 — — his Call for More Recruits (May 18th) ... 706

— — the Daily Mail Attack on 738

T War AROURDifficultiesandEeenomie Quackery 103


▪ Labour Problems and the ... 2184300

Lincoln, Mr., and Compulsion _ 69 Liquor Problem, the 219-434-445494457-534578- 610.883 Literature and Soldier. 84L Lloyd George, Mr., on the Liquor Problem ... 578 — — his First Speeches Minister of Munitions 680

Loan, the Now Four-and-hall per ... 882 Longo and Shorts_ 538


Louvain and its Library _ 676

• Lusitanla,' the, and the American Flag _ 216 — President Wilson's Nobs on the Sinking of

Lytteltoe, Canon, on Eton and the War ... 9 ATACIIIAVELLI and the liohcoz °Nemo _ 743 J1L Maeterlinck, Maurice, on "Heroism"... 503

Martin, Mr.: no Appreciation 581 Menace of Drink, the „, 0, 380 Mental Goose-Step, the ... 151 Military Situation, the ... 360.609 Mob Law and the Right Spirit of Concearation 673

Money: Doce Happiness Depend on it 7 ... 470 Moravian Village, Life in 673

Munition Factories, the State and 383-392.536 Munitions: the Essential Need 392.393-431.806 803.880 Munitions, the Minister of : his First Speech... 880

NATION, Arraying the ... 644700 National Government, -. 70473d

National Reserve, the King and the 961 Nationality. Neutrals and the /Lights of ... 576 Naval Battle in the North Sea, the ... — 14$

— Measures, the New, and the United State. 32369 — Need of tbe Hour, the ... 532

Nesting Birds, Mortality among 867 Neutrality, a Spiritless and &Irish 102 Neutral Trade, American Protest against British Treatment of ... —6-71

Meets-ale, the Position of ... 553

— and the Rights of Nationality 676

Neuve Chapelle. the Battle of 634 New " Day," the, and Merchant Shipping New Year, the, and the War ... 4395

Newspaper, Governmeat by... _ ... 738

North Sea, Running Fight in the ... 144 (AFFICER'S Diary inSonthern PoLand, Fang-

1..1 manta from an ... ... 151

Of One Who Counts Appreciation 581 Omen of Opportunity, the Great _. 466 Outrages, German, in Belgium ... 674-707 Oyster Dredger. in an ... 433 PAIIAPHRASING, the Art of 804 Parliament, the Meeting of ... ... 105 Peace Conditions, Sir Edward Grey on ... 4'9 — ng Peel, Keeping the... _ 222 Poland, Fragments from an Officer's Diary in 151

Policing of Disaster. the ... 470

Polish People, a GIS

Pollen, Mr., on Navel Patience ... ... 89

Pope, the, and the War ... 637 Post Office Revenue, the, and the Financial psterity, Pith fox ... 323 Press. Um 'Government's Failure.. Make Use263 of the Prisoners el War ... ... 863 Profits of Employe., the Limitation of the ... 577 Prohibition ill Scotland during the War _ 219

— in Britain during the War 464465496437-632- 574640-8E3 Praemysl, the Importance of 430

Publicity, tho Uses of ... 288 QUACK Remedies and High Prices 103.184181 RACING and FootbollDisp/ays, the Problem

Raid on Cuxhaven. the .- ... 8 Recruit., Lord Kitchener's Call for More ... 706

Religious Revival, Sugostions of .- 1136 Repris.ls for the Murder of Non-Combatants... 150

Retaliation, Criminal Warfare and 579

Revenue Returns for 191415 ... — 467 Rifles, a Reserve of: an E.ential Item in220 Riots against Germane the 674 River, the Crafty, Briny _ 710 Roosevelt. Me,, on Amerith's Daly 11.pect

of the Hague Convention. 182 Roumania, the Position of ... „, 70

Russia her Gift to tho World ... .„ 398

— the Inexpagnabllity of ... „, 891

Mahe:lie White, the People of ... 645 SAINTHOOD and its Alternatives .. 304 0 Sandy the Story of a Cat 364 Sehoolmaeter an Appreciation of en Old ... 581 Sehoohi, the m Time of War ... 9 ••Seraps of Paper " at Homo and Abroad .,, 707

Shipbuilding Employers' Federation and Mr.

Lloyd George-, „, 404

Social Incompatibility 248 Soldiers of Italy: Some Glimpies 582 — aud Literature _ „. ... 841 Soldiering, the Windfalbs of ... ... 73 Spiritless and Sea& bleutrality, a ... 182

Statelyat State Purchase of the liquor Trade, ObleetionS Submarine. Policy, the Go.nom, and Eentrai

Shipping 40.1134-218.253472.622

Success, an Om. of 883 Surrey Guides a Night Ride with the _ 42-835 Surrey National Reservists,Ahe King Inspects

NG Wag. and War Profita IRO rilhckholl, Anton ... 10 "'Tempo di Guerra" ... 774 Theatre of the Was the ... ,.. 31 Thrift, the Possibilities of ... 102 'llrpits, Grand Admiral von, the Three.' of 40 Trade Union Regulations, Mr. ...oath. au ... 577 — — Reetrictio and War Muuitious 8C.0 Trade Union., Mr. Tennant'. Appeal to ... 218 Tanumny Strike, the London ("Scrape of Paper Trial Runs of tEeZeppelins 708 Trouble, the Freemasonry of ... ... 113


Unionist's Position, the, and the ltsetiuJ

of Parliament „.105 United States, the, and the Blockade ..• r..•

— — the, and Germany ... 672-W1-837 'ITOLIINTEEIt Movement, the Prograc8 of V the

Volunteer Traitiiiig Corps -37-121-497-537-s8e Volunteer Training Corps, to Camp with a 506740 WAGES and War Profits, Toning ... 840 War, the, and the New Year _ _ 4 War, the Theatre of the ,.. 38

— Pages of ..

— Industri., the Ormudraiion of ... 536 — Loan, the New... — • ••• 999 — Relief, Humours of, in the Eaat End. ... 884

Weir, Mr. William, the Proposals of .. 800 Wheat Supply High Prices and 'Quack180-181 When to Leave off.. 41 Wilson, President, and hi. Shipping Bill 89-101 — InaMistake

Windfalls of Soldiering, the.

yruzs, the Second Battle of Zeppelin Bold on Loudoq the



Balled of the 'Eastern Crown,' the (Miss C.

Fox Smith) 508 Brooke, Rupert (Moray Dalton) 020 Chaplain to the Forces (Miss W. M. Letts) ... 590 England's Dead (Frank Taylor) ... 811 English Groves, the (Laurence Blnyoo)... Epitaph, an (R. W. Mman) 159 Front, the: 19 L5 (B. .A. Lees).........040 Garibaldi, Anita (Moray Dalton) 2E6 Heroes, the (M. Forrest) ... ... 18

I. B. S. (Cameron --raj ... 800 Inland In Last Year's Camp (M. Adak Macdonald) ... 194

In Memory of A. J. R. (J. A. Fort) ... 545 Joao of Are, to (C. R. Haines) 747 Land of the Brave and the Free, the ...894 Lines Written in Devon, January, 1915 (Ella

Fuller le

Peoples, the (B. Paul Neiman) ... 49

Minesweeper., the (II. Incarn)te) .., 441

Oxford In 1Var Time (W. Snow) B2 R. W. P. P.: Killed tu the Trenches (Alfred Seboolmaite the (C. L. Bayne) 650 'Tin Thirty Years Since ": J.osty 26th, 1885 (Ernest in Ac _ 159 To S. H., Killed in Action (W. Snow) ......880

Voice in the Desert, • (Emile Cemmaerts) 372

We Hope to WM (Austin Dolmen) ......476 ...Wounded Before the War" (Cullen Goulds.


ADAM, George—Behind the Scenes at the

Ali:4ton, C. A.—A Schoolmaster'. Apology ... 21 Alverstone, Rt. Hon. Viscount—Becolleetions Andreyetf, Leonid—Plays, Sc. 009 BADEN.POWELL, Sir Robert-351y Adree.

Patch, Herbert B.—Wookey Hole ......561 Barker, Ernest—The Submerged Nationalities of the German Empire .. 650 Bartlett, John—Familiar Quotations......203 Barton, D. Plunket—Bernadotte Beck, James 14.—Thelivideriee in the Case ... 182 Backe, Copt. A. F.—Napoleon and Waterloo ... 480 Bolles 131Iaire—A General Sketch of the — — The History of England _ 364 Benson, A. C.—Hugh: Memoirs of to Brother 545 Berger, P.—William Blake, Poet and Mystic: ... 500 Bien., Ambrose—In the Midst of Life 113

Bird wood, Sir George C. M.—Sra _ 5b7 Boyd, Charlea W., 04, by—Mr, Chamberlain's Speeches Bradsford, M. H.—Quaker Women. 16564690 ._ 750 Brett-Young, F. 14,—Robert Bridges: a Critical Buchan, J.colin—iielsou:s History of the War ... 300 Bulks Frank K—Recollections — 510 Bury, Right Res Herbert—Russian Life To- Butler, Geoffrey.GThe Tory Tradition _ 2.1

- Montagu—Some Leisure Hours of

CARTON, Hugh—The Grand Anise _. 116 Ce51,ellgron.AiLdite of Robert Cecil., 478 Champneye, Basil—Adel ... 478 Chapman, John Jay. compiled, Sc., by—

Deutschland Libor Alles _ . ... 779 Clarke, Mrs. M. 4.—Paris Waite, 1914 332 Cobb, Irvin 8.—The Red Glutton._ _. 591 Cohen, 'meal—Jewish Life in Modern Times._ 4:0 Colvin, Sir Sidney, ed. by—Tho Damns of 515

Cook, Arthur 14.roard—Zonis 301

— C. F., ed by—The Book of Sussex Verse ... 84

— Sir Edward—Britain and Turkey .- ... 133 Corder, Percy—The Life of Robert Spence Coupl.d, it., sdecte'd by—The War Speeches of William Pitt the Younger ...

Courtney, W. L.—Armageddou—and After :.. 133 Cromb, J. A.—Tho Origins and Destioy of Imperial Britain_ _ 298 Cromer, Earl of—Ablas If._ ":. — 266

Cross, R. Nicol--Socrates the Man nand his riewsow, W. H.—What is wrong with .1./ Germany P _ 182 Dicey, A. V.—Introduction to the Study the Law of the Constitution 268 Dole, Nathan Haskell, revised, de., by— Familiar Quotations _ _ 235 Dunning, W. A.—The British. Empire and the United States...............114 Mummy, Lord—Fifty-one Tales 733 ESHER, Viscount—The Influen. of King Eulnlis. of Spain, 11.11.11. Hie Infanta—Court Life from Within ... 520 Evans, H. T.—Wales and the Worn of the Rose. 570 F.A.G11.ET, ladle—The Dread of Beeponel.

Falls, Cyril—Rudyard Kipling 372 Figgie, J. N.—The Fellowship of the Mystery 205 Fletcher, C. R. L.—The Making of Western 413 Foord, 'tiaVard—Napiieon's Russian Campaign of er12 Fraser, lir. and Mrs. Hugg—Saran Tears on

the Pacific Slope............176 — Mrs. Hugh—More Italian Yesterdays ... 876 Praxes Sir James George, ed., Sc., by—Essays of Joseph Addison 287 Fulton, Maurice ... 563 ei_A_LSWORTHY,Jobn—The Little Man, ac, 653 Gaunt, Mary—A Woman in China _ 314 Godley, lion. Emline—The Great CondO 485 Gore, (hence—The War and the Church _ 897 Graham, Stephen—Husain and the World ... 441

Green, George IL—I Serve ... 761 Gnimhaud, Louie, ed. by—.Tulietto Dronet's Loco-Lettere to Victor Hugo ... 719 TIMMY, Thomas—Setirest of Circumstance 79 Harrison, Jane Ellen—Alpha and Omega 780 May, Ian—The Lighter Bide of School Life ... 117 Heudlam, Arthur C.—The Miracles of the New — Cuthbert, ed. by—The ....Lettere of Lay

Harriot Eliot, 17664788 _ 18 Headland, I. T.—Honse Life in Claim......701 Bodin, Sven—With the German Armies to the

West Hodgetta, ..11. E. Brayley—Tbe 'Cathe. nee the Great of Russia- * . 135 Heals, Sir Alerauder—On the Trail at the Opium Hueffer, Fa Mados—Wtien Blood is Their SW Argument Hutchinson, Horace G.,-Life of Si; Jul; INFANTA frAotrityafhiSupsin.,..H.E.H. th..e. 880 JOPFRE, General—My March to Timbuctoo 292 ICH R. Nntlrilia,Cooui.4.eur—The Experiences of -. 817 Icing. General Chitties—The Tr.; tilYeatis S.5 Kipling, liudyaid—Tio New Army in Training 282 T AKE, Kirsopp—The Stewardship of Faith 1352


Lawley, Lady, painted. by—Southern India -.. _ 512

Lehmann, Lilli—My Path through E24

Lethbridge, Alan—The New Ramie- 072 Lingard, John—The History of England' 664 Litchfield, Henrietta, ed. by—Emma Derwin._ 813 Loliee, Frederic—The Boman:e of to Favourite 896 Low. Sidney--Samuel Henry 651 Lyall, Sir Allred C.—Studies in Literature and

MarDONNELL,John de Courey—The Life of His Mej.ty Albert, King of the lielgame 547 McElroy, IL X.—The Winning of the Far West 753 Martin, E. S.—The War Week by Week, as Seen from New York302 X.., A. J.—The Church. of England and

Matthews, Brander, eboarn by—The Oxford

Ilook of Amcriem Essays _ Illaysma, Sir Don31.—The Home of the

iludson—Defeamless Americo 717 Mitchell, P. Clminnws—bivoletiousaa the War 831

Moore, 00 10 to The. Three Talk

Morgan. J. H., trims, Se., by—The German NORTON, Itithard—Bernia 512 R. Barry, ed. by—The Irish Ems

at Ypres ... 749' pAcli.Frarisp, select.' by—Au Anthology Pucker, Gilbert—The World in the Crucible ... 89.

Paton, John Lewis—John Brown Paton 623

Petteraoe, J. Pennell, Eilmbeth Bourne—Our Philadelphia... 5684 Percy, J. C.—Bulls and Blunders_ .. 333 Picht, Dr, Werner—Tor*. Hall aid tla English Settlement Movement 13 Pollock, Bertram—The Increase of the Eta.

Prince, Morton —The Atari.n ewe. the German View of the W. ... 62/

RlignErd',11.—.E.fut=tnIrro.a.,..1;761 Eoomvelt, Theodora—Americo and the Wurlo Bose, T. Holland—The Orkin of the War ... 123

Ross, E. A.—The Old World in the New ... 498 SCULL, E. Afaraball—Huiding in the Arctic Sable, W. B.—The Life of Andrew Harlin

Sewell, Mice E. 91.--Princi1,l. of Education ... 612: Singh, Sirdoe Jogenfro—B. M. Malabari 511 Stuck, Hudson-Alm Ascent of Denali (Mount

Sykes, Lieut.-Col. P. 91.—A History of Persia... 852 TEMPERLEY, Harold—Frederic the Great

Thompson, M. S.—The Nomads of the Belkaus 114. — R. Z.—England and Germany tide War... sei Thomson, B. Campbell—A Pilgrim'. Scrip •-• 409

Tborburn, A.—British Bird. 71171 Tower, Charles—Chauging Germany 851

-u-SHEB:ri Bokondpi.121.—Th e Rise of tt 888 W.— ACE, A. J. B. Nomads of the

Walker, Dr. Hugh—The English Essay and Weiga A. E. P. 13 Itistory of Emote in

Egypt from-1793 to 1511 61313 White, Dr. J. tram-Will Primer of the War YOUNG, Bal..: ton:The Byetemof National 782:


BRAS IL—Earl of Cromer ._ _ 266 Abbeys, Early, nod 0Id Boada—Anua

Addison, Joseph. Essays of—Ed., Sir

JarneeGeorge Frazer

Africa (through Central) from East to West—

C. Hearten and J. Barnes.........577

Alpha and Omega—Jove Ellen Harriaon 730- American Eesaye. the Oxford Book of—Chosen by Brander Matthews_ 880 — People, the Rise of the—Roland G. Usher._ 751 Antarctic Expedition, tik0 AatraLmian, 1911-

1914—Sir Douglas Mawson 574 Arabia Difeliz—G. Wyman Bury _ — 377 Arctic and Alaska, Hunting in the—E. M.thall Scull Artist's Sketch Book Series—Ed: by Merlin 4 Anoint, the Grand—Hugh ... 116 Avebury,Lord, Life of—Horace G. Hutcheson 134 BALKANS, the Nomads of the—A. T. B. _U10 Waco and M. S. Thomps..........114 Ball, Sir Robert, Reminiscences .d Lettere of

—W. Valentine Ball _ ... 753 Bar and Bench, Recollections of—Bt. Hon. Viscount Alverstone. 132 Bayeux Tapestry. Guide.; to the::-ILM. - Stationery Office (pub.) _ 562 Beyone, the King of the—John D. Conn, gen.., FatherHugh: Mariam Of it BrotherBenson 545

Bernadotte: the First 15;ne, 17034759—D.

Plunket Barton .- 83 Bemini—Richard Norton ............513

Birde..Britieh—A. Thorburn ... 781 Blake, William, Poet and Mystic—P. Berger... UM Blizzard, the Bewail the—Sir Douglas Itairsoli 374

Botticelli Sandro—Julia Cartwright .. 508 Bridges, itobert. a Critieal Study—F. &broth.

Britiah Empire, 'the, and the Bonito Poema—EJ., ko., 1 A. C.Itennon ... DRS Bulles frank T., the Recollection of—Seeleyoh.510.

B and Blunders—J. C. Perry 331 clASTIGLIONE, MM. de—Fr:Mai. 1.0116e 1396 Catheanis and Cloisters of Northern France—Elide W. Rose.........887 Catherine the Groat of Russia, the Life of

—E. A. Brayley llodoette -. 135 Chamberlain, Mr., his Speeches —Ed. by

Charles W. Boyd China, a Women in—Mary „.

— Home Lila in—I. T: llead1.1... SAS Chine.. Forest Tree. .d Timber Supply-

721 Ghrietiana and her Children-Longma. (pub.) 548 Church of England, the, .d Episcopacy-A. J. College Life: its Conditions and Problems-

Cond., the Great-Hon. Eveline Godley ... 869

Constitution, Introduction to the Study of thetheLaw y[ to Country Folk, the Vanished-R. L. Gales 400 Court Life from Within-H.H.H. the Inf..

850 Cruisi7 Club Journal. the Royal Season 1914

-C.D AnWni, Emma-Ed. by Henrietta Litelt. 813

Denali. the Ascent of-Hudson Stuck ... ... 476 Denbigh, the County of, an Inventory of the Ancient Monuments of-Wyman (pub.) ... 376 Dervishee, Dancing, the City of-Merry Charles Diaz del Boreal-H. B. Cunningham.

Grobam Dionysos. the isiatic.21Glatiya Danis ... 568

Don M.rtin-Lady Moreton .. _ 690 Donne, Dr..Totin, Bibliography of the Works of-Geoffrey Keynes - 53 Dreuet, Juliette her. Lov.Letter. to Victor Hugo-Ed. by Louis Guimbaud..._ 719

D rummond, Adelaide: Retrospect mid Memoir EDUCATION, Principles of-Min E. AL Edward VII., the Lidluence Of-Viseouni Esher 408 Ei39'itL11.Rioter;i,..,.049,E6.,,vellits_ in, from 1798 to 869 Eliot, Lady Harriet, the Lethers of, 176611.783:.

Ed. by Cuthbert 1.1.diam 18 England, the History of-John Lingard and Hilaire Bello.... _ 561

E seopacy, the Church of Eng.. and-A. J. Moen,Episcopate, the Increase of ihe-ilertmm 699 Essay and Essayists, the inglish-Dr. Hugh Essays: Alpha .4 Omega-Suva Ellen Hoe..


- American, the OxiOrd Rook OF-Chosen by 780

Brander Matthews 686 Europe, Western, the Making .of-G. R. L. Andrew 31.tio, the Life of

1.) W. B. Seib._ 160 Faith, the Stewardship of-ICirsOP"p Lake ... 852 Favourite, the Romance of a-Fredirie Loliee 99d Finance, National, the System of-E. Hilton Forest Trees wed Timber 'Supply of 'al.- Norman Shaw ... - ... 721 Prance, New, Makers of-Charles nawharn 481 French, Works in - Alfred de Musset-litaurice Donne.. _ - Autour dune Fortune-Louis Noel 688 - Galore, me-Mme. Lucie Delarne-M.drue 688 - De la Terrenr an Consulat-Ernest Daudet 688 - Densieme Page, la-M. do Ti.ean 688

- Hietoire 111..te de la Guerre-M. - Ltheades et 'Archives *de la

Funck.lirenta00688 - Madame de Nivign.: 'Testes Choi.. it

Gommentee-Mme. Mar - Nouvelle Croisade dee Enfant., la-Henry Bonds - Sous les Obits et &maim Caves: Mole:SW.11m

Bombeodde de Reims-3111e. A. Martin _ 689 - Valise Bond.. la-Alexandre Hepp......688 - Voyage, un-Nme. Belleau 688 Frederic the Great and Kaiser Joseph-Herold Temperley .. _ - - 448 Furniture, Period, the Practical Boob of-

H. D. Eberlein and A. McClure-. ... 653 eIALLATIN, James, the Diary of-Heine.

kIr mann (pub.) _ S5 German Utterances, a Collection Of--Cempiled by John Jay Chapman ... 779 Grand Assize, the-Hugh Carton... ._ 116 Gam., Ulyss. S., the True-General Charles Bong 43rey, Sir &awn. (.1.)......611

H0LBEIN (Hans) the Younger-Ford

Made: Hoofer.- 569 HomeAleking: Household Kints-S. E. Stone 818 Hugh : Memoirs of a. Brother-A. C. Benson ... 549 Hugo, Victor. Juliette Drouet's Love.Letters

to-Ed. by Lou. Guimbmid. 719 Homo., National-Rev. David Macrae- r.. 411 INDIA, Southern-Mrs. F. E. Penny _ 512 I Serve: a Handbook of Personal Service -George H. Green - 781 Italian Yesterdays, More-Mrs Singh Fraser_ 376

JEWISH Life in Modern Thome-Israel

J.., Sam.] Henry-:Sidney Lox _ 061 KEATS John, the Poems of--Ed. by Sir King Edward, the Influence Of-Viscount Esher 408 Kipling, Rudyard: e, Critical Study-Cyril- LANDSCAPES, Home-W. Robinson _ 548

Leisure Hours, Some, of a Long Lite- H. Butler... 234 Literature and kIIstory, Studies in-Sir Alfred

C. Lyolt Loeb Si fibrory, the-Heinemann (poi.) 136 Lubbock, r John, Life of-Horace G. IVIOCINT,EY. Mount, the Assent of-

MAQ•Z/NES, the 53-193 3


Malabar', B. M.-Sirdar Jogsndat Singh _ 511 Man, the Little, and other Satires-John Galsworthy_

. ...653

Melanesian Society, the Hisiory of-W. H. R.

Memories and itusings-alohn Witdicombe ... 447 MILITARY BOOKS (see under War Books),

Milton-John Bailey .- ... 407 Miracle. of the New T.toment, the-Artkur

C. Milford, Mary ilusseil-Ed: by Eiimbeth Lee 22 Moro, Samuel F. B.-Ed. by E. L. Morse ... 270

Musical Reminis.ncee-Lilli Lehmann ... 624 Musicians of To-day-Ronnie Rolland ... 161 Mystery, the Fellowship of the-I. N. Figgie._ 305 Mysticism, Practical-Evelyn Underhill ... 338 NAPOLEON and Waterloo-Capt. A. F. Napoleon: his Russianctirepliga of 1814-

NAVAL BOOKS (see under War Books). Novels, Stories, Tales,

- Alice and a Family-St. John G. Ervine ... 447 - Angela's Business-H.......656

- Billie'. Mother-Mr...1 H. Skrine......001 - Blind Side of the Heart, the-F. N. Crichton 88 - Blue Horizon, the-H. de Yore Stacpoole ... 721

- Brune's Tower-Eden Phillpotte ... 594 - Cairo-Percy White _ ... 164 - Captain of Hie Soul, the-Henry James

Furman - Columbine-Viola keyneb.........378

- Dark Tower, the -Francis Brett Young ._ 594 - Delia Blanchflovrer-Mrs. Ilumphry Ward 163

- Drop in Infinity, a-Gore. Grogan 22

- Edgar Chirrup-Peggy We _ 238 - Enter an American-E. Crosby-Heath ... 578 - Family, the-Elinor Mordaunt......449 - Flame of Daring, the-Elarold Spender ... 899 - From the Sbelf-Poston Holg. ... 691 - Great Age, the-J. C. Smith.........411 - His English Wife-Rudolph Stmt. ......271 - His Love or Ilia Life-Riebard Marsh. ... 492

- House of Daffodil., the-Louise Mock ... 308

- Hungerheart-Methuen (pub.)......549 - In a Desert Land-Valentina Hawtrity ... 786 - In Other Days-Mra Alfred Sidgwick ... 898

- In the Midst of Life-Amhroae theme ... 115

- Invisible Event, the-J. D. Beresford ... 448 - Jaunty in Charge-hIrs. George Wemyss 819 - Jealous Goddess, the-Madge Mos. ... 819

- Journey to Nature, a-S. P. Mowbray 306 - Jonrueya with Jerry the Jarvey-AlexitiRoche Barre - Keeper of the Door, the-'Ethefill Bell ... 656

- Little Comrade-Burton E. Stevenson ... 722 - Lover's Tale, a-Maurice Hewlett 626

- Macbeth-Greening (pub.) .........55 - Mann[ Iron, the-Richard Deb. ......754 - Mau Who Was Afraid, the

- Marjory hfalioryIvan ilodgItinson ... 853 - Meave-Dorothea Cony 594

- Mies Bishop,George A. Nirmingham ... 785 - Mies Billy's Deminon-Eleanor. U. Porter ... 754

- Mrs. Green Again-Evelyne E. Rynd ... 786 - Muth.: of the • Elsinore,' the-Jack London 238 - Patricia-Edith Henrietta Fowler......049 - Patrol of the Sun-Dance Trail, the-Ralph - Peoples Man. a-i. Phillips appeal:m.1m ... 201

- Percy and gob-John P .........87 - Peter Paragon-John Palmer .........549 - Pigeon BloodRubies-John Bodkin, 412

- Pretender, the-Robert W. Service _ 818 - Rain Before Seven-Er. Leadbitter... ... 237 - Record of Nicholas Freydon, the-Constable

- ma.—ailert ... 271

- Roger Ingram-hamar. Westrup 412 - Sixth Sense, the-Stephen hIcKenna 3117 - Splendid Days-Ralph Durand ......119 - Splendid Blackguard, the-Roger Pocock ... 626 - Starveacre-S. Mills Witham . 691

- Summer Fri...Ms.-Dorothy Muir ... 81926. - - Sword of Youth, the-James Line Alien ... 516

- Temple of Dawn, the-I. A. R. Wylie ... 271 - Tollhouse, the-velyn St. Leger ... ... 481 - Two Sinners-Mrs. David G. Ritchie ... 625 - Uncertain Glory, the-Molly Thy.° ... 56 - TJnofficial-Bohun Lynch .- ... 690 - Valley of Fear, the-A. Conan Doyle ... 899 - Winds of Deal, the-Latta Griewold 29 - Within the Tides-J.eph Conrad ... 338

- Woman in the Car, the-Richard Marsh ... 432 Resnartz NOM-9-23.58.88-120-164238-271-308-339.

37841341&482517550595626457.691.782.753 7864319-854499.

Novgorod, the Chronicle of, 1016-147I-Tra.. by Robert Mitchell and Nevill Forbes ... 215

OPIUM Poppy, PACIFIC Slope, Seven Year. on the-Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fraser ... _ 376 Panama Canal, the, aud Internatknal Trade

Competition-Lincoln Hutchinson _ 873 Par. Waite, 1914-Iffre. M. E. Clarke 332 Path, My, through Life-Lilb Lehmann ... 624 Paton, John Brown-John Lewis Paton ... 623 Peacemaker, a Great : James Gallatin-Heine-

Persia, a Bietory N. Rykes._

Philadelphia, Our-Elizabeth Bobbie Pennell Philip IL, a Playmate of-Lady Moreton Pilgrim's Scrip, a-R. Campbell Thommu 409 Pitt, William, the Younger, the War Speeches of-Selected by R. Coupland 867 Poetry, Plays, Se., Books of :-

- Bird of Paradiee, the-W. H. Davies .. 444 - Borderlands-W. W. Gibson.........444 -. Christmas Roses for 1914-F. W. Bourdblon 444 - Country of the Young, the-Maude Gold-

- Davi In Heaven-R. L. Gales... _ 414 on the Trail of the-Sir

Noisy, Plays, Or., Books of (eontinued):-

- For Belgium-Wilfrid Blair ... 444 - Freedom Poems-G. Winthrop Young ... 444 - From the Outposts-Cullen Gouldsbary _ 444 - Georgian Poetry-Poetry Bookshop (pub./ 612 - New Beginnings and The Record-Douglas - New Niambees-Rupert iirook;:tite.......612 - Oxford Poetry, 1914-Blackwell (pub.) ... 441

- Peck o' Mant, a-Petrick B. Chalmers ... 444 - Plnys-Leonid Andreyeff.........680 - Poems-Rob.t Hugh Benson .........404 - Sagas of Vaster Britain-Wilfrii Campbell 441.

- Sailor Town-Miss C. Fox-Smith _ 446 - Satires of Circumehmee-Thomas lardy 19 - Sots. of Angus-Violet Jacob 444 - Sussex Verse,the Book of -Ed. by C.F. Cook 84 - Tebekhoff, Anton, Playa by-Trues. by Mice Fell 10 - Tchekleedf, Playa b7-Trans. by George Calderon._ .. 10 - Thoroughfares-W. W. Gibson ... ... 444 - Winnowing Fan, the-Laurence Binyon 444

Prussian Culture. an Analysis of-Ford Mad. QUAYEE Women, 1650.1690-M. B. Broils-

QUARTERLIES, the._ 118-593 Quotations, Familiar-John Bartlett ... 235

RECOLLECTIONS-Frank T. Bull. ... 510 Relief Model of Central Europe-Philips' London Geographical Iustttute (pub.) 22 Religion., the Study of-Stanley A. Cook ... 481 Re.ponsibility, the Dread of-Smile Fe. ... 85 Roads, Old, and Early Abbeys-Anna Louisa Lee Rose., the ;ars Of the, andiiales-11. T. Evans 870 Russia and the World-Stephen Graham ... 441

- the New-Alan Lethbridge 872 Russian Life To-day-Right Rev. Herbert Bury 730

QALISBURY, Robert Cecil, First Earl of,. a 13 Life of-Algernon &ail 479 Satires of Circumstanee-Thomas Hardy .. 19

- The Little Man, and other-John GO3


- Bell's English Text Santee-Bell (pub.) ... 816 - Book Ways-Edith Kimpton 781 - Byron's Childo Harold-A. H. Thompson ... 816 - Byron's Childo Harold: Cantos I. and II.- J. G. Serimgeo. _ 816 - Byron's Childe Harold Cantos III. and IV. John Downie 816

- Chaucer-Lilian Wimitanley .........018 - English: a Modern Grammar-E,

- English Composition-A. 'Cruse 131 - English Composition-R, S. Bate. 131

- English Course, Matriculation -.J. C.

- EPgrish Grammar and Composition, Part I1L-G. A. Twentyman ._ 131 - Eoglish, on the Writing of-Townsend

Wnrncr - English Literature for NeilooliNeri.-Dent

- English Iiteratnie for Neeondary Schools

Herten-hthemillan (pub.) _ 816

- Ertish Literature, History of-A. S. - English Literatore, Leders of-A. F. Bell... 781 - English Literature, Modern-G. H. Male _ 781

- EnglishLiterature, the Pageant of-Edwardt


- English Literature through the Ages-Aniy

- English Prose, Library of-Bore, (pub.) ... 816

- English Spe.11 and Literature, Ementia. of-F. H. Vine 1317 - English Verse, the Grey Fri. Book of- &booted by Gny Kendall 816 - French Book, First, a Reform, for 'Adult Students-J. Stuart Waite. 151 - French Grammar a Modena-Mlit

Deshumbert and dilf pi ... DI

- French Grammar, a odern-W. H. Fraser and S. &Nair

- French Grammar, 0 Skeleton-AL G.'Atkins 131 - French Grammar, the Essentia. of- C.W.

- Gram irancaise hiederne-MiE De.; bombe. and Copia. - Gray's Englith P.ms-R. F. Clarke _. 816

- Greek Grammar, an Elementary -E. E. C. sat

- Hero., the-Charles Kingsley ... 918 - Latin Grammar, an Elementary-E. E.

Bryant and E. D. C. Lake _ _ 131 - Longfellow's Song of Hiawatha-Clarendon Press (pub Scott 016 - Lord of the Isla, the-Sir Waiter scott ... 810 - Macaulay'. Lays-Blackle (pub.)......010 - Marlowe'. Edward IL-J. W. Holme, de. ... 816 - Poetry for Boys-Selected by N Masavell ... 816

- Shakespeare Playe-Ed. by S.F. B. Mn), I. 816 - Spenser". Faerie Queen. Book V.-E. H.

nmr' e:- Spe e Fame Cuma Book V.-S. E.

School Life, the Lighter Side of-Ian Hay ... 117 Schoolmaster'. Apology, Is-C. A. Alington 21 Sea.Pie-J. E. Patterson-, 690

Green Personal, a Handbook Of-George IL

Seven Years' War, & journal of the First Two Campaigns of the-Horace St. Paul _ 270 Sewing Book, the Little Girl's-Ed. -Ed. by Flora

KhtekmPmSkelton, Philip, the f.iie of.Saranel Bait. ... 853 Soorates the Man and hie Mission-B, Nicol $piz,Myllidvenitere as u-Sir Robert Baden-


Powell Tisr.Talk etioutf.:Sturire Sera Sir George C. M. Birdw.d IVAGORE, BebIndranath-Ernest Eby. ... 871 „L Tales, Filty.one-Lord Dangling 753 Tory Tradition, the-Geoffrey G. Butler ... 21 Toynbee Hall and the English Settlement Movement-Dr. Werner Picht 52 Tronting Days (Clear Waters)-A. G. Bradley 721 UNITED STATES the, and the British

Triscas of Northers Plod., Life and

V Customs among the-A. 5. B. Ware, &c. 114

WALES sad the Wars of the Bores-H. T.

WAR, BOOKS DEALING WITH THE,- - Africa, the Germans in-Eva. Lewin... 897

- Aircraft in the Great War-C. Grahame-

Whits and H. Harper _ 687 - Allies, with the-Richard'Ilarding Davis ... 410 - Armories and the World War-Theodore - America, Detenseless--Hudeou Muzint ... 717 - American Opinions (Sixty) on the War- - (pub.) -. ... 719 - American rooms the German 'View of the War-Morton Prince _ _ 621 - Americans, a Primer of the War for-Dr. J.

William White ... 50 - Armageddon-and After-W. L. Courtney 133 - Army, the British-W. U37 - Army, the New, in Training-Rudyard - Balkan., the, and the War-N. and C. R.

- Battle-Copt. 'Haldane ... 410 - Belgian Democracy-Henri Pirenne 895 - Berlin and other Capitals during Wartime What I Sow in-Nash (pub.)... ... 689 - Blood is Their Argument, When-Ford

Madoxl/Inedifer _ _ 546 - Britain and Tnrkey-Sir'Edward Cook ... 123

- Britain, Tramiel, the Origins and Deatiny - Church, the, and the War-Charles Gore ... 897 - Crucible, the World in the-Gilbert Parker 895 - Deutschland toyer Alles-Complled, ho., by John Jay Chapman _ 779 - Enemy's Country, in the-Mary Houghton 815 - England and Germany in the War-R. J.

Thompson..._. W. 591 - Europe, the Unmaking of-P. W. Wilson ... 815 - Evidence to the Case, the-Jarnes M. Beck 162 - Evolution and the War-P. Chaim°.

- Fighting with King Albert-Capitaine Gabriel de Libert de Flernalle ... 815 - France, New, Makers of-Clmrles Dawtetrn 481 - Front, Behind the Scene. at the-George - Germany, Changing-Charles Tower ... 851 - Germany What is Wrong with her ?-


- German Armies, with ilia, in the 'W .est- ' - Gennep Belfort Bay Culture, Past and Present-E. 895 - German Empire, the Submerged Nationali- ties of the-Ernest Barker 650 - German Prince, What I Fonnd Out in the House of a-Chapman & Han (pub.) _. 197 - German War Book, the-Trout. by J. H.

- Glutton. the lied-Irvin 8. Cobb 591 - Guerra, Aspeetos do la-Santiago Noes

- ei Foe d'une Ambulance,

- Help, All Can-Doty and Discipline Move.

meat (pub.) ... - Holland, War Time and Peace in-J. W.

Robertson Scott _ _ 137 - Horrors of War, the M1nor-A. E. hip'. 625 - " 1"-Verlag von Payot (pub.) ... 813 - Ring Albert, His Majesty, the Life of-John de Conroy MacDonnell ... 547 - King Albert'. Book-Hodder (pub.) ... 52

- Law, Internatione, Outlines of-Charles H. 721

-Map, War, of Central Europe, Relief Model-London Geographiud Institute (pub.) ... 22 - Maps of Europe, the Two-Hilaire Halloo ... 895 - NationalityandtheWar-ArnoldJ. Toynbee 815 - Nelson's History of the Woo-Jobe Buchan 900 - Nuns, the Dish, at Ypres-Ed. by R. Barry - Officer's Guide to Knowledge, the Young- - Pan.Germanism (Fourth Edition)-Boland

G. Usher - Paris Waits, ii14-26irs. E. elarke ... 332

- Pitt, William, the War Speeches of- Selected by R. Coupland 867 - Prisoner, My ExTerienees as a German- - Pro Patria. et Rege-Prof. W. I. IrnIght_ 270 - Prose, Patriotic, an Anthology of-Selected by Frederick Page............710 - Rapid Training of a Company for War- Capt. A. P. Birchall _ ... 410 - Recruiting Officer, the 'Experiences of a- Coulson Kernah.... 817

- 8'- Training (Quick) for National DefenceOt

- Emilia and the World-Stephen Graham ... 441 - Soldier, the British-Bev. E. J. Hardy _ 615 - Soldier: What Every Soldier Ought to Know-Oxford Univ. Pre. (pub.) ... ... 410 Spy, My Adventures. a-Sir Robertltaden-

Powell - Spi-0015s.tem, fire Berman, from Within-

.- Surgeon, a, in Helium-II. 8.9000000 687 War, Book. dealing with the (continued):- - Territorials (Britain's) in Peace and War- - Tintbuctoo, My March to-General Joffre 593 - War and the Empire-Colonel Hubert - War, European, o General Sketch of the- - War, How Goes the 7-0. W. Protbero ... 898 - War, the, and its Issuea-John Oman 693 - War, the, and Our Financial Fabric-W. W.

- War, the Meaning of the-W. Sanday ... 815 - War, the Origins of the-S. Holland Hoe.... 133

- War, the, Week by Week, as Seen from New - War, Thing. to Know about the-Proctor

- Ypres. the Irish Nuns at-Ed. by IL Barry Waters, Clear-A. G. Bradley ... 721 Watson, Robert Spence, the Life of-Percy

Watts, G. 1%-(1. K. Chesterton_. ... 5.9 Wort. Par, the Winning of the-R. M. McElroy 753 Westlake. John, the Collected Paper. of. on Public Internailonal Law-Ed. by L. Oppen-

Wookey E. ilateh::. _ 565

World, the Old, in the New-E. A. Ito. ... 446 ZET,J1k. st..d! .Inciont Roligion:A. 13: 305


AESTHETIC, Threo Lectures on-Bernard

Ainelie Gore-Najor dembier-Parry . 137 America and the World War-T. Roosevelt ... 157 - South, the Plateau Peoples of-A. A. Adams 595 Am6ri6toLatina-Benj.min Barrios ...308-448.723 Auscreontes, the-J. F. Davidson ......833 Animals, the Investigation of Mind in-Min Arabic Numerais-S. 505 Archaeology, Field, Introduction to, . Illus- trated by Hampshire-J. P. Willinms.

BABYLON/A, the Laws of, and the Laws of the Hebrews, the Relation. between-Dr. Bees, a Syron of the-F. W. Gain 23

Benson, Robert Hugh, Memorials of-Bun..t Oat. (u

Berlin Copurt,b.) the, under William IL-Count

Axel von Schwerin. 418 BIBLES, T.taments, he. 292126 BIOGRAPHY, Books of ... 273-379 Book Sales, English, List of Catalog°. of-

British Museum (Pub.) 786

Boon-Reginald Blum_ _ _ 691 British Empire the-Sir Charles Lucas ... 593 ,

CANADA, Western, before tho War-E. B. Mitchell ... Canadian Essays and Iddraises:Frincipal 272 Peterson ... _ 161

Carto.Bibliography, Studies in I. O. Chaucer and his Poeiry-d. L. iiitredie ... 874 Chess Strategy-Eduard busker123 Christie Collection, Catalogue of the-C. W. E. 517 Leigh Church Bedi.tions, 'Ancient, in Scala:rd- .?. Mackinlay...............164

CCy Studies, the Year'. Work in-Ed. by Cochrane, Lord, the 'Guilt* of, in 1814:Lorit

Ellenborough _ 138 Coelebs, a Villa for-Sir James 69 Comedies by Holberg-Trans. by O. J. Camp-

bell, jun., end F. Schenck ... ... 412 Consumption, a Campaign against-Arthur Cornish Saints and Sinners-J. Henry Harris 755 Cotton Crops, the World's-John A. Todd ... 900 DANDIES and Men of Letter-L. H. Fin. D Annunzio, Signor, New Editions of Works

by-Hernemaun 9tub.) 786

Dead Deaf, the-Harry Beet _ 481 Dew-Ponda-Edward A. Martin.........300

DICTIONARIES, 23626 Diplomat's Memories of 1870, a-F.derie Reit- hnger hicelern, Aspects of-F. Chandler 1.18 Dramas, Representative Engli.h, from Dryden to Sheridan-F. and J. W. Topper ... 449 Drool Family, the Mystery iuthe-M.Saunders 165

EAST I Know, the-Paul Claudel Efficiency, Fundamental Source. of- ESSAYS, &u, Book. of 164483-788.819

Evelyn Family, the History of the-Helen ' Everyman Library-J. M. bent (pub.) ... 410

FARMING. Ac.. Books on ... _. 202 Federalist, Selections from the-W. B. Flags of the World-W. J. dorden626 Fly, the Book of the--Major Hurl.tone Study 755 Flies in Relation to Disease-Edward Hindle_ 57

FOLK-LOBE, &e., Books on ... 23.17/440

Food Products-Henry C. Sherman ... 138 GALLOWAY 6AlLanrtLthe C...overranters:Alux: 57

GAMES, Books on 441'517

Geography), Physical-Philip Labe 27.2 Gep.ati.y. In the Nineteenth Century-Professor 555

Ghost Stories, Vrne Seymour end H. L. Neligth 1$1 Golden Bough, the-Sir Jame. Frazer ... 550 GUIDE.BOORS, HANDBOOKS, Ac, 2188.^.02174

HEROES and Heroines in Fletion-W. S.

Highland Penciide COeps, Olds-Copt. I. 57 Mackay 500blo 550 HAdnied in Europe and America-Elirnbeth

HISTORY, LOCAL, Hooksett 65303379 History, the Interpretation of-L. Cecil Jane.- 636 HISTORICAL WORKS 2357- 30814.9.07.755-786900 Roland, Free Trade and Protectionism in-

Home University Library, the-:Wilfianns At INCENDIUM Amoria-Richrtral Rolle .., 751 .1 Inch., Ancient, Iron in-Pauchamm Seep 57 Indian People, the heal-Lieut. Col. S. J.

Inmets and Man7.-C. A. Eitiaml 4411

Irish Corpus Astronomiae, ma-Manus

7P7A"?..?°i=1°:-ififr Foster Mri GoortvsY .. °.7

Joking Apart-lion. Mr.. Dowdalt

Juvenile Courts and Probation-B. Plerterrod ICEITIS., John, the Poems of-Ed. by Sir iiiswahili Sidney Colvin IffideClie Citenge.'in the 417 Kultur Cartoons-WIll Dyson .. 201 1.,ALB2274t,r.deg.r5im,1[1.57it13..2.517.801.7L5U Louis Clark Vanusem Lectures-H. Milford

MAGDALEN College, Oxford-W. D. Mae.

Medical Women, English-it. H. Bennett .. 379 Mona, General, an Address to, from the Gentry of Norfolk and Norwich, in 1660-

-Jarrold (pelt./_ - ,-; 873 Monmouth Street Society, the II rstory or the-

Morris, William, the Collected 'Work. of-

Longman. Ipub.) _ 272 Moshe, MI Illustrated History of-T. Tapper

NEAR EAST, the, from Within-Cassell NEW EDITIONS. be. 29.1:8-203-'72-370.41:1-517- 595.7.13.755.707.820654 Nietzsche, the Lonely-Fran Forster-N let:ache 279 Norsemen, the Voyages of the, to America- W. Hoeg:mut 412 North-Endo. Roilway, the-W. W. Tom-

OVID'S Tristia, he.-Ed. by S. G. Owen ... 814 PALAEOGRAPIIT and I hePractical Study of Court Hand-11 Jenkunion 195 Palestine Exploration Fond, Quarterly Stott, People's Booku the-T. C. & E. C. Jack (pub.) 441

POETRY, Books of ... =413 ?I.o.M.:tee, the, of Cumberland and West- morland-W. J. Sedgekeld £54 - - the, of Enghted and Wales-J. B.

Poland, Sketches in-Frances D. Little 57 POLITICAL and ECONOMIC SCIENCE, Books of 57-201.159-59.5.733.786.854 Prisoners of War Information Bureau in London, the-IL F. Itochurgh

Psychological Studies-Hodder & Stoughton RITLIIL,1.115recht,nnd his School-Robert 5.75 Roman Iniperinl Army, the Auritila of the.f.

Round Table, t he-Illarmillau (pub.) ... 332.755 Royal 001,110 Society, 0 History of the-H. F.

Huss. an the Worhi-Stephen Graham 3(61 - Friendly-Denis Garstin _

SRussian Realities-John Hubback 550 AINT.SIMON, Doke de, tho Memoirs of the-F. Ark wright 517 Schools, the, of Medieval England-A. P. SCIENTIFIC and PHILOSOPHICAL ROOKS z01.2241.379550-919 Scotell•Irith, the, in America-11 J. Ford .. 723 Sevigne, Madame de. Dictionary of-Ed. by

Mary E. FitzGerald Herrick _ 19) Serene Purification and Disposal-G. B.

Shalreepeare. Some Text.' Dillicultie. in-

o.n.towShirley's Piny., the Gelation of, the Eliza.

bethan Dramm-11. 5. Forsythe 313 SOCIAL REFORM, Books on ...

Soldier. a, Some Danger. he May Avoid _. 232 SouthNea House, from the Old-Ed. by A. W.

Spam, Old Court Life In-Frances Elliot ... hffi

Store Philosophy, the-Gilbert Murray._ ... 72:1 THESE Glorious Time.-Miss L. II. M.

Time and Space, a Theory of-Allred i. . .Holt 'l i; 57

TRAVEL, SPORT, &a, Books of 23-88-120.164.308. 339-879419489 Trees-Sir Herbert Maxwell . 88 and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles-W.

J. Bean Tubbs, Hoary-G. C.Iloore.Smilif ... 819 VILLAGE Industries-J. L. Green ... 550

Volumetric Awlysis-A. J. Berry 900

WAR Booms 56-411-620-755 War, Progress, and 'the Had of History -Vladimir Solowev - 755 War, the, end the Prophets-Father Herbert Thurston - -• 729 Waterways, Artificial, of tke World-LA. /3. 165 Hepburn

Wild Life Conservation i.e 'Theory and PriM.

Windmills-Gilbert Can.0 691

'[TEAS-BOOKS, do 24.-.2.272-309-4134.49-


Yeuesei, n Summer On the-Maud D.Hovland 330 Yone lioguchi, the Story of, Told by Himself ZI2f, the Wilderness of-C. L. Woolley and


A same, the Late Charles Francis, 439.

"Ainslie Gore ": Fact or Fiction ? 193-231261.

BINiIiIfeleLoeSZyb, Vocation Term for, 476.

Birds in Public Perkr 07.

•• British," the Boycott of the Word, 14.

Bullen, the Late Mr. Frank T., 330.

Bulls and Blunders, 4011110.475-508-541

Burma, n Grave in, 589.

elatracess, Ancient, the Preservation of, 17. Coleridge wad his Daughter Sara, 474.

Comm., on,330-372-406-140.541.

Corrections, 716747.893.

DENBIGHSHIRE, Antiquities of. 475.

Dialogne of the Dead, a 474, Domestic Parolee. Dignity end, 17-1180.

Duff, the Late Lady Grant. 474

pormothe Sultan of, 16. Telegraph, the American Claim to Nave Iaveofod Epiacopate, the Inmease of the, 588. Oceowete for Loudon Hospitals, 716.

"Frederic the Great and Joseph," 475. a.m., General 1.9., 230.

"Great Age," the, 475.

rImmix, Lord, the Trimmer, 299.

▪ 13.tsell, Bishop, the Letter of, 747-893. Hospitable Journal, a, 508. Hours, Favo.ite, 891.

lircznicortosm Relations, Council for tho Study of, 331.

JARM Stories, Some, 892. "Journey to Nature," a, 930. Joliette Droners Love-Letters, 713-747.

Lora, Dr., tho Resignation of, 91113.194, Longs and Shorts, 847.892. Loquacity, 619.

Lord's Prayer, the Puuct.tion of the, 475.503. Munn Metaphor, 180.

LarOmitos, the Height of, 507. Neo-Ilinduima and Christianity, 404. DANDURANG Hari," 298.

Proportional Representation in Denmark, 643. P a.m., Wanted, a Simplified, 299-3 W1.

• Religious Revival. Suggestions of, 284. Russian Copyright, 264.9-330105. QYART, the Late William, LL.D., 438. .-' Social Incompatibility, 299. "Svarnalata," 157.

"Sweetness and Light," 265. TERRIBLY Strange Bed," a, 372.

WELLINGTON, Duke of the Height of the, 404. 439; cud Eton. 507.543. Welsh Church, Free Church Memorial on the Disendowinent of the, 157..1.

" What I Found Out in the Ho e of a German Prince," 2,31i Fact or Fiction? 26e.

APPEALS.-Hugs for Army Horses, 17.713.-An Appeel,45-230.-AmbulanceBuffettor the Wounded, 49-112.-Friends' Were Victims Committee, 79.- The Christian Evidence Society, 82.-Urgen. Casey Hospitals for France, 119.439.-The Belgian Field Hospital. 156.-Counteas Roberts's Appeal for Field Glasses, 158-649-746811.-The India Troops, 15 8299.544.-The Belgian Soldiers Fond, 194.-Peony Fund for Sick and Wounded, HA- Blinded Soldiers and Sailors, 263.1316.-The War Library. 265778.-East African Field Force Fund, 299.811.-An Appeal for Books, 300.-The Officers' Families Fund, 400974.-Publio Schools Base Hospital. 403.-Distr.sed France, 403.-The Clergy Resit.House Gomshall, 406.-The Boys' Country Work Society, 543-716847.-Lady Lugo. Hospitality Committee, 544.--Press Contributors' Emergency Fund, 628.-Our Limb. Ws Sailors and Soldier., 617.715.-The French Wounded, 617.--May 11th, 1915: the Russian Flag Dey, 818.-The Children's Aid Committee, 619.- Agricultural Relief of Allies Committee, B47.- Belgian Repatriation, 647.-Wounded Allies Relief Committee, 684.-Children'n Country Holidays Fond, 684.848.--Scottish Women's Hospitals. 778.- The Po... Vbitims Relief rand, W.-Public School Alpine Sports Club Motor Ambulance. 843. ..-Books for the Dardanelles Wounded, 843.-The 'runItalian&SA

Blue Cross, tffil.-The Factory Girls' Holiday

WAR, LETTERS RELATING TO THEe-• A suss, the Infection of, 47.

Aegospotemi, the Battle 04330. Africa, South, a Message from, 601. Agriculture: the Question of Women in, 156-809- 817; for Schoolboys, 513. Aircraft, Detection of, 4764507. Air Raids, Insurance against, 899. Allen, Some Reflections of an, 619. Aliens, Naturalixed, the Rights of, saa. America and Britain May not Pride be Carried Too Far ? 152; a Great Danger, 155151-190-224369- 400-436631; "Spiritless and Selfish Neutrality," America: and the War, 46-228583715-776-841888; a Voice from America, 151-64 6806; Mr. Charl. Adams on the War, 403; Germans, Austrians, and Hung.iansin, 437171.

American Government, the, as a Shipowner, 76- 155.

American Opinions, 46-260.

American Protest, the, 45-77.

Americans and the ' Falaba,' 565-581. Aniline Dye Dilemma, the: Duties or Subsidies?


Animal Life a the Fixing Line, 778-1346, Animal Sentries, 330.

"Another Fight to a Finish," 683. Anti-German Riots, Mr. Dicey on the, 711. Arms and the War, 715.

Army Dress, Our, 15.

Ascot in W. Time, 327-369-403.

Athletic Sport for the New Army, 542. Attrition, the Strategic Theory of, 402,

lat cox ore Sea Power 228.

Belem, a Quotation from 156. Bartholdt, Mr., and the American Shipping Bill, 191. Henry Ward, a Quotation from, 154. Beer, Dealcoholired, 714.38. Belgium wader the Germ. Sword, 110.

Belgian Ref ugees, Em ploy Belgian Repatriation, 615-617.ment for, 47. Beln Victims, 506-681.

Bird Life in the Battle Zone, 717-778-808416.

Birds ire the Battle Area, 683.

Bismarck, Prince: Mr. Ellis Barker and, 506;

and the Press, 542-585.

Boner Law, Mr., the "Example" of, BO. Boots, Army, 113.

British History. the Most Lambing War in, 775-


Burke on High Prices and Quack Remedies, 262.

Cann, Dr. Edward, on Futriettsm md hinity, 79. Canada Germans in, 14; the Lack of Recruiting Facilities'n, 1445.

Carducci'annon s Poe, the So onof, Q 17. Cuarto, 647.

Cons., a National, 806.

Channel Tunnel, the, 2838..

Children, the Cry of the (Orphans), 47-83, China and the War, 808.

Civil Service Examinations, AN Emorgeney Act for the, 113.

Inhum.ity and, 43; and the Right Way of Thinking Mont Were, 74; How he Failed to Understand Napoleon, 108; and the Policy of Sehrecklichkeit, 110.

Cookb.n, Lord, a Quotation from, 47. Compulsory Service, 743-776-S07; Boys and, 744. Concentration: National, 510-586-615; the Right Spirit of, 711. Contraband at Sea, 151. Cookery, Belgian, for English Working Women, 298.

Cowper, William, a1Quotation from, 808

Cravat., Mme.-a Vignette from the Front, 1339. Creeds, Latent, 810.

Criminal Warfare and RetaltatMn, 647.

Crocks Battalion, a, 542.

11"MittiQn2et,d1Turf from, 712. in the, 747. Dealcoholized Beer, 714.

Dee coholiskation: What it Means, How it is Carried Out, need What it Does, 888.

Deputy-Lientenancy, the, 438•476-E., Dicey, Mr.. on the Anti-German Riots, 711, Disaster, the Policing of, 541.

Down with Mob Law 1 711 Drill, the Psychology of, 297. Drink Problem, the, 403; " Waiting for a Lead," Drink: the Sale of, to Wounded Soldiers, 473; and Munitions, 745.

Dye Scheme, D.trinaires wed the, 70329. Vase ,oitirs of the, 79.

England's Motives, Professor Harper on, 436. .- Enliitment, Voluntary, the Economic Effect of, 436.

Enterollaceine," 410. Rams Ways, .7. parr, Care of the, 297. ▪ Fleet, the Invincibility of Chia and Home Defence, 808. FranosTireurs, the, a the Landsturm, 474.

Freedom, the Dangers of, 683.

French Credo, a, 79. Friends : Irish, Peace, and Enlistment, SG; the Society of, and This Woe, 811890. "From America" 437.

"From War to Peace" Movement, 158.

Front, a Voice from the, 78.. Fuel Supplies in War Time, 229.

GANDINES, General, his Appeal for Recruits, 7444 Gas, Poisonous, 1308. Gas Question, the, 715.

Germany and the Pacificists, 13; and

81: and the Future, 712; the Downward Plunge of,


Germany's Airee in Africa, 259. German-American " Neutrality," 191.

German-Ca.diana, 79.

German " Frightfulness," 191.

GermanHatred of England, 295. German People, the, and the War, 891.

German Praise of Britt. Troops, 907. German Professor, Mr. William James on thee


German Socialirie, Dissentient, 189.

Germans in Blood, British in Feeling, 619.

Gibbon, Quotations (rare, 156. Goal of War, the, 646.

Goethe, John Sterling on, 111. Great Danger, a,152-153.190.224569.400-(38681.

Hansa, Professor, on England's Motives, 436. Hate, the Ca:plot, 438.

Heine : on Pr..., 649; on German Philosophy. 772.

Heroic Spirit, the, in Life and Letters, 713, High Prices and Quack Remedi., 262 Historical Parallels. 48.156.

Holland and England, 403; with the Interned: Sailors in, 537. Venom elence and the Invincibility of Our Fleet, 808.

Home Guards, 12.44189-284-504541587-618619. 715446477-808846; it Voice from Voneaneffi. ta. Home Guards Fund, the Spectator, 193. Home Guard VoInnteere, How 10 Use O., W. Ho.. What about ? 505.

Horne, the Grief of a, 16, Huts e, Tents, 322.

IDEA, EN Erroneous, 260. Ideas, Two, 230. "Il MM.., di Kitohener," 239.

Imperial College, Windsor, the, 507. Improvisation, the Great, 44, India vial the War, Ill.

Indian Soldiers, the Wive. of, 111.

Industrial Reserve, the, 891.

Injustice, a Monstrous, 776.

Inns of Court Reserve Corps, the, 541.

Inoculation: for Typhoid, Ree.rata and, 4$y

Compulsory. 262. Invasion, in the Event of, 16.

Ireland. Recruiting in, 809.

Irish Friends, Peace" and Enlistment, 683.

Italy: and the War, 13; et the Cross-Roads,

Mr. William, on the German Professor,


Jewett and the Thirty-nine Articles, 778.

KnA1,77/6T8, the, 682. King, the, and Recruiting, 77; his Emmple• and the Army, 587.

LAaopnand the Labour Pmty, ta, and "Dear Food," 192.

`Lassie' 158.

Latent Creeds, 810.

Living on Their Pay, 506.512.587-018. Louvain, the Library of, 679-713-745. "Love Your Enemies," 585.

Lowell's " Commenaoration Ole," 133.

LoweU " Jonathan to John "end the Ara....

Protest. 77.

Luaitania: the, and the German Veseels Interned is America, 680. Lyttelton, Dr., 472.

AA'ACAVIAT, Quotations from, 17392. Maeander and qeameuder, 930.

Maimed and the Blind, Work for the, 617.

Marching Song of the New Army, 16.

Maurice, F. D.. and the Present War, W. Masse, Mr., and Mr. Boner Law, 80.

Men, Mee, Men, 713.

Merchant Shipping, the Now " Day " and, 296, 'Henna:By.; the Sinking of the, 18.

"Military I.tructions Written by the King of

Priessia for the Generale of his Army," 16, Military Trebling, Universal, /14 Milton, a Quotation from, 693.

"Mon Soldat," 893.

Munitio. of War, 887.

NTArotros and Moltke. 183 ; the Strategy of 213. National Defence a Hundred Yearn Ago, 47. National Expenditure, 714.

National Organisation, National Reserve the County of Bucks, 45; tho Question of Home Leave, 223. National Reservist, a, in St. Mary's Pulpit, 846, National Reservists, 11 National Service in Switserland, 807.

Native Races end the Great War, 589.

Need of the Hour, the, 586, Neutrality, 660172-506.

Neutrals, 712.

Newspaper Proprietors and Public Spirit, 543. Nom.= it 228-330-371.

Ooku•Asmanosti, 816. Officers: the New Army of, 169; Can they Live on their Pay 7 506-512587-618.

Officers' Widows: Allowances for, 506; Pensions for, 512. Oliver, Mr., on Compulsion, 891.

On a Postcard, 714778.

pACIDICL57r9 00.1t.,g6.13; Our, 472. Perr=iiti'and Christianity. 79; and Racing,


Peace, Chatter about. 091.

Personal Service Amociation, 113.

Philadelphia Public Ledger, the, on the Ship-

Pfirchme Bill, 227.

rua. on Army reunions, 1.93.

Poem., Two Reprinted, 49.

Poets and Sea Power, 16.

Pope: the Neutrality of the, 540; and the War, 584.616.

Poulton, Ronald, 693.

Prayer, the Efficacy of, 810.

Prisoners of War, How England Treated her, a Hundred Years Ago, 297.

Prohibition during the War 261-135-472.

Prolonging. the War, 466-474543.

Public Schools, the, mid the War, 506.

Purity Propaganda and the Training Camps, 541.

nosimas : Irish, Pea., and EulLstment, 683; the, and This War, 844890. Questions, Two, 588.

Quotations, Some Apposite, 155, 'panne Problem, the, 327-369-103-435.581).

-.••• Recruiting: the Sing end, 77, Organized, 109 ; in Ireland, 809.

Re prisals, 19 Hest Day. the3.

Need of a, 585. Riflemen Form 1 239.

Rock Plants and the Wounded. 231-331.

Rolla of Honour. 112.299.716779. Rosa, Dr. Holland, his •' Origins of the Wet"...


Russia, What she Thinks, 437.

sentmce, the Spirit of, 615. Sentry, the: a Poem by an Ara... School- girl, 48.

Sharpshooter., British, 158, Shells, the Manuf t.e of, 845.387.

Silver Bullete, 190!'

.Sixtieth Rifles, the. 648. Smith, Dr. George Adam, a Quotation from, 801. Soldier, Correspondence for the Lonely, PM.

soldier's Cap, the thinner of the, 15.47.78.

'Soldier.' Dependants, 193. Soldier.' Orphan., the Adoption of, 47-393. " Sore Cowperiann," 899.

"Sore Virgiliana," a, 778.

"Son Wordsworthiensis," 712.

.Special Constables, 79.

-"Spiritless and Belli. Neutrality," MR

State, What Conethates a ? 192-228.297.

Submarines, the Duties of, 47.

Suppreesio Teri," 48.

Switzerland Impoverished, 110457-193-263-3396;

dud Britain. 777-886; National Service in, 807.

,r1,air Before Us, the, 11. Times, the, on the Heroic Spirit in Life and Letters, 713.

Town Guards in South African Wars, 44.

Turkish Atrocities: liestori.s Crucified and Bossed, 716.

nron of Democratic Control, the (" Noseitur a Smile"). 22843051.

Nrxxxnesi Disease and the Army, 229.265.

•• V.C.," the, 294; and a Bar, 972; a Correc- 4ion„ 372; the Canadian. and the, MEI.

Vignette from the Front, a-Mme. Cravntte, 889.

Volunteer Movement, the, 264.501 Volunteer Training Corps: Central Association of, 12.44-189 ; and the Shortage of Perm Labour, 541.597; Officers for, 618; n Suggestion, 777E46; and the Production of Shells, 808.

UToeee and War Profile, Toxins, 888.

2 • Wages in War Tame, 404-436.

War Manual, an Old, 16.

War Profits and Peace of Mind, 619.

War, the Most inspiring, in Britt. History. 775- E03.

Waste and War, 2M.262-M7.

Whitby, a Former Raid on, 110. Wilson, Preeident, 472; his Mistake, 540. Women: in Agriculture, the Question of, 158- 809E47; and the Lebo. Market, 371; a Medal for, 777.

Wordsworth, a Quotntion from, 712. Working Man, the, as Employer, 328. 1V11rttemberg, from Borthgbera to, 230.

XANSHOS end Scom.der, 747. ZErp67.13 Trial Runs, 765.



Air Raids: Insurance against, 833; (see under "Western Theatre").

American Notes:on British Interference with Neutral Gamma... 2.16-251 ; on the Use of the American Flag, 214250-'7.88; to Germany, on Neutral Shipping .d Submarine Attack, 214-250; t he German Reply, 25E319-670; on the Sinking of the • Lusitanio,' 669-703; the German Reply, 767. Asquith. Mr.: his Speech at Newcastle, 573; and

t he Enlistment of Men in the Distributing Trades, 039; his 51.11 to the Front, 799.

Balfour, Mr., on the Justification of the Blockade of Germany, 463.

Belgian Refugee.. the Employment of, 3.35. Belgian Relief Commission, the Government and the, 297. Birthday Honours. 765. Biisenarck and Mr. Batty %Manton, the Conversa- tion between, 67. Blockade, Lincoln's Declaration of e, of the South, 179. Booth, Mr. George, the Appointment of, 495. Canterbury, the Archbishop of, his Intercession Day Sermon, 35.

Capitals Treasury Rules for Now Issues of, 93. Churchill, DKr., his Speech at Dundee, 799.

Civil Somme, the Firth Report of the Royal Com.

an on the, 67. Civil Servants, the Appeal to, to Join the Colours, .531.

Clyde Engineer., the Strike of, 919. Clyde Workmen, the Viet of, to the Front, 879. Conference of Government and Lebo. Repre- sentatives at the Treasury, the, 391-427.

Coo, Mr. 11.old: -Annommes hi. Belief in Com- pulsory Service, 766; at the National Service League, 835.

Cromer, Lord: on Democracy and a Universal Reign of Peace, 575 ; on Trade Union liestrictio. und Employers' Profits, 835. 57Derby, Lord, on Mr. Asquith's Noweaatle Speech, 3.

Financial Pool, the, Made by Britain, Franco, and R.sia, 215.

GerlboldL a Remarkable Letter of, on Italy sad England, 702.

Grey, Sir E,: hie Reply to the (term. Chan- eirdlor'. Explanation of his Phmse •• A Scrap of Pap.," 143; on Row America can Help the Cause

of Humanity, 143; and the German Intention to Sink O. Merchant Ship., 177; his Reply on the Seizure of the • Wilhelm. • and on the U. of the American Flag, 236; Compelled to Rest Owing to Eye Trouble, 769.

Grimthorpo, Lord, on the State of Political Feeling in Italy, 99.

Haldane, Lord: the Attacks on, 170; the on of, 7 Resig- 3.1., HHardie, Mr. Keir, his Acculation offai.t Mr. Lloyd George, 491 Rend.son, Mr., on the Labonr Party and the New Government, 767.

High Explosives, the Shortage of, 670.

Home Guards: the Spectator Fund for the, 2.93. 143; the War 01fico and the, 431.

Imperial Conference, Mr. T. E. Paga on the Need for on, 09.

Inoculation for Typhoid, Sir 'William Osier on, 66.

Intercession, Day of, Observed by the Allies, 35. Jocks., Sir Henry, Appointed First Sea Lord, 7C.6.

Johnson, Mr., Compensated for Wrongful Imprisonment (Threatening Letters Cane), WS.

ing, the; Creates the Military Cross, 2 ; I.n„metst,t1;a0Wiellt Dir:litt, rgi.Creirr.idg.e,a.2.14ds 48th M. Poincore on the Eve of the War. 299; States hi. Intention to Abstain till the End of the War., 461; his Birthday, 735.

Korth., Mr. on German Psychology. 179; on Volnotary Sereree and on Germany's Preparatrons for W., 679.

Kitchener, Lord, his Message to the Liverpool Dockers, 426.

Lincoln, Abraham, on the Blockade of the South, 1)9.

Lincoln, Mr. Ignatius Timothy Tribich, the Career of, 835.

Lloyd George, Mr.: et Bangor, 319 ; h. Confer.

ence with Trade Union Leaders on the Shortage of Munitions, R.)1; and the Shipbuilding Employers' Demand for Prohibition, 461; his Reply to Mr. Keir Hardie. 494; at Mauchester, on the Need for Munitions, 799; at Cardiff. 835; at Bristol, 635. Loan to Roumania, 142; a Joint, by 13ritain, France, and Russia, 215.

Lords-Lieutenant end Deputy-Lieutenants, the, to be " Pet into Khaki," 142.

Lyttelton, Dr., the Views of, 463.

Merchant Ship., the Foreign Ofilee end the German Intention to Destroy Our, 177.

Military Cross, the, Created by the King, 2. Milner, Lord, on National Service, EH. National Reserve, the, What It has Doae, 297. Necessaries, the Cost of, 3.

New Years Honour List, the, 1.

Night Clubs, Officers Forbidden to Visit, 359. Optimism Based on Facts, 733,

Order, Sir William,on Inoculation for Typhoid, 80. Page, Mr. T. E., on the Need for an Imperial Conference, 99.

Pretoria., the Bishop of, on the Waste of Life at the FronL 735.

Prince of Wales. the, Attains his Majority, 878. Prisoner. of War the Treatment of, In Germany and Britain, 531; the Shooting of, in Germany, 671. ProhibitIon: the Shipbuilding Employe.' Demand for, 461; the Government and the Problem of, 493; a Sugg.tion for Compromise, 494; State Purchase as an Alternative to, 529, Quakers and the War, Mr. J. W. Graham on. 799. tests again,. the Holding ofi:INI.51.M;eIk!,GoIkeeerrunarc'eut's Decision m regawl to. 703.

Railway Disaater, the. at Quintinshill, 735. R.ruite. Rejected, the Surrey Badge for, 178. Riots, the Anti.German, 671.

Rozebei7, Lord, and Certificates for Rejected Recruits ,178. Royal Literary Fund, the Need of Support for the, 575.

Scientific Brains, the Neglect of Our, M.

Spy, the Suicide and Confession of a (Kuepferle),

State Service, Schemes for, 767.

Steamers, Enemy, the Sal. of, 35.

Stock Exchange, the Rule. for Eno Reopening of the, 3. Strikes, Conspiracy of German Agents to Foment, 463.

Victoria Cron Awarded to Lieutenant A. 21. Le... for the Second Time, 250.

Volunteer Training Corn: the Spectator Fund for the, 2.99-143; the War OZm and the, HO. War Lorin, the New, 879.

Welsh Guard., a Battalion of, 214; the Success of the, 319.

Women, the Substitution of, for Men, Conference on, 531.


Africa, East, Nyasaland, and the Cameroon, Operation, in, 574.

Aga and thulle, the Proposal to Create an Executive Council for, MO.

Alien Enemies: the Control of, 319; Mr. Asquith on the Treatment of, 671.

Army Act Amendment Bill, the, 702.

Asquith, Mr., on the Government's Sole Resport. sibility, 178; his Impatience with Mr, King. Complaint., 178; on the Casualties in the Expedi- tionary Force, 214-529; on the Fixing of Maximum Prig., 215; on the German Submarine Policy, 286; on the Welsh Church Bill, 288; on Our Retaliation to the German Blockade, 318; on the Demand for Reparation, 607; an the Operations in the Gel:Moll Peninsula, 637- on the Treatment of Allen Enemiee, 670; on Ministers and the. Salaries, 799; States the Total British C.ualties in Flanders and Gallipoli, 799; on the Formation of the National Government, 834,

Bon.Law, Mr.: on the Relation. of the Govern.

meet and the Opposition, 178; ou the Naval Sit.. tion, 251.

Bodard, the, 639.

Caliphate. the Future of the, 574.

Casualties, the Numberof, in the British Erpedi.

tionary Forces, 214.526798.

Censorehip, Criticism of the, 574.

Churchill, Mr.: his lineal Statement, 251 on bba 11-eat meet of Submarine Primmer, GO:.

Curzon, Lord: on the Bone Defence Army. 34; on the Recruiting Question, 66. - Defence of the Realm Bills, the, 918.355.390-671.


Donington Hall, Mr. Tennant and the Cost of, 558, Fano Latour, the Deficiency in, 296. Finance (No. 2) 11111, 334.

Gases, Lord Eitcheneron the Employment of, 703. Government., a National, 701; the Formation of the. 733.767 ; Oro Opp.ition the, 793; Mr, Asquith ou the Need for, 834.

Guest, Captain, Condemns ourRecruitIng System. 878.

Haldane. Lord : on Compulsory Service. 669031 on hie Lotter from Herr Bonin, 639; the Services of, 733.

Huts, Building of, Criticism of the Policy of, 215. Inoculation in the Army, the Results of, 215. Kitchener, Lord: his Statement on the Woe (Jan. 6th), 34; his Appeal to Munition Workers, 530; his Satisf.tion with Recruiting Results, 574; on the Treatment of British Prisonore in Germany, 607 ; on the Pro... of tho War (May 18th), 702; and the Employment of Gases, 703.

Lalanr Member., the, and the Price of Wheat, 177-178.

Lansdowne. Lord: on the Relation. of the Government and the Opposition, 178; on the Drink Danger, 703.

Liquor Problem: the Government Plans for D.lieg with the, 606; the Compromise ou the, ql ; Lord Lansdowne on the, 702.

Lloyd George, Mr.: on the nutmeg Situation, 251; on the Pooling of Financial lie.urces,226; on the Size of the Expeditionary Force, 573; on the Production of High Explosives, 574; ou the Liquor Problem, 106.671; Opens his Budget, GM; Ida Statement as Minister of Munitions, 578.

Long, Mr.: on the Promotion of "Amateur Soldiers, 358; his Tribute to the Notional Reserve. 359.

Lords-Lieutenant Instructions to, 31.

McKee., Mr., on the New War Loan, 878. Meyer, Mr. Montague, the Timber Purchases of. 286.

Ministry of Munitions Bill, the, 798.

National iboeoufl: the Government and the Flour. of the, 257; Mr. Long's Tribute to the, 359. Naval Situation, Lord Solborne on the, 34. Oxford and Cambridge. the Bill for Giving Fine. cinl Assiatance to, 236-318.

Persian Gulf and 111.opotomia„ Lord Crewe on the Operations iu the, 574.

Post Office, Mr. Holho.e on the Affairs of the, 607.

Prisoners of War, British, w Germany, the Treat- ment of, 607-639.

Recruiting Ireland, 66; Mr. Tetanal. on, 2141 Lord Kitchener'. Satisfaction with the Revolts of, 574.

Runciman, Mr., on the High Prices of Coal and Wheat, 834.

Salaries, the Pooling of, 799.

Solborne, Lord: on the Naval Situation, 31; on the Policy of Secrecy, HI. Stanhope, Lord, on the Value of G. Fire and Rifle Fire, 799.

Submarine Prisoners: Mr. Churchill on the Trootment of, 607; Mr. Balfo.'s Announcement as to, 792.

Tennant, Mr., on Recruiting Results, Ili. Vote. of Credit, 318.

War Loan, the New, 879.

Welsh Church Compromise, the, 359.390.

THE WESTERN THEATRE. Able. St. Nomire, French Progress near, 731.

Air Saida, British and French : German 240, Cant, He on

Hoboken. 427; on liarlanppele, 835.nett.% 319; ou Air Raide, German: on Dover, 2; on Sheerness. 2; on Yarmouth, dc., 97; on Eases, 286; on the Tyne and on Lowestoft, de., 530; on Ipswich, dc., 606 on Southend, 671.731; on Ramsgate, 703; on London, 765; on the East Coast, 797; On the North-East Coast, SM.

Aubers Ridge, the British Failure at, 670. Belgians, the: Capture St. Georges, ; Make Progress on the Yeer, 3934993-701. Brickfield, the British Carry a, 214.

E=TakttlreP:IIITztflIc:uhsVI:r the Enemy, 1. Dunkirk, the Bombardment of, 036, "Eyewitn.s " at General Headquarters: on De. amnions from the Enemy, 65; on the Physical and Mental State of the German Army, 99; lug Amend t of the Battle of Neuve Chapelle, 399-531; his Account of Lieut. Rhodes.Illoorhouse's Air Exploit, 1119; a Quotation from the Lille Woe Nom, 765.

Festubert, British Progress near, 731.

Fog of War, the, 317-125.

French, Sir Jobe : his Despatches, 251.5'31; on the Problem of Munitions, 427.463,

French Army, the Improvement in the, 733. French "Eyewitness,' a Narrative by the, 99. French Official Review of the War, the 483-155. French Troop., the Fine Spirit and Efiebstrey of the, 493.

• .

Gladstone, Mr. W. G. C., the Death of, 53'. Hewlett. Flight-Commander: the Rescue of, 1; his Experiences during the Air Raid on Cuxhaven, s.

Hill 60: the Capture by the British of, 573; the German Counter.Att.k on, 637.

Inflammable Liquid., the French Government and tho Gems. Use of, 767.

Jofire, Gen., on the German Losses, 9S Kaiser's Birthday, the German Attacks on the. 141.

• Lo Base.: British Success in the Region of, 701;

1."111,tatj.;111itli,...French Progress in the, 765-797.833. Mercier, Cordinal the Arrest of, by the Ger- mans, 35; the Protest of, 99.

Neu. Chapelle, the Bottle of, 357-389.425-531.575. Poison Gas, the Use of, by the Germ.s, 635.837. 7E-766. Princess Patricia's Light Infantry, the Splendid Achievements of, 879.

Quenneviere., the French Success at, 797. &Wane, Vigorous German Offensive near, 6549. Souches, the French Attack on the Sugar Refinery at, 765-833. Stoenatraabe Taken by the French, 701. Submarine Prisoners, German Reprisals for the Treatment of, 495-531; the British Officers Placed under Arrest, 607.639; Better Treatment of, 834. Warnsford, Lieutenant: Destroys a Zeppelin, 797; the Death of, 877.

Ypre., the Seoond Battle of, 573-605-670; the C.adisui Heroism at, 638.

Zeppelin. a. Destroyed by Flight-Sub-Lieutenant Warneford, 16.8., 797. Zeppelin Raids, the Total Casualties from, 833; (see also under "Air Raids ").

THE EASTERN THEATRE Bukowina: Eva.,-noted by the Basins, 250; Austrian Defeat in, 877.

Bones, the Battle of the, 177-213.

Carpathians, Operations in the, 1.33-141-177-213 250-318.990-425464193530-637470-702-734.766. Csernowit. Abandoned by the Russian', 250. Dniester, Austrian Defeat on the, 377.

East Prussia New German Offenrave in, 213; German Victory in, 250-283318; Memel Occupied by the Human., 390426; Occupied by the Gemane, 670.

Gas Attack, Wonderful Conduct of Haulms Troop. in a, 835.

Lemberg: the German Effort to Beach, 797434; Evac.ted by the litmaians, 677.

Phalan', the German, 734. Poland, Operations in, 1.334393- 357.766-797-834-877

Preemysi: Surrenders to the Russians, 425; the Contrast between the Otfirars and Men Captured at, 495; the Austro-German Advance on, 679-702. 734; Evacuated by the Rusaiana, 766-798.

Ruesians, Retreat of the, 637-670-702.734-766-797- 834877.

Warsaw, the German Advance on, 1-33.177-213 285-766.

Zeppelin: Brought Down at Libau, 113:Destroyed it lanO, 242; Wrecked of Jutland, 249,


Austrian Raid on Italian Coast, 735.

Italian Raid on Porto Base, 735.

Iron., the: Crossed by the Italians, 766; Strong

Austrian Defences on, 1334-877.

Monte Nero Occupied, 766.

Monteleone Occupied, 798.

Monte Croce Poss, Austrians Repulsed at the, 834„


CaUeD8118, Russia's Great Victory in the, 33.65- 98.

Dardanelles the Bomb.dment of the Forts, 285- 317357-390-424-462-493.573 ; Lending of the Expedi- tionary Force, 606; Mr. Ashmead.Bartlett's Narra.

tare, 637; the Loss of the' 671; Operations en lend, 792-734.766-834477; the Loss of Sub- marine • AE2,' N61; the Loss of the • Triumph,' 734; Submarine .E14,' the Astonishing Enter- pthries eL oof, 7 1theG 'MmaajensiTcr,a' n7pr Torpedoed, 766;

Enos, British Force Landed at, 573. Voltam Occupied by Italy, 34.


Africa, British East: Our Unpreparedness in, 3; Nyamhind, and the Cameroon. Operations in, 574. AFRICA (SOUTH).-Windhoek Occupied by General Botha, 670.-0. Sentence on General De Wet. 879.

EGYPT.-Sir Reginald Wingate's Visit to the Buda.. Chief., 3.-The Intrigues of German (See also under "General Items-Italy.")

Agente, M.-The Turkish Advance on, 65.95.-

A Skirmish no. the Sue. Cana], Turkish Attacks on the Sue. Canal, 178-214.-The Defeat of tho Turks et Tor, 251; and at El Kubri, INDIA.-Lord 11.dinge on Turkey and the War, 67.-The Proposed E.vative Council for

Agra 7gra and99. Oudh, 390.-The Conspiracy Trial at

Mesopotamia, the Operations in, 574.

Persian Gulf, Statements on the Operations in the, 350-574, Singapore, the Mutinous Outbreak at, 287. Walfasch Bay Reo.upied by South African Troops. 1.

NAVAL OPERATIONS. Baltic, Naval Operations in the, 426-797.

• 13ayano,' Auxiliary Cruiser, Sunk by Gorman Submarine, 391.

Bin. Sea, Operations in the, 797.

Blockade of trait. Waters : the German Prrala. motion of a, 177; the Beginning of the, 249-318; (see 4180 under " Merchant Ships ").

Blockade of German East Africa, 319.

Blockade of Germany, the, 313391.

• Dacia' : the Problem of the, 67.285; Taken to Brea by French Cruiser, 319.

Dardanelles Operations-see under "Near Boot." 'Dresden,' the, Sunk near Joan Fernandes Island. 391.

'Falaba,' the Sinking of the, 462.

Falkland., Battle of the : Interesting Descrip- tion of the, 99; Sir Ds:Teton Sturdee's Deepatohes on the, 319.

• Formidable,' Battleship, Sunk in the Channel. 34.

Gobehnd," Swedish Steamer, Brought into the Toes, 390.

German Submarine: Sunk by the Steamer

• Thordis,' 318; • 1.18' Sunk elf Dover, 359 • Sunk by Destroyer • Arial,' 859 ; U29 ' Sank; 426; Another Sunk, 798.

German Torpedo-Boats Sunk in the North Sea, 638.

• Guldight,' the Sinking of the, 6316 Belgian Relief Ship, Sunk by German Submarine, 531.

Irish Channel, New Mined Area in the, 287.

• K.Isruhe.' the Fate of the, 927.

• Kronprinz rata into Hampton Roads, 530.

Inertes,' the Captain and Crew of tbe, Re- warded by the Admiralty, 2.51.

'Lion Gambetto,' French Cruiser, Sank in the Adriatic. 656,

• Lusitania the American Note on the Use of the American Flag by the, 215; the Sinking of the, 660; the American Note on the, 669; the German Reply, 767.

Destroyer. Sank of the Belgian Coast, Merchant Ships and Trawlers Attacked or Sunk by German Submarine., 143-287458-300-426-462495. G07-633735.

North Sea, Admiral Beatty e Victory in the, 141.

• Princess Irene' Blown up in Sheerness Har- lot., 766.

• Prine Eitel Friedrich,' the, Interned in America, 493.

'Recruit,' Destroyer, and 'Colombia; Trawler, Sank in the North Sea, 638.

'Roxburgh,' Cruiser, Damaged by Torpedo, 877. Torpedo-Boats Nos. 10 and 12 Sunk of the East Coast, 834

• Vosges; the Duel of the, with A German Sub- marine, 462.

• Willielmina,': the Foreign Office Statement about the, 177; Pub. into Falmouth, 215; Sir E. Grey's Reply to America on the ...re of the, 2136, (See also under "Near East-Dardanellea.")


Berebtold, Count, the Reason for the Resignation of, 143.

Hragarl., a, on Hungary and the War. 3. Hungarians, the Despair of the, 495. Hungarian Opposition Leaders Interview the Emperor Francis Joseph, 767.

Revolt, the, among the Southern Slays in Hun- gary, 142. BALKAN POWERS.

Attitude of the, 426- the Fate of the, if Germany and Austria Win, 648466.

Fight, the, on the Serbo-Bulgarian Frontier, 494, Roumania: M. Dramandy on the Attitude of, 33; and the Proposed RoinTnaion of Serbia, 143, CHINA.

Her Reply to the Japanese Demands, 639.


Large Percentage of Men who Recover from Wounds, 3.

Millerand, M., on the New British Armies, 143. Report on German Violations of International Law, ,S•


Are the Germans "Shamming Dead " ? 213. Bailin, Herr, on " Who is Responsible" for the War, 531.

Bernhardi, Gen. von, the Second Thoughts of, Eberlein, Lieut., and Civilians as Screens, 67. German Chancellor, the, on his Phrase "A Scrap of Paper," 142; Sir E. Grey's Reply, 143, German Council of War, the, 177.

Neutral. the Impressions of s, 463.

Engnsh ZePPelin To, w C neoun, t. his Defenco of the Air Raids on GREECE.

Venexelo., M. the Resignation of, 3571 hie

Proposals re the Dardanell. Operatione, 391; his Memorandum to the Ring, eit; the Retirement from Public Life of, 530; his Proposals for Inter- vention on the Side of the Allies, 575; his Victory in the Election, &IL ITALY.

Crisis in, the, 702.

Earthquake, the Terrible, in, 67.

Government'. Declaration of Policy, 734. Green Book, the. 735.

Grimthorpe, Lord, on the Political Feeling in, 99.

Italian Ambassador in Vienna Presents Dealers tion of War, 735.

Military and Naval Preparatio. in, LE.

Political, Military, and Naval Leaders of, 735. Pope, the : on the "Inevitability" of Italian Intervention, 638; his Interview with M. Latapie, 879.

Salandro, Signor, Offers his Resignation to the King, 671. MEXICO.

Disturbed Situation in, the, 356.766.


Revolution in, the, 703.


Duran, Enthusiastic Meeting of the, 214.

III.Treatment, the, of Bnn.ian Subjects In Ger.

many, 99.

Ifiliukoff, Prof., and Constantinople, 214 TURKEY.

Abdral-Haraid Advises the Young Tnrksto Make Peace, 215.

British and French Subjects, Sending of, to Gallipoli, 670. UNITED STATES.

Air Raid. on Yarmouth, As., the Amer..

Press on the, 97.

Bernstorff, Count, his Charges against the American Government, 530. Bryan, Mr.: his Reny to the Charges of Showing Partiality to tho Allies, 142; the Resignation of, 798.

Dangers Ahead, the, for America, 98. Derriburg, Herz, on Grammy's Demand for Expansion, 607.

Eliot, Dr., an the Catastrophe of Pence, 530.

Germ. Emissaries, the MancenTres of, 97.

' Gulflight,' the Torpedoing of the, 838. Gun and Munition Factories, Alleged German Plan for Gaining Control of, 798.

'Kronprins Wilhelm' Interned, 530.

Lincoln's Declaration of Blockade of the South, 179.

Notes on Britt. Interference with Neutml Commerce, 2-66-351 ; on the Use of the American

and'Submarine' to Germany, on Nentrol Shipping and Submari. Attack, 214450-319-670; on the Sinking of the • Lusitania,' 669-703-767.

• Print Eitel Friedrich' Interned, 494 ' Wilholminn,' the Seizure of the, 286. Wilson. President : on the Right of Norco to

misgovern herself, 67; and the Shipping Hill, 142 ; his Message to General CArransa, SW; his "Too Proud to Fight " Speech, 670; Reviews the Atlantic: Fleet, 703; his Warning to Mexico, ZEN


Brooke, Rupert, 612.

Batley, Mr. Frank T., 330.

Duff, Lady Grant, 474.

Gladiflone, Mr. W. G. C., 530.

Londonderry. Lord, 215.

Needham, Mr. Beach, 878..

Palmer, Lientemint B. W. Poulton, 683.

Rothschild, Lord, 453.

Smart, Dr. William, 438.

Waeaeford, Lieutenant, 878.

Witte, Count, 391.