During the past month the books most in demand at
The Times Book Club have been :—
Nox-Ficriox.--Bernard Shaw, by Frank Harris ; The Inn- keeper's Diary, by John Fothergill ; Fear and be Slain, by the Rt. Hon. J. E. B. Seely ; Afterthoughts, by Frances, Countess of Warwick ; Past Years, by Sir Oliver Lodge ; The Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury (Vol. IV), by Lady Gwendolen Cecil ; Cranmer, by Hilaire Belloc ; Endless Story, by " Taffrail."
Fic-riox.—Without My Cloak, by Kate O'Brien ; So Lovers Dream, by Alec Waugh ; The Doctor's Defence, by Sidney Fairway ; Dead Man's Watch, by G. D. H. and M. Cole ; Beyond Hell, by Stephen McKenna ; The Floating Admiral, Collective ; Dona Barbara, by Romulo Gallegos ; Robin and Robins, by Lesley Storm.