[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, January 13th, addressed Crossword, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of he puzz,le and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, turd none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
I. Pilgrims went to this bookstand. (10.) 9. Twice half .five. (4.) 10. Even starting to walk spoils a stock- ing. (10.) 11. Gradient that is a bar to progress. (4, 2.) 13. Slow music. (5.) 14. It sounds a sluggish river. (4.) 16. Horseplay in the water makes one feel debilitated. (3, 3.) 19. Very simple Enoch, this anagram. (15.) 20. See-saw. (6.) 23. He seems a talkative character. (4.)
24. Source of inspiration-and entertain- ment ? (5.)
25. To turn in hair is not very convinc- ing. (3. 3.) 27. Nice Tudors. (Anag.) (10.) 28. "Now is it - indeed and room enough ! " (Shakespeare.) (4.) 29. In reverse the vehicle jams. (10.)
2. Autograph unwritten. (4.) 3, " Fishes that - in the deep know no such liberty." (Lovelace.) (6.) 4. Sapper friend indeed ! (6.) 5. It might be below a calculating per- son. (5, 3, 7.) 6. Poetically visited and the reverse. (6.) 7. A cockney window simply, very wet.
(10.) 8. Winged horse-griffins. (II.) 12. They are not among the dairy hands.
(11.) 15. After thc total merit slightly changes with me. (10.)
17. "Hypocrisy, the only - that walks invisible." (Milton.) (4.)
18. It's mostly brief. (4.) 21. Try air; it's most uncommon. (6.) 22. A hero takes to national service. (6.) 23. Sail erratically round our country. (6.) 26. "Take thy - from out my heart." (Poe.) (4.)