A Abbcy National, 89 (F) Abbey Theatre. Dublin, 804 (A), 892 (L)
Abdication, 460 (LA)
Aberdare, 689 (A) Abrahams Publicity Holdings, 487 (F)
Ad Pyrrham: Translations of an Ode of Horace, (ed.) Ronald
Storrs, 412 (R) henry, enry, 333 (R)
Addison, Joseph, Richard Steele, and others, The Spectator, 83 (R)
Aden: Protectorate States agree on federation, 175 (PW)
Adenauer's Prisoners, 63 (LA) Adolphe, Benjamin Constant, 706 (R)
Adoption: medical aspects, 107 (A) Adrian, Leslie, sex of, 18, 410, 441, 666 (L)
Adventures of Augie March, The, Saul Bellow, 735 (R)
Advertising: property advertisements, 252 (S); the need for adver- tising, 316 (A); ITA appoints a supervisor of TV advertising, 608 (S)
Advertising in a Free Society, Ralph Harris and Arthur Scldon,
316 (R)
Advertising Must Advertise, 316 (A)
Advice to various grades of society, 275 (C)
Affair in Arcady, The, James Wellard, 784 (R)
the future of Christianity, 217 (A), 265, 298 (L); need for positive action by West to combat Communist influence, 459 (LA); Sahara oil rights, 623 (L); book reviews, 593, 821
Africa: for Central African Federation see under RHODESIA AND NYASALAND
Africa, South: treason trial, 67 (S), 567 (PW); book reviews, 668, 821 Afro-Asian conferences, 65 (A)
After Rome, Africa, Brian Glanville, 166 (R) After the Arguments of the Night, 411 (P) After the Flood in France, 281 (A) Aftermath in Cyprus, 535 (LA) Against the Public Interest, Robert Gaines, 448 (R) Age of Improvement, The, Asa Briggs, 268 (R) Agony of Love, The, Claude Roy, 741 (R)
Agriculture: farm prices, subsidies and guarantees, 286 (A), 511 (L); subsidies on present scale not economically justified, 464 (A),
624 (L); genetics in agriculture, 723 (A) Alabaster, William, The Sonnets of, (ed.) G. M. Story and Helen
Gardner, 197 (R)
Alain-Fournier, The Lost Domain (Le Grand Meaulnes) (trans.
Frank Davison), 670 (R) Albinism, 230 (A)
Alexander, Martha, and Leopold Stein, Loathsome Women, 863 (R) Alexander Hamilton, Nathan Schachner, 200 (R) Algiers Rowdies and M. Debra, 212 (A) Alarm, Nelson, The Man with the Golden Arm, 302 (R) Alive and Kicking, 881 (CA) All Black-All White, 752 (A), 890 (L) All in a Lifetime, Walter Allen, 526 (R) Allegro, John Marco, The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 738 (R) Allen, Walter, All in a Lifetime, 526 (R) All's Well That Ends Well (Stratford-upon-Avon), 577 (CA)
Amaya, Carmen, 503 (CA)
American Attitudes, 715 (LA) American Henry James, The, Quentin Anderson, 52 (R) American Rat, The, Jacques lanzmann (trans. R. E. Montgomery),
741 (R) American-South African Investment Trust, 130 (F)
Amongst Those Missing, Paul Capon, 863 (R) Anabasis, St.-John Perse (trans. T. S. Eliot), 862 (R) Anant, Victor, The Revolving Man, 270 (R) Anatomy of Puck, The, K. M. Briggs, 784 (R) Ancient Mariners, The Lionel Casson, 558 (R) And Now Nyasaland, 279 (LA), 327, 371, 409, 410, 479, 510, 512,
554, 587, 622, 666, 701, 733, 815 (L)
Anderson, Quentin, The American Henry James, 52 (R) Andrews, Kevin, The Flight of Ikaros, 271 (R)
Anglican Attitudes: A Study of Victorian Religious Controversies,
A. 0. J. Cockshut, 412 (R)
Anglo-American Corporation. 826 (F) Anglo-American relations: effects of visiting speakers, 553, 588, 702, 733 (1); disquiet over British relations with East Germany and Russia, 715 (PW), 715 (LA), 717 (N)
Anglo-Egyptian Agreement, 97 (A)
Anglo-French Exploration, 454, 530 (F) Animals: prize dairy cattle, 615 (A); boarding kennels for cats and dogs, 810 (A)
Anna Lucasta, 107 (CA) Annan, Noel, The Curious Strength of Positivism in English Political Thought, 592 (R) Another Algeria, 311 (LA) Another Part of the Forest, 392 (A)
Answering services, telephone, 506 (A)
Anthropologist at Work, An: Writings of Ruth Benedict, Margaret
Mead, 559 (R)
Anthony Trollope, Bradford A. Booth, 517 (R)
Antique Dealers' Fair, the, 878 (A)
Apollonius of Rhodes, The Voyage of Argo (trans. E. W. Rica),
197 (R) Aquascutum, 351 (A) Archaeology: book reviews, 23, 484, 741
ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN architectural competitions, 145 (CA); designing laboratories, 221 (A), 265, 298, 328, 374 (L); commercial design today, 260 (CA); Ideal Home Exhibition, 437 (CA); lavatory and bathroom fixtures, 469 (A); some comments by Frank Lloyd Wright, 539 (S); trends of American designers, 616 (CA); faults in the New Towns, 624, 779 (L); town-planning in Glasgow, 774 (A); book review, 167 Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Henry-Russell Hitchcock, 125 (R) Are We in 19387, 644 (A) Aristotle and the American Indians, Lewis Hanke, 53 (R) Arkwright family, the, 198 (R) SUBJECT INDEX Arley, Catherine, Dead Man's Bay, 864 (R) Arm of the Law, Michael Underwood, 864 (L) Arms for Oblivion, 683 (LA)
Army, the: National Service exemptions, 644 (S); military prisons, 644 (S)
Arnold, Guy, Longhouse and Jungle, 271 (R)
French drawings from America at the Paris Orangerie, 43 (A); Dufy and the Kessler collection, 43 (A); university interest in, and tastes for, art, 101 (A), 161 (L.); Graham Sutherland (exhibition), 106 (CA); assistance for art students, 162 (L); John Bratby, 225 (CA); 'representative' exhibitions, 225 (CA); painters and carpenters as artists, 323 (CA); English neo-classical artists, 329 (L); Peter Shackleton (exhibition), 474 (CA); Francis Grubcr (exhibition), 504 (CA); Christopher Wood (exhibition),
505 (CA); the Arts Council report on Housing the Arts in Great Britain, 570 (S); Odilon Redon (exhibitions), 618, 652 (CA);
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, 652 (CA); Duncan Grant (exhibition), 725 (A); Embankment Gardens outdoor exhibition, 725 (A); Scottish painters, 778 (A); Jack Smith, Michael Ayrton,
Edward Burrs (exhibitions), 856 (CA); Adolph Gottlieb, Michael Ayrton, Canaletto (exhibitions), 883 (CA); Gulbenkian Founda-
tion report on Help for the Arts, 905 (LA); book reviews, 485, 520, 627, 670, 739
Art in Oxford, 101 (A) Art of French Fiction, The, Martin Turnell, 629 (R) Art of Living, The, F. L. Lucas, 521 (R) Artaud, Antonin, The Theatre and its Double, 319 (R), 434
Artist of Life, An: A Study of the L(fe and Work of Havelock Ellis,
John Stewart Collis, 198 (R) Arts, assistance to the, 905 (LA)
Arts Council: report on Housing the Arts in Great Britain, 570 (S) Arturo's Island, Elsa Morante, 673 (R)
Asia: living among Asians, 80, III (L); need for positive action by West to combat Communist influence, 459 (LA) Asquith Machine Tools, 130 (F) Associated British Pictures, 206, 676 (F) Associated Electrical Industries, 203, 306, 337, 384, 530 (F) Associated Fisheries, 487 (F) Associated Motorcycles, 170 (F) Associated Newspapers, 677 (F) Associated Portland Cement, 867 (F) Associated Television, 206, 676 (F)
At Fever Pitch, David Caute, 199 (R) Arles Stone, 242 (F) Attorney for the Damned, Clarence Darrow, 864 (R) A untie Mame, 74 (CA) Auschwitz, 494 (A) Australian Legend, The, Russel Ward, 520 (R) Autumn for Heroes, Peter Ferguson, 85 (R)
economy class jet travel, 70 (A); political control of civil and commercial aviation, 180 (A); international dispute over naviga- tional aids, 315 (S); first and tourist class air travel, 358 (A); surcharges on jet airliners, 440 (L); dispute between airlines over routes, 567 (PW), 622 (L); slow air freight, 718 (S); book review, 23 B Babcock and Wilcox, 635 (F)
Back Beecher, The, 78 (A) Bagby, George, Dead Storage, 708 (R)
Bagehot, Walter: A Study of his Life and Thought together with a
selection from his Political Writings, Norman St. John-Stevas,
267 (R), 296, 327 (L)
Baines, Frank, In Deep, 593 (K) Baker Street By-ways, James Edward Holroyd, 864 (R.) Bald, R. C., Donne and the Drurys, 900 (R) Baldick, Robert, The L(fe and Times of Frederick Lemaltre, 201 (R) Ballet: Where Do We Go From Here, 75 (A); Spanish dancing,
503, 765 (CA); Tamara Toumanova, 548 (CA); visit of Shah of
Persia to Covent Garden, 694 (CA); La ReJa and Czernyana,
810 (CA); book review, 201
Balncaves, Elizabeth, Peacocks and Pipelines, 127 (R) Banks and banking: The Foreign Banks, 449-452 (F) Barton, Derek, The Loving Cup, 270 (R)
Barton and Sons, 746 (F)
Bates, H. E., The Watercress Girl, and other stories, 236 (R)
Bath Festival, the, 856 (CA)
Beards and the British, 191 (A) Beat Boys, The, John Clellon Holmes, 557 (R) Beat on a Damask Drum, Troy Kennedy Martin, 918 (R) Beaten, 350 (A)
Beaverbrook, Lord, 467 (A)
Beaver's Story, A, Emil E. Liers, 467 (R) Bedford, John, Duke of, A Silver-Plated Spoon, 782 (R)
Bedouins in Israel, 646 (A)
Beds in the East, Anthony Burgess, 560 (R) Bedser, Alec, May's Men in Australia, 673 (R)
Beecham, Sir Thomas, 607 (S) Beecham Group, 385 (F)
Beer, Patricia, Loss of the Magyar, 628 (R.)
Beer tax, reduction in, 554, 588 (L)
Before Noon, Ramon Sender (trans. W. R. Trask and Florence Hall
Sender), 302 (R)
Before the Great Snow, Hans Pump, 334 (R) Behind the Lianas, Henry Larsen and May Pellaton, 127 (R)
Belgian Congo: Leopoldville riot, 64 (A) Belgium: strike violence, 247 (PW)
Belief, 423 (LA) Bell, Gerard, The Prisoner at lala, 560 (R) Bell, Josephine, The House Above the River, 86 (R) Bell, Vicars, Death Walks by the River, 708 (R.) Bellow, Saul: The Adventures of Aught March, 735 (R.); Henderson the Rain King, 735 (R.) Beloff, Max, The Great Powers: Essays in Twentieth Century Politics, 82 (R.) 'Below-the-Line', 486 (F) Belzoni, The Great, Stanley Mayes, 741 (R)
Benedict, Ruth, 559 (R)
Ben-Hur, Lew Wallace, 415 (R.)
Bennett, Arnold, 666, 892 (L)
Benson, Ben, The Blonde in Black, 86 (R) Berber Village, Bryan Clarke, 738 (R.) Berlin, 762 (A) Berlin: see under GERMANY
Bernhardt, Sarah, 559 (R)
Berryman, John, Homage to Mistress Bradstreet, 628 (R) Bess of Hardwick, Ethel Carleton Williams, 668 (R) Best of Everything, The, Rona Jaffe. 166 (R) Best Short Stories of Ring Lardner, The, (intro.) Alan Ross, 595 (R) Beware of Angels (Westminster), 805 (CA) Beware of Interlopers, 604 (A) Bewley, Marius, The Eccentric Design: Form in the Classic American Novel, 332 (R) Beyond This Place, 651 (CA) Bibby, Cyril, T. H. Huxley: Scientist, Humanist and Educator
(forewords by Sir Julian Huxley and Aldous Huxley), 628 (R)
Big Boxcar, The, Alfred Maund, 302 (R) Big Country, The, 74 (CA) Birch, A. H., Small-Town Politics, 56 (R)
Bird, Sidney S., 677 (F)
Birdwood, Lord, Nuri as-Said: A Study in Arab Leadership, 611 (R)
Birficld, 597 (F) Birmingham Sound Reproducers, 635 (F) Birthday Honours list, 875 (S)
Bizet and his World, Mina Curtiss, 444 (R)
Black Death, the, 262 (A)
Black Diaries, The, Peter Singleton-Gates and Maurice Girodias,
317 (R)
Black Orchid, The, 352 (CA) Blackburn, Thomas, The Next Word, 234 (R) Blake, Nicholas, The Widow's Cruise, 448 (R) Blanket, Henry Stratton, 448 (R)
Blankets, laundering of, 582 (A)
Blonde in Black, The. Ben Benson, 86 (R) Blood and Judgment, Michael Gilbert, 528 (R)
'Blood, toil, tears and sweat', 34 (S), 112, 162, 232, 441 (L)
Bode, Carl, (ed.) The Young Rebel in American Literature: Seven Lectures, 820 (R.), 841, 920 (L)
Bohemians, disappearance of, 431 (A)
Boileau and Narcejac, The Evil Eye, 238 (R) Boley, Jean, A Little More Time and Other Stories, 741 (R.)
Bon Viveur, 691 (R)
Bond of Perfection, Stella Zilliacus, 784 (R) Bony and the Mouse, Arthur Upfield, 708 (R)
an author's copies of foreign editions, 16 (A); the fuss about
Lolita, 32 (A), 80 (L), 139, 179 (S), 192 (L), 216 (S), 231 (L);
bindings for paper-backs, 76 (A); the Obscene Publications Bill, 100 (A), 192 (L), 346 (PC), 395, 570 (5); censorship in Ireland,
192, 374, 409, 479 (L); opening sentences, 242 (C); Lolita and Christopher Isherwood's Seascape With Figures, 285 (S); the
Casement diaries and the Official Secrets Act, 463 (S); a literary cocktail party, 545 (A); a survey of reading habits, 573 (A), 624, 665 (L); Scottish writers, 776, 778 (A) Booksellers, 100 (S)
Booth, Bradford A., Anthony Trollope, 517 (R) Booton, Kage, The Troubled House, 238 (R) Borderline, The (Scala), 756 (S), 911 (CA) Boring Holes, 176 (N) Boulle, Pierre, The Other Side of the Coin. 484 (R)
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, 469 (CA), 587 (L)
Boutique Mystique, 142 (A)
Bowater, 744 (F)
Bowen, John, The Centre of the Green, 595 (R) Bowers, Edgar, The Form of Loss, 443 (R) Bowles, Paul, The Hours after Noon, 673 (R)
Bowmakers, 206 (F) Boxing; arguments in favour of banning, 69 (S)
Bradbury, Ray, The Day it Rained Forever, 302 (R) Brand (Lyric, Hammersmith), 545 (CA) Braun, Sidney D., (cd.) Dictionary of French Literature, 378 (R) Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley, 269 (R)
Bread: the predicament of small bakers, 768 (A)
Breaking of Bumbo, The, Andrew Sinclair, 166 (R) Brennan, Tom, Reshaping a City, 774 (R.) Brereton, Geoffrey, (intro. and ed.) The Penguin Book of French Verse 2, 54 (R) Brewing Industry in England, The, 1700-1830, Peter Mathias, 863 (R) Bridges, Yscult, Two Studies in Crime, 708 (R) Briggs, Asa, The Age of Improvement, 268 (R) Briggs, K. M. The Anatomy of Puck, 784 (R) Bright Interval, 797 (N) Bright Young Things, The, Amanda Vail, 484 (R.) Brion, Marcel, Raoul They, 485 (R.) Brisk Business, 136 (LA) Bristowe, W. S., The World of Spiders, 52 (R.) Britain and Egypt, 136 (A) Britain and the Arabs, Sir John Glubb, 499 (R)
British Aluminium, battle for control of, 31 (PW), 57 (F) British American Tobacco Company, 418 (F) British Bank of the Middle East, 790 (F) British foreign policy, documents on, 448 (R) British Glues, 130 (F) British Home Stores, 337 (F) British Industrial Plastics, 170 (F) British Industries Flexible Trust, 206 (F) British Insulated and Callenders Cables, 635 (F) British Motor Corporation, 170, 418 (F) British Oxygen, 130, 247 (F) British Petroleum, 633 (F)
British Policy in Changing Africa, Sir Andrew Cohen, 821 (R)
British Portland Cement, 867 (F)
British Radical in 1959, The, 756 (A), 816 (L), 876 (A), 892 (L)
British Ropes, 562 (F) British Thermostat, 790 (F) British Vacuum Cleaner and Engineering, 275 (F) British Wagon, 598 (F) Brixton Estate, 903 (F)
Broadcasting: control of political broadcasts, 427 (A); BBC not to broadcast Royal Academy banquet, 463 (S) Broken Compass, The, Edward B. Partridge, 51 (R) Bromberger, Merry and Serge, Les Treize Complots du Treize Mal, 397 (R) Brome, Vincent, Frank Harris, 268 (R) Bronze Perseus, S. B. Hough, 864 (R) Brookes, Edgar H., and J, B. Macaulay, Civil Liberty in South Africa, 821 (R) Brooks, Van Wyck, The Dream of Arcadia: American Writers and Artists in Italy, 1760-1915, 519 (R) Broom and Wade, 170 (F)
Broome Rubber, '27 (F)
Brophy, John, The Day They Robbed the Bank of England, 560 (R) Brotherhood of Evil: The Mafia, Frederic Sondem, 895 (R) Browder, Earl, Marx and America, 331 (R) Brown, Fredric, One for the Road, 529 (R) Brown, John, Russia Explored, 593 (R) Brown Brothers, 487 (F) Browne, Maria, Whom the Gods Love, 706 (R) Buccaneer, The, 698 (CA) Buchwald, Art, A Gift from the Boys, 863 (R) Buckley, Vincent, Poetry and Morality, 375 (R) Buddhism and Hinduism, 484 (R) Btmosr, 1959 possible tax changes, 247 (LA), 298 32.8 (L); 'above-the-line' surpluses and 'below-the-line' spending, 486 (F); the Budget provisions, 491 (PW), 491 (LA), 494 (PC); the Budget in the light of the Economic Survey, 529 (F); reduction of beer tax, 554, 588 (L); The Budget and the Gilt-edged Market, 561 (F); Finance Bill published, 567 (PW); The Budget and Equity Shares, 596 (F) Budget and Equity Shares, The, 596 (F) Budget and the Gilt-edged Market, The, 561 (F) Building Balances, 176 (LA) Building industry: building unions' conference, 604 (N) Building societies, 89, 158 (F) Bukit Pomona Rubber, 710 (F) Burckhardt, Jacob, Judgements on History and Historians (intro. H. R. Trevor-Roper), 896 (R) Burdick, Eugene, and William J. Lederer, The Ugly American, 236 (R) Burgess, Anthony, Beds in the East, 560 (R) Burmah Oil, 633 (F) Burne, Lt.-Col. Alfred H., and Lt.-Col. Peter Young, The Great Civil War, 1642-1646, 414 (R) Burns, Robert, 123, 124 (R) Burns Encyclopaedia, The, Maurice Lindsay, 124 (R) Burtol Holdings, 386 (F) Bury, J. P. T., and Rohan Butler, (ed.) Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939: 1st Series, Vol. VIII, 448 (R.) Business: the behaviour of executives, 292 (A) Business of Criticism, The, Helen Gardner, 704 (R) Buskers, The (Arts), 401 (CA) Butcher Bird, The, 524 (P) Butler, E. M., Paper Boats: An Autobiography, 381 (R) Butler, Gwendoline, The Interloper, 529 (R) Butler, Rohan, and J. P. T. Bury, (ed.) Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939: 1st Series, Vol. VIII, 448 (R) Butler epigrams, 316 (S) Byard Manufacturing, 903 (F) Bystander, The, Albert J. Guerard, 526 (R) C Cable, sending a, 478 (A) Cadenza: An Excursion, Ralph Cusack, 21 (R) Cakes far your Birthday, C. E. Vulliamy, 86 (R) Calder-Marshall, Arthur, Havelock Ellis: A Biography, 198 (R) Caldwell, Erskine, A House in the Uplands, 484 (R) Call on Kuprin, A, Maurice Edelman, 784 (R) Callow, Philip, Native Ground, 706 (R) Calvin, birthplace of, 624 (L1 Camay soap, 282 (PC), 327 (L) Cambridge, city and university of, 481 (R) Cambridge History of the British Empire, The: Vol. 3: The Empire- Commonwealth, 1870-1919, 164 (R) Campaigns of Wavell, The, 1939-1943, Robert Woollcombe, 705 (R), 892 (L) Campbell, Alexander, The Heart of India, 271 (R) Campbell, Michael, Oh, Mary, This London, 823 (R) Campbell Discount Company, 89, 530 (F) Canada: book reviews, 199, 556 Canada Made Me, Norman Levine, 199 (R) Canadian Eagle, 633 (F) Cancer, a new treatment for, 656 (A) Candid Eye, The, Lord Kinross, 22 (R) Candide (Saville), 649 (CA) Capital Issues Committee, 239 (F) Capital punishment: the Rev. F. A. Simpson on capital punishment, 643 (S), 702 (L); arguments for reprieving Marwood, 643 (S); execution of Ronald Marwood, 683 (PW), 687 (S) Capon, Paul, Amongst Those Missing, 863 (R) Captain's Table, The, 42 (CA) Captive and the Free, The, Joyce Cary, 334 (R)
Caravels of Christ, The, Gilbert Renault, 7386(R)
Cardinal de Bernis, The, Sir Marcus Cheke, 5 (R) Carlton-Browne of the F.O., 403 (CA) Carnegie, Sachs, Red Dust of Africa, 593 (R) Carnet*. Mosco, Puccini: A Critical Biography, 21 (R) Carreras, 241, 306 (F) Carrington, Richard, The Tears of Isis, 444 (R) CARS cross-Channel ferries, 108 (A), 266, 441 (L); buying and servicing a foreign car, 189 (A); the Lex Selfridge garage, 190 (A); stuck in the mud, 358 (A); Criminals in Cars, 721 (A), 779, 816 (L); cost of respraying, 729 (A); insurance rates on ears, 729 (A); effects of theft abroad, 730 (A), 892 (L); book review, 518 Cary, Joyce, The Captive and the Free, 334 (R) Case Against the Architect, The, 221 (A), 265, 298, 328, 374 (L) Case for Equities, The, 786 (F) Case for Gilt-edged, The, 825 (F) Case of Dr. Laurent, The, 729 (CA)
Case of Salvador Dad, The, Fleur Cobiles, 627 (R.)
Case of the Hesitant Hostess, The, Erie Stanley Gardner, 86 (R) Casement diaries, the: 315 (S), 317 (A), 372, 441 (L), 463 (S), 479 (L); the originals still in existence, 571 (S) Casson, Lionel, The Ancient Mariners, 558 (R) Castlefield (Kiang) Rubber Estates, 242 (F) Castlereagh, Lord. 515 (R)
Catchment Area, James Harrison, 628 (R)
Cattle, dairy, 615 (A) Caught Napping (Piccadilly), 805 (CA) Causes of World War III, The, C. Wright Mills, 82 (R.) Caute, David, At Fever Pitch, 199 (,R) Cecil, Mary, In Two Minds, 447 (R) Celtic Cross, 443 (P) Cementation, 274 (F) Central African Examiner, The, 799 (S) Central African Federation: see under RHODESIA AND NYASALAND Central African Witness, Cyril Dunn, 627 (R) Centre Can Hold, The, 715 (LA) Centre of the Green, The, John Bowen, 595 (R) Chains of Love, The, Zoe Oldenbourg, 380 (R) Champion Year, Mike Hawthorn, 518 (R) Chancellor Fiscal, 247 (LA), 298, 328 (L) Chancellor Turnabout, 832 (A) Chaucer, The, Marshall Pugh 898 (R) Changeling, The, Thomas Middleton and William Rowley, 51 (R) Chapman, Brian, The Profession of Government, 594 (R.) Charm school, a, 223 (A) Charques, Richard, A Short History of Russia, 233 (R) 'Chartered', 241, 337, 710 (F) Charterhouse Group, 562, 790 Chassignet, Jean-Baptiste, 207 Chaudhuri, Nirad C., A Passage to England, 916 (R) Cheats of Scapin, The (Lyric, Hammersmith), 351 (CA)
Cheke, Sir Marcus, The Cardinal de Bernis, 56 (R)
Chess-playing against a digital computing machine, 294 (A) Chez Pavan, Richard Llewellyn, 270 (R) Chiari, Joseph, (ed.) The Harrap Anthology of French Poetry, 54 (R.) Child of Montmartre, The, Paul Leautaud (trans. Humphrey Hare), 863 (R) Child's Garden of Verses, A, Robert Louis Stevenson, 845 (R) Children: London Airport's nursery, 763 (A); Reading Aloud, 853 (A) Children of Chaos, Juan Goytisolo, 126 (R) Children's books reviewed, 843-853 China: 'gunboat' diplomacy, 264 (A), 372 (L); book reviews, 738, 739, 895 Chinese Art in the Twentieth Century, Michael Sullivan, 739 (R) Chinese Gold Murders, The, Robert Van Gulik, 448 (R) Chinese Women Speak, Dymphna Cusack, 738 (R) Christianity in a Revolutionary Age: A History of Christianity in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Vol. I, The Nineteenth Century in Europe: Background and the Roman Catholic Phase, Kenneth Scott Latourette, 558 (R) Christianity's Lost Continent, 217 (A), 265, 298, 440 (L) Christmas music, 10 (A) Christmas Questions: corrected answers, 50 (L) CHURCH AND CHRISTIANITY the Church of England's attitude to divorce and re-marriage, 18, 50, 80, 111 (L); Church of England's case for amendments to Street Offences Bill, 99 (S); Vatican Council called, 138 (5)• future of Christianity in Africa, 217 (A), 265, 298, 440 (L); 423 (LA), 480 (L); Easter Enigma, 428 (A), 480, 511, 553, 588
623, 623, 666, 702 (L); ITV's The Sunday Break, 726 (CA), 815, 892
(L), 912 (CA); book reviews, 268, 412, 558 Churches: York Minster, 17, 50, 112 (L); Westminster Abbey, 11 i (L) Churchill, Lord Randolph, 411 (R) Churchill, Randolph: just right for Bournemouth East?, 99 (S); satirised, 287 (A) Churchill, Randolph, The Rise and Fall of Sir Anthony Eden, 915 (R) Churchill, Sir Winston: origin of 'blood, toil, tears and sweat', 34 (S), 112, 162, 232, 441 (L) Circuses: the Bertram Mills Olympia Circus, 10 (A) Citizen King, The, 135 (LA)
City and Metropolitan Building Society, 338 (F)
City of London Real Property, 827 (F) City Prudential, The, 710 (F) Civil Liberty in South Africa, Edgar H. Brookes and J. B. Macaulay, 821 (R) Civil Rights and Senate Rules, 32 (A) Civil Service: Home Office treatment of immigrants, 462 (5); book review, 594 Clarke, Bryan, Berber Village, 738 (R) Clerihews on words made from initials, 127 (C), 162 (L) Closed Doors, 874 (A) Closed Shop, The, 827 (N) CLOTHES nylon stockings, 44 (A), 112 (L), 401 (A); buying swimwear, 142 (A); men's ties, 478 (A); dress for point-to-points, 501 (A); fireproof fabrics, 700 (A); valeting services, 859 (A); shoe-soling materials, 885 (A) Cloud-Cuckoo Congress, 460 (N) Clown Jewels (Victoria Palace), 351 (CA) Clurman, Harold, Lies Like Truth, 321 (R) Coach Touring, 118 (A) Coal mining: closure of six Welsh pits, 38 (A) Cocks of Hades, The, C. A. Trypanis 234 (R)
Cockshut, A. 0. J., Anglican Attitudes: A Study of Victorian
Religious Controversies, 412 (R) Cohen, Sir Andrew, British Policy in Changing Africa, 821 (R) Cohen, Ruth, and P. Lesley Cook, The Effects of Mergers, 235 (R) Cohn, Art, The Nine Lives of Mike Todd,•27 I (R) Collected Poems 1939, Robert Graves, 819 (R) Collected Works of Paul Valdry, The, (ed.) Jackson Mathews, Vol. IV: Dialogues, Vol. VII: The Art of Poetry, 19 (R) Collis, John Stewart, An Artist of Life: A Study of the Life and Work of Havelock Ellis, 198 (R) Colour Bar and Race Relations: civil rights in the southern US, 32 (A); rioting in Leopoldville, 64 (A); banning Maoris from New Zealand rugby, 752 (A), 890 (L); book review, 707 Colour in interior decoration, 292 (A) Colum, Mary and Padraic, Our Friend James Joyce, 271 (R.) Colvilles, 26 (F) Commercial Union, 633 (F) Committee meetings, techniques at, 78 (A) Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare, Bertrand Russell, 83 (R) Commonwealth: the South African treason trial, 67 (5); the Queen as Head of the Commonwealth, 315, 347 (S), 372, 410 (L); liook review, 164 COMMUNISM Communism in Iraq, 6, 35, 248 (A), 391 (LA), 872 (A); the position of Communist revisionists, 18 (L); in the Middle East, 35 (A); 'containment' once more the American aim, 98 (A); 21st Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, 135 (PW); position in France under Fifth Republic, 281, 344 (A); imprisonment of students behind the Iron Curtain, 395 (A); effects of aggression in Tibet on other Asian and African peoples, 459 (LA); British Communist Party's membership campaign, 460 (N); President Nasser's attacks on, 540 (A); book reviews, 84, 331, 514, 824 Companionable Ills, The, 163 (P) Composers on Music: An Anthology of Composers' Writings, (ed.) Sam Morgenstern, 85 (R) Compton, J., Sons and Webb, 677 (F) Compulsion, 582 (CA) Comrade, The, Cesare Pavese, 823 (R) Comyns, Barbara, The Vet's Daughter, 236 (R) Concentration camps, 494 (R) Condon, R., The Oldest Confession, 448 (R) Congo Drums, 64 (A) Connell, Brian, The Plains of Abraham, 556 (11.1 CONSERVATIVE PARTY AND GOVERNMENT further steps towards full convertibility of the £, 3 (LA), 24 (F); General Election speculations, 65 (PC); resignation of Major Friend as prospective candidate at Bournemouth East, 67 (8); the UK's relationship with the International Court of Justice, 67 (S); the Foreign Office and Cuba, 70 (A); Mr. Macmillan's
'Meet-the-People' tour, 95 (LA); views and attitude of voting public, 98 (PC); Sir Alan Herbert and the Harrow by-election, 100 (A), 192 (L); Bournemouth East candidacy dispute, 135 (PW), 139 (S), 211 (PW); the Home Secretary's plans for penal reform,
- 175 LA); Mr. Macmillan's Russian visit, 176 (LA), 279 (PW), 280 A), 311 (PW), 313 (A); Is the Foreign Office Necessary?, 253 A), 296, 327 (L); Mr. Macmillan's tour of the North-East, 282 A); London Conference on Cyprus, 285 (A); constituency associations' relations with Members and Parliament, 311 (LA), 371, 511 (L); Mr. Alport's attack on Mr. Stonehouse, 314, 393 (PC); 'Butlerisms', 316 (S); Mr. Macmillan and Eton, 348 (S); Mr. Macmillan on the Middle East, 391 (LA); Eisenhower - Macmillan talks, 392 (A); Mr. Amory's Budget, 491 (PW), 491 (LA), 494 (PC); the One Nation' group's pamphlet The Responsible Society, 492 (LA); Mr. Amory's Budget weekend, 495 (S); the Conservative position on pensions, 567 (LA); a Young Conservative rally at the Festival Hall, 577 (A); The Times article on Selwyn Lloyd's political future, 797 (N), 799 (S); Lord Hailsham and the Empire Loyalists assault case, 835 (5), 877 (A); Lord Hailsham on PAYV, 835 (S); Conservative candidates and party loyalty, 841 (L); Commons debate on the Hola Camp deaths, 871 (PW), 871 (LA); the Conservative Party as the home of the Radical, 876 (A); Sir Anthony Eden, 915 (R.); for the Waters case-see under WATERS Consolidated Zinc, 867 (F) Constant, Benjamin, Adolphe and The Red Note-book (intro. Harold Nicolson), 706 (R) Consumer Association, 584 (A) Consumer protection committee to be set up, 426 (5) CONSUMING INTEREST 13, 44, 76, 108, 147, 189, 228, 262, 292, 323, 357, 404, 437, 478, 506, 550, 582, 621, 654, 698, 729, 768, 810, 859, 885, 913
Conte 824mporary English Poetry: An Introduction, Anthony Thwaite,
Contemporary Sociology, (ed.) Jacob Roucek, 592 (R) Conversations with Igor Stravinsky, Igor Stravinsky and Robert Craft, 669 (R) Cook, P. Lesley, with Ruth Cohen, The Effects of Mergers, 235 (R) Cooper, Diana, The Light of Common Day, 740 (R.) Cooper, Julian: Intentions, 332 (R); Versions, 332 (R) Co-Operative Permanent Building Society, 275 (F) Coppelia (Covent Garden), 434 (CA) Cordell, Alexander, Rape of the Fair Country, 85 (R) Cosi fan tutte (Glyndebourne), 879, 911 (CA) Cost of living index, 698 (A) Cotton industry: price agreements contrary to public interest, 135 (PW) Council of Europe: 603 (LA) Count Your Blessings, 881 (CA) Countryside: a muddy point-to-point, 358 (A) Courage, James, A Way of Love, 236 (R) Courtenay, Ashley, Let's Halt Awhile, 120 (R) Courting the Uncommitted, 459 (LA) Cow and Gate, 130 (F) Cowles, Fleur, The Case of Salvador Dail, 627 (R) Craft, Robert, and Igor Stravinsky, Conversations with Igor Stravinsky, 669 (R) Craik, T. W., The Tudor Interlude, 51 (R) Creditors (Lyric, Hammersmith), 351 (CA) Crichton-Miller, Dr. Hugh, 842 (L) Cricket: need for neutral umpires in Test matches, 179 (S); The End of County Cricket?, 575 (A); book review, 673 Cricket from the Grandstand, Keith Miller, 673 (R) CRIME increase in prison population, 34 (S); effects of prison conditions, 175 (LA); police pronouncements on motives, 718 (S); motorists as criminals, 721 (A), 779, 816 (L), 908 (A); the Mrs. Christos case, 875 (S); book reviews, 414. 721, 895 Crime novels reviewed, 86, 238, 448, 528, 708, 864 Criminals in Cars, 721 (A), 779, 816 (L) Critical Writings of James Joyce, The, (ed.) Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellman, 706 (R) Croft-Cooke, Rupert, Smiling Damned Villain, 708 (R) Cronin, Vincent, A Pearl to India: the Life of Roberto de Nobili, 304 (R) Crossing the Picket Line, 872 (A) Crowd in the French Revolution, The, George Rude, 376 (R) Crowder, Michael, Pagans and Politicians, 821 (R) Crowning Privileges, The, Robert Graves, 819 (R)
Cuba: fighting renewed in civil war, 3 (PW); Castro revolution
succeeds, 31 (PW); executions, 63 (PW); British foreign policy, 70 (A); trials of Batista supporters continue, 95 (PW)
Cult of the Mother-Goddess, The, E. 0. James, 668 (R)
Cunliffe, Marcus, George Washington: Mana nd Monument, 200 (R) Curious Strength of Positivism in English Political Thought, The, Noel Annan, 592 (R) Cursings and Bicycle Chains, 394 (A) Curtiss, Mina, Bizet and his World, 444 (R) Cusack, Dymphna, Chinese Women Speak, 738 (R) Cusack, Ralph, Cadenza: An Excursion, 21 (R) Cussons and Sons, 130 (F) Custom Credit Corporation, 487 (F) Customs of the Country, 69 (A) Cyprus and Party Discipline, 249 (A) CYPRUS more hopeful atmosphere, 3 (PW): 99 (S); the Zurich agreement and the London Conference, 211, 247 (PW), 252, 283 (S); Cyprus and Party Discipline, 249 (A); tension relaxed and detainees released, 279 (PW); hopes for a final settlement, 283 (S); Republic in Danger, 285 (A); Archbishop Makarios returns, 311 (PW); Colonel Grivas leaves Cyprus, 397, 496 (S); Labour Party's views on, 425 (PC); Aftermath in Cyprus, 535 (LA); misconceptions of nature of EOKA, 687 (S); the problems of independence, 906 (A) Czernyana (Sadler's Wells), 810 (CA)
D.A.'s Man, The, Harold Danforth and James Horan, 238 (R)
David, Elizabeth, French Country Cooking, 304 (R) Davidson, John, Poems and Ballads, 332 (R)
Day, Robin, 538 (S)
Day it Rained Forever, The, Ray Bradbury. 302 (R) Day on Fire, The, James Ramsey Ullman, 863 (R.) Day They Robbed the Bank of England, The, John Brophy, 560 (R) Dayan. Yael, New Face In the Mirror, 918 (R) Daybreak, Suzy Morel, 54 (R) Days and Moments Quickly Flying, Perry Madoc, 334 (R) de Beauvoir, Simone, Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter (trans. James
Kirkup), 737 (R) De Beers, 385, 790 (F) de Bernis, Cardinal, 56 (R)
de Goncourt, Edmond, Elisa, 446 (R) de la Marc, Walter, Tales Told Again, 199 (R)
de Nobili, Roberto, 304 (R)
de Polnay, Peter, A Door Ajar, 271 (R) dc Segur. Count Philippe-Paul, Napoleon's Russian Campaign,
482 (R) de Sta8l, Madame. 706 (R)
de Stefani, Livia, The Vine of Dark Grapes, 673 (R) Dead Man's Bay, Catherine Arley, 864 (R) Dead Sea Scrolls, The People of the, John Marco Allegro, 738 (R) Dead Storage, George Bagby, 708 (R) Dean, Winton, Handel's Dramatic Oratorios and Masques, 820 (R) Death of Diplomacy, The, 833 (N) Death Walks by the River, Vicars Bell, 708 (R)
Decca Records, 274 (F)
Lord Mountbatten Chief of Defence Staff, 3 (PW), 5 (S); future of Blue Streak rocket, 211 (PW); defence estimates, 211 (PW);
HMS Eagle's refit. 608 (S): Strength out of Weakness, 609 (A),
665, 702 (1); Lt.-Col. Lort-Phillips's views on nuclear weapons, 795 (LA); the dangers of tactical nuclear weapons, 905
Dehio, Ludwig, Germany and World Politics in the Twentieth Century,
380 (R) Dent, Alan, 257 (CA), 297 (L)
Deputies But Not Mayors. 344 (A) Derided, The, 684 (LA), 732, 842 (L) Destruction of Glasgow, The, 774 (A) Detour After Dark (Fortune), 883 (CA) Devil's Door, The, Leonard Halliday, 529 (R) Devil's General, The, 768 (CA) Devil's Quill, The, David Homer, 864 (R) Devlin, Christopher, (cd. and intro.) The Sermons and Devotional Writings of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 300 (R)
Diaries, short-lived, 27 (C)
Diary of Anne Frank, The, 859 (CA) Dickens, Charles, The Magic Fish-Bone, 843 (R) Dictionary of French Literature, (ed.) Sidney D. Braun, 378 (R) Dictionary of National Biography, The, 1941-1950, (ed.) L. G.
Wickham Legg and E. T. Williams, 894 (R) Dieting, 228 (A)
Dindon. Le (Princes). 401 (CA) Diole, Philippe. The Most Beautiful Desert of All, 593 (R)
Directors, institute of, 709 (F), 719 (S) Disarmament: the Geneva discussions on nuclear tests, 213 (A). 535 (PW); the argument over nuclear disarmament, 609 (A), 665, 702 (L)
Distribution Difficulties, 96 (N)
Divorce: the Church of England's attitude, 18, 50, 80, 111 (L)
Do and Aberdare, 689 (A)
Doctors: the Royal Commission on Doctors' Pay, 143 (A); out- moded anonymity in broadcasting, 608 (S)
Doctor's Dilemma, The, 618 (CA) DOCTOR'S JOURNAL, A
14, 46, 78, 107, 147, 190, 228, 262, 292, 324, 357, 406, 507, 550, 584, 620, 656, 700, 730, 770, 812, 860, 888
Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939: 1st Series, Vol. VIII,
(ed.) Rohan Butler T. Bury, 448 (R)
Doenitz, Admiral, Memoirs, 672 (R) Domestic Interior and other poems, Laurence Lerner, 332 (R) Dominant Third, The, Elizabeth Hely, 528 (R) Don Carlos (Covent Garden), 654 (CA) Donne and the Drurys, R. C. Bald, 900 (R) Donnelly, Desmond, The March Wind, 514 (R) Door Ajar, A, Peter de Polnay, 271 (R)
Dorman Long, 58 (F)
Dornbusch, Sanford M., and Louis Schneider, Inspirational Religion,
268 (R)
Dostoyevski in Russian Literary Criticism, 1846-1956, Vladimir
Seduro, 20 (R)
Doubts About De Gaulle, 137 (A) Down Second Avenue, Ezekiel Mphahlele, 668 (R) Dragoman Pass, Eric Williams, 238 (R) Dream of Arcadia, The: American Writers and Artists in Italy, 1760-1915, Van Wyck Brooks, 519 (R)
Drugs: dangerous, available to public, 357 (A); addiction, 656 (A) Drury family, the, 900 (R) Dry rot and woodworm, 147, 228 (A), 232 (L)
Duchess of Mal fi, The, John Webster, 51 (R) Duckworth, Marilyn, A Gap in the Spectrum, 484 (R)
Dufy, Raoul, 485 (R)
Dulles, John Foster, 752 (A)
Dunlop, 676, 744 (F)
Dunn, Cyril, Central African Witness, 627 (R) Dutch Courtesan, The (Stratford, E.), 615 (CA)
Duttons Blackburn Brewery, 826 (F)
Dwarfs' Gazette, The, 801 (A)
Eames, Charles, 616 (CA) Ear surgery, 230 (A)
Early-Morning Feed, 864 (P)
Eastbournc Mutual Building Society, 418 (F)
Easter Enigma, The, Michael C. Perry, 428 (R), 480, 511, 553, 588,
623, 666, 702 (L)
Easter Notes from France, 460 (A)
Eastland Trade and the Common Weal in the Seventeenth Century,
The, R. W. K. Hinton, 334 (R)
obstacles to agreement, 31 (LA); more reasonable attitudes of US and Russia over Germany, 63 (LA); Mr. Mikoyan's US visit, 63, 95 (PW), 98 (A); Russia proposes 3I-nation German peace conference, 63 (PW); Mr. Macmillan's Russian visit, 176 (LA), 279 (PW), 280 (A), 311 (PW), 313 (A); problems of German re-unification, 212 (LA); the Geneva discussions on nuclear tests, 213 (A), 535 (PW); Mr. Khrushchev's proposals for Berlin and Germany, 343 (PW), 343 (LA); Mr. Khrushchev agrees to a Foreign Ministers' conference, 343 (LA); Geneva Foreign Ministers' conference planned for May 1l, 459 (PW); the air corridors to Berlin, 567 (PW); prospects of Geneva Foreign Ministers' conference, 639 (LA); the background in Geneva itself, 642 (N); key questions for the West over Berlin, 644 (A); Geneva Foreign Ministers' conference, 644 (A), 685, 753, 833, 873 (N), 905 (LA); Mr. Khrushchev negotiating from strength over Berlin, 644 (A); the American attitude towards East-West relations, 715 (PW), 715 (LA), 717 (N); the Geneva conference's progress to date, 753 (N); effect at Geneva conference of Times article on Selwyn Lloyd's future, 797 (N); The Death of Diplomacy, 833 (N); report on Foreign Ministers' conference, 873 (N); the conference adjourned, 905 (LA) Eccentric Design, The: Form in the Classic American Novel, Marius Bewley, 332 (R) Economic and Social Research, National institute of, 129 (F) Economic Arithmetic, Robin Marris, 235 (R) Economic State of the Union, The, 86 (F)
Britain's balance of payments prospects good, 3 (LA); the US economic situation, 86 (F); Britain emerging slowly from a mild recession, 129 (F); brighter business outlook in Britain, 136 (LA); growth of hire-purchase, 156 (F); arguments on full convertibility of sterling, 169 (F); growing strength of sterling, 176 (LA); unemployment figures for January, 211 (PW); aims for 1959160 Budget, 247 (LA), 298, 328 (L); the needs of nationalised industry, 254 (A); state of agriculture, 286, 464 (A), 511, 624 (L); the need for advertising, 316 (A); encouraging consumer buying in Britain, 384 (F); agricultural subsidies, 464 (A), 624 (L); Budget measures to avoid inflation, 486 (F); scheme to increase savings and investments, 675 (F); Labour Party plans for industrial growth, 709 (F), 719 (S), 779 (L); the Swedish plan for a seven-country trading area, 838 (A); Budget reliefs leading to a cautious expan- sion, 900 (F); book review, 235
Economists and the Chancellor, The, 129 (F) Edelman, Maurice, A Call on Kuprin, 784 (R)
Eden, Sir Anthony, 915 (R)
Edouard Monet, John Richardson, 485 (R)
the 'great divide' between science and the arts in the schools and universities, 18, 50 (L), 71 (A), 81, 112 (L); the Keele experiment in science and the arts, 81 (L); specialisation and sixth-form work, 112 (L); secondary modern schools, 140 (A); John Bull's School- days, 219 (A); the role of parents in instructing their children, 324 (A); Oxford Responsions and Latin, 643 (S), 905 (LA); payment for MA degree, 643, 689, 755 (S); Ulster schools, 662 (A); arguments on retention of Latin for university entrance, 905 (LA); Russian Public Schools. 907 (A) Education of Theodore Roosevelt, The, Vol. 1: The Formative Years, 1858-1886, Carleton Putnam, 445 (R) Edward Marsh, Christopher Hassall, 861 (R) Effects of Mergers, The, P. Lesley Cook with Ruth Cohen, 235 (R) Egypt, Tom Little, 7 (R)
'myths' about President Nasser and Egypt, 6, 35 (A); relations with Russia and the West, 35 (A); British delegation in Cairo, 63 (PW); the Anglo-Egyptian financial agreement: initialled, 97 (A), difficulties arise, 211 (LA), Commons discussion, 314 (PC), attacked by Labour Party, 394 (PC); bars to better relations with Britain, 136 (A); relations with Israel, 162, 194, 232, 266 (L); relations with Russia deteriorate, 391 (PW), 391 (LA); relations with Iraq, 392, 716 (A); President Nasser's attack on Communism and Russia, 540 (A); Cairo oil congress, 567 (PW), 605 (A); relations with Britain and Iraq, 683 (LA), 732 (L); reappraisal of policy towards Iraq, 872 (A); summer as the 'crisis' season, 9
Eighth Circle, The, Stanley Ellin, 864 (R) Eighth Day of the Week, The, Marck Hlasko, 300 (It) Eighty-five Poems, Louis MacNeice, 332 (R) Eiselcy, Loren, Darwin's Century, 167 (R) Eisenstein, Sergei, Notes of a Film Director, 737 (R) Elder Statesman, The, T. S. Eliot, 513 (R)
voters' attitudes to various issues, 98 (PC); Sir Alan Herbert and the Harrow by-election, 100 (A), 192 (L); the Labour Party and vote-catching issues, 178 (PC); issues 'above party politics', 399 (A); public opinion polls on voting trends, 498 (A), 553 (L); local elections in London, 693 (A)
Eliot, T. S.: The Elder Statesman, 513 (R); (trans.) Anabasls,
St: John Perse, 862 (R)
Elise, Edmond de Goncourt, 446 (R) Ellin, Stanley, The Eighth Circle, 864 (R) Elliott, Charles, The Unkind Light, 415 (R)
Elliott-Automation, 710 (F)
Ellis, Havelock, Psychology of Sex, 198 (R)
Ellis and Goldstein, 903 (F)
Ellmann, Richard, and Ellsworth Mason, (ed.) The Critical Writings of James Joyce, 706 (R) Elwin, Verrier, Leaves from the Jungle, 271 (R)
Ely Brewery, 88 (F) Empire Loyalists, League of, 67 (S), 795 (PW), 835 (S), 877 (A) Employment: self-employment, 552 (A) Emu Wool, 88 (F)
En Voltaire, 908 (A) End of Country Cricket?, The, 575 (A) End of the Affair, The, 57 (F) Endyntlon Porter: The Life of a Courtier, 1587-1649, Gervas Huxley,
740 (R) Engineering Components, 598 (F)
England, A Passage to, Nirad C. Chaudhuri, 916 (R) Engle, Anita, The NW Spies, 630 (R) English Drama from Early Times to the Elizabethans, A. P. Rossiter,
51 (R) English Electric, 26, 306, 337 (F) English language, longest word in, 18, 50 (L)
English Utilitarians and India, The, Eric Stokes, 20 (R) Englishmen, The, Laurence Lerner, 595 (R) Epoch and Artist, David Jones, 708 (R)
Espionage: book review, 824
Essay in Autobiography, An, Boris Pasternak (intro. Edward
Crankshaw), 667 (R)
Ethel Smyth, A Biography, Christopher St. John, 377 (R)
Ethiopia, 297 (L) EUROPE liberalisation of currencies, 3 (LA), 24 (F); OEEC economic report, 336 (F); the Council of Europe after ten years, 603 (LA); defence, 795 (LA), 841 (L): the 'Outer Seven' plan, 838 (A)
Europe without England 603 (LA)
European Common Market and Free Trade Area: the Swedish plan for a seven-country trading area, 838 (A)
European Politics in Southern Rhodesia, Colin Leys, 448 (R), 512,
701 (L)
European Trade Doldrums, 336 (F) Eve Wants to Sleep, 505 (CA) Evil Eye, The, Boileau and Narcejac, 238 (R) Exchange Markets in Europe, 450 (F) Exeter, 1540-1640, Wallace T. MacCaffrey, 516 (R) Expedition Everyman, S. B. Hough, 127 (R)
Extra-sensory perception, 584 (A)
Eyck, Frank, The Prince Consort, 445 (R) Eye, the: disorders of, 190 (A); 'lazy eye', 550 (A); the perception of
colour, 860 (A)
Fable and the Flesh, The, Michael Lewis, 126 (R) Fainsod, Merle, Smolensk Under Soviet Rule, 705 (R) Farewell, Farewell Eugene (Garrick), 883 (CA) Farm Holiday Guide, 1959, 120 (R)
Faroe Islands: six-mile fishing limit agreed to by Britain, 279 (PW)
Fast, Howard, Moses Prince of Egypt, 484 (R) Faulkner, William, New Orleans Sketches, 785 (R) Feathers of Death, The, Simon Raven, 166 (R)
February as a pleasant month, 307 (C)
Fee Fi Fo Finn!, Osbert Sitwell, 199 (R) Feicrberg, Mordecai Zeev, Whither ?, 630 (R) Feldmann, Gene, and Max Gartenberg, (ed.) Protest, 557 (R) Felix Running, Hilary Ford, 823 (R) Femmes Savantes, Les (Princes), 431 (CA) Ferguson, Peter, Autumn for Heroes, 85 (R)
Festivals: the Bath Festival, 856 (CA)
Field, the, 496 (5) Fienburgh, Wilfred, No Love for Johnnie, 199 (R) Fifty Years On, 717 (A) Fig Tree, The, Aubrey Menen, 898 (R)
FILMS the Hampstead Everyman Cinema, 5 (S); Charles Chaplin, 12
(CA); licensing Operation Teutonic Sword, 216, 252 (S); some current titles, 348 (S); The Wild Ones shown in Dartmoor, 719 (S); The Battleship Potemkin, 737 (R), 780 (L); film 'Britishness'.
911 (CA); book review, 737
favourable financial outlook, 3 (LA); the Government makes further move towards convertibility of the £, 3 (LA), 24 (F); liberalisation of many European currencies, 3 (LA), 24 (F); bank shares, 88 (F); increases both in private spending and in savings, 136 (LA); earning power of money for the small investor, 151 (F); investing in hire-purchase companies, 156 (F); building societies' growth and investment opportunities, 158 (F); arguments on full convertibility of sterling, 169 (F); growing reserves of gold and foreign exchange, 176 (LA); unit trusts and the small investor, 203 (F); investment control, 239 (F); hopes for improved national savings, 247 (LA), 298 (L); the US's fight to maintain strength of the dollar, 273 (F); loans and grants to farmers, 286 (A); Labour Party's reported plan for a State unit trust, 305 (F); 'Investing' in Gold, 416 (F); The Foreign Banks, 449-452 (F); effects of American capital on world markets, 453 (F); the Budget and capital spending, 486 (F); Mr. Amory's Budget, 491 (PW), 491 (LA), 494 (PC); the Budget in the light of the Economic Survey, 529 (F); tax on beer reduced, 554, 588 (L); effects of Budget on gilt-edged market, 561 (F); Finance Bill published, 567 (PW); The Budget and Equity Shares, 596 (F); public investment and a National Investment Board, 632 (F), 702 (L); plan to assist small investor, 675 (F), 733 (L); telephone services and public investment, 702 (L); effect of American financial recovery and overseas investments, 743 (F); American gold losses, 744 (F); Budget reliefs leading to a cautious expansion, 900 (F); methods of professional investors, 918 (F); stock exchange investment policy, 918 (F); book review, 382 Fings Ain't What They Used T'Be (Stratford, E.), 289 (CA)
Finland: saunas, 319 (A)
Fire, 148 (A)
First Provisional Unit Trust, 207, 827 (F)
Fitt, Mary, Mizniaze, 81 (R) Fitton, R. S., and A. P. Wadsworth, The Strutts and the Arkwrights, 1758-1830, 198 (R) Fitz Gibbon, Constantine, Paradise Lost and More, 526 (R) Five Chimneys, Olga Lengyel, 560 (R) Five Ideas that Change the World, Barbara Ward, 414 (R) Flame Trees of Thika, The, Elspeth Huxley, 331 (R) Fiats and Houses, 1958: Design and Economy, 145 (R) Fledermaus, Die (Coliseum), 581 (CA)
Fleming, Sir Alexander, 670 (R)
Fleming, Ian, Goldfinger, 448 (R) Fleming, Peter, The Siege at Peking, 895 (R) Flight and Pursuit, Stuart Holroyd, 782 (R) Flight of !kerns, The, Kevin Andrews, 271 (R) Flower, Newman, George Frlderic Handel, His Personality and His Times, 820 (R)
Flowers, modern, poems on, 382 (C) Flowers through Interflora, 913 (A)
Flushed with Pride, 839 (A) Flying Saucers, C. G. Jung, 447 (R) Fontamara, Ignazio Silone, 380 (R)
complaints in restaurants, 262 (A), 298 (L); British sausages, 262 (A); shopping for herbs, 323 (A); ice-'cream', 406 (A), 689, 755 (S), 842 (L); consumer protection committee to be set up, 426 (S); meals on trains, 550 (A), 666, 733, 780, 816 (L); Lyons and Forte's restaurants, 621 (A); yoghourt, 654 (A); boletus edulis and mushroom soup, 689, 755 (S), 780, 842 (L); French starred restaurants, 690 (A); eating in Paris, 758 (A); small bakers going out of business, 768 (A); two Portuguese wines, 76 (A); a Lolita cocktail, 285 (S); cost of wine in Pullman carriages, 358 (A); soft drinks, 404 (A); Yugoslav wines, 478(A); German wines, 730(A); port, 859 (A); Italian South Tyrol wines, 885 (A); book review, 304 Food for Thought, 464 (A), 511, 624 (L)
Foot, Michael: criticisms of the Street Offences Bill, 5 (S), 17 (L) Football pools, 168 (C)
Footsteps of Anne Frank, Ernst Schnabel, 560 (R)
Ford, 170, 418 (F)
Ford, Hilary, Felix Running, 823 (R) Foreign Banks, The, 449-452 (F) Foreign Banks in the City, 450 (F)
Foreign Ministers' conference in Geneva: see under EAsr-WEsr
Foreign Office, the, 70, 253 (A), 296, 327 (L)
Form of Loss, The, Edgar Bowers, 443 (R)
Forster, E. M., 34 (S) Forte's restaurants, 621 (A)
Fortunella (Cameo-Poly.), 186 (CA) Fourberies de Scapin, Les (Princes), 545 (CA) Fourteen Poems, Doris Lessing, 628 (R) Fox, Sir Cyril, Life and Death in the Bronze Age: An Archaeologist's Field Work, 484 (R)
devaluation of the franc, 3 (PW), 24 (F); President de Gaulle's stern financial policy, 4 (A); France's economic position in Europe, 17 (L); characteristics of the Fifth Republic, 96 (A); the Western Mediterranean littoral, 116 (A); Doubts About De Gaulle, 137 (A); de Gaulle's evasiveness over Algeria, 212 (A); the old problems re-emerge, 281 (A); the situation among the political parties, 344 (A); Communists regain ground lost at referendum. 344 (A); deterioration in Anglo-French relations, 344 (A); the end of the Fourth Republic, 397 (A); President de Gaulle's views on European alliances, 460 (A); Paris Notebook, 758 (A); de Gaulle's determination for an equal footing with the US and Britain, 871 (LA); French Government's refusal to allow stockpiling of atomic weapons for American tighter-bombers, 871 (LA); book reviews, 54, 376, 378
President de Gaulle on future of Algeria, 96 (A); Algerian Rowdies and M. Debre, 212 (A); Algeria's part in bringing down the Fourth Republic, 397 (A); French army successes in Algeria, 460 (A); the role and attitude of the French army in Algeria, 493 (A); Sahara oil, 623 (L); little prospect of negotiations over Algeria, 640 (A); President de Gaulle's actions and policy in Algeria, 640 (A); life in Algeria, 796 (A)
Francis, F., and Sons (Holdings), 867 (F)
Fraser, G. S., Vision and Rhetoric, 413 (R) Fraternity in Algeria, 796 (A)
Free State Geduld, 203 (F)
French Country Cooking, Elizabeth David, 304 (R) French Ferments, 493 (A) French Fiction, The Art of, Martin Turnell, 629 (R) Friar, Kimon, (trans.) The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel, Nikos
Kazantzakls, 330 (R)
From Ape to Angel, H. R. Hays, 898 (R) Full Convertibility Debate, 169 (F) Full Employment (American) Abandoned, 273 (F) Fuller, Roy, The Ruined Boys, 334 (R)
Furniture exhibition, 183 (A)
Gaines, Robert, Against the Public Interest, 448 (R) Gainham, Sarah, The Stone Roses, 86 (R)
Gallaher, 57, 170, 597 (F)
Gallic, Menna, Strike .for a Kingdom, 448 (R.) Gallup Pollsters, 498 (A), 553 (L)
Gandhi, Mahatma, 348 (R)
Gant, Roland, World in a Jug, 560 (R) Gap in the Spectrum, A, Marilyn Duckworth, 484 (R) Gardner. Alexander, Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War, 736 (R) Gardner, Eric Stanley, The Case of the Hesitant Hostess, 86 (R) Gardner, Helen, Tne Business of Criticism, 704 (R) Gardner, Helen, and G. M. Story, (ed.) The Sonnets of William Alabaster, 197 (R) Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War, Alexander
Gardner, 736 (R)
Gartenberg, Max, and Gene Feldman, (ed.) Protest, 557 (R) Gascar, Pierre, The Seed, 447 (R.) Gates, John, The Story of an American Communist, 331 (R) Gavin, Licut.-Gcn. James M., War and Peace in the Space Age,
301 (R) General Electric, 170 (F) General Mining, 206 (F)
Geneva Foreign Ministers' conference: see under EAST-WEST
George Washington: Man and Monument, Marcus Cunliffe, 200 (R) German, pidgin, 419 (C) German History, 1933-1945, H. Mau and H. Krausnik, 380 (R)
obstacles to re-unification, 31 (LA); West German attitudes over peace treaty and re-unification 63 (LA); Soviet note on future of, 63 (PW); Nazis and neo-Nazis, 64 (A); West German leniency towards war criminals, 64 (A); problems of re-unification and a Berlin settlement, 212 (LA); East-West disagreement over future of Germany, 343 (PW), 343 (LA); Mr. Macmillan considering recognition of East Germany, 343 (LA); life in West Berlin, 344, 762 (A); East German students imprisoned, 395 (S); Krupp Rides Again, 398 (A); German banking abroad, 452 (F); West German disapproval of Mr. Macmillan's attitude over Berlin, 495 (A); Dr. Adenaucr: nominated for West German Presidency, 491 (PW), 536 (A), withdraws his candidature, 832 (A); accidental wounding of a British soldier, 538 (S); Herr Brandt visits London, 570 (S); key questions for the West in negotiating with Russia, 644 (A); Dr. Adenauer's realism over Berlin and a united Germany, 641 (A); prospect of hard bargaining at Geneva and the 'Summit' over the future of Berlin and Germany, 639 (LA); English opinions on the Berlin question, 689 (S); the East Germans at the Geneva conference, 717 (N); book review, 380; for the Foreign Ministers' conference on Berlin and Germany see under
Germany and World Politics in the Twentieth Century, Ludwig Dehio,
380 (12)
Gerth, Hans IL, and Don Martindale, (trans. and ed.) The Religion of India: The Sociology of Hinduism and Buddhism, Max Weber,
484 (R.) Ghana: book review, 414 Ghosts, 46 (A)
Gibbon, Monk, The Masterpiece and the Man: Yeats as I knew him,
736 (R)
Gift from the Boys, A, Art Buchwald, 863 (R) Gig!, 227 (CA) Gilbert, Anthony, Third Crime Lucky, 238 (R) Gilbert, Michael, Blood and Judgment, 528 (R) Gilt and Gingerbread (Duke of York's), 615 (CA) G ilzin, Karl, Sputniks and After, 446 (R.) Gin and Murder, Josephine Pullcin-Thompson, 529 (R.) Girodias, Maurice, and Peter Singleton-Gates, The Black Diaries,
317 (R)
Glanville, Brian, After Rome, Africa, 166 (R)
Glasgow, 774 (A) Glaxo, 385 (F)
Glubb, Sir John, Britain and the Arabs, 499 (R) Godden, Jon, Mrs. Panopoulls, 415 (R) Godley, John, Lord Kilbracken, A Peer Behind the Curtain, 782 (R),
920 (L)
Godly and the Ungodly, The, Reinhold Niebuhr, 268 (R) Gaha. 505 (CA) Going it Alone, 906 (A)
Gold: world production and American stocks, 416 (F); drop in American reserves, 744 (F)
Gold shares, 203, 337, 385, 788 (F) Gokifinger, Ian Fleming, 448 (R.) Goldmund, Hermann Hesse, 126 (R) Good Food Guide, The, 1959160, Raymond Postgate, 690 (R) Good News of Death, Louis Simpson, 443 (R) Goodbye Earth, and other poems, I. A. Richards, 165 (R) Goodness, How Bad, 287 (A) Goods Across the Sea, 664 (A)
Gordon, John, 112, 162, 194, 266 (L)
Goytisolo, Juan, Children of Chaos, 126 (R)
Grahame, Kenneth, 378 (R) Gramophone records: records reviewed, 259, 435, 579; purchase tax on records, 462 (S), 554, 666 (L) Granada, 206, 676 (F)
Grant, I. F., The MacLeods: The History of a Clan, 1200-1956,
781 (R) Gratton Warehouses. 530 (F)
Graves, Robert: Collected Poems 1959, 819 (R); The Crowning Privilege, 819 (R) Great Belzoni, The, Stanley Mayes, 741 (R) Great Civil War, The, 1642-1646, Lt.-Col. Alfred H. Burne and
Lt.-Col. Peter Young, 414 (R)
Great Dictator, The, 12 (CA) Great Divide in the Schools, The, 71 (A) Great Powers, The: Essays in Twentieth Century Politics, Max Beloff,
82 (R)
Great Ship, The, 294 (A)
Great Universal Stores, 867 (F) Greece: the country and people, 424 (A); book review, 625 (R)
Greek Culture and the Ego, Adrian Stokes, 167 (R)
Greek Orthodox Church, 138 (S)
Greek Surfaces, 424 (A)
Green, Henry, 480 (..), 556 (R)
Green, Peter, Kenneth Grahame 1854-1932, 378 (R)
Greene, Graham, 70 (A)
Grimond, Jo, The Liberal Future, 492 (LA)
Grtinewald, Matthias, 485 (R)
Guerard, Albert J., The Bystander, 526 (R) Guest and his Going, A, P. H. Newby, 898 (R)
Guest Keen and Nettlefolds, 710, 903 (F)
Guide des Relais Roasters, 691 (R) Guide Michelin, 690 (R) Guinness Book of Poetry 2, The, 824 (R.)
Gulbenkian Foundation report on Help for the Arts, 905 Gunboats, use in China of, 264 (A), 372, 410 (L)
Gunpowder Flash (Cambridge), 433 (CA)
H.E. Proprietary, 487 (F)
Hagenbuch, Walter, Social Economics, 235 (R.) Haggard, William, Venetian Blind, 708 (R)
Hair, falling, 507 (A), 554 (L) Hairdressing schools, 103 (A) Haithwaite, Edith, 607 (S)
Hall, Pack 'and Simpson, (ed.) The New Poets of England and America, 443 (R) Hall, Radclyffe, The Sixth Beatitude, 270 (R) Halliday, Leonard, The Devil's Door, 529 (R)
Hambros Bank, 710 (F) Hamilton, Alexander, 200 (P.) Handel: bicentenary celebration, 545 (A)
Handel, George Friderie, His Personality and His Times, Newman
Flower, 820 (R)
Handel's Dramatic Oratorios and Masques, Winton Dean, 820 (R) Hanging Tree, The, 291 (CA) Hangman, The, 768 (CA) Hanke, Lewis, Aristotle and the American Indians, 53 (R.) Hardy, Ronald, The Man from the Bush, 898 (R) Hare, Richard, Portraits of Russian Personalities between Reform and Revolution, 591 (R) Hargreaves, Reginald, The Narrow Seas, 738 (R.) Harlequin in April (Covent Garden), 402 (CA) Harmsworth, Geoffrey, and Reginald Pound, Northcliffe, 917 (R) Harrap Anthology of French Poetry, The, (ed.) Joseph Chiari, 54 (R) Harris, Frank, Vincent Brome, 268 (R), 297, 328, 371, 441 (L) Harris, Ralph, and Arthur Seldon, Advertising in a Free Society,
316 (R)
Harrison, James, Catchment Area, 628 (R) Harrisson, Tom, World Within, 444 (R) Harvey, Sir Paul, and J. E. Heseltine, (comp. and ed.) The Oxford Companion to French Literature, 378 (R) Hastings, Patricia, The Life of Patrick Hastings, 523 (R)
Hastings, Sir Patrick, 523 (R) Hastings and Thanct Building Society, 130 (F)
Havelock Ellis: A Biography, Arthur Calder-Marshall, 198 (R)
Hawker Siddeley, 745 (F)
Hawkes, Jacquetta, Providence Island, 673 (P,) Hawthorn, Mike, Champion Year, 518 (R) Hayes, Joseph, The Hours After Midnight, 708 (R) Hays, H. R., Frain Ape to Angel, 898 (R.) Heart of India, The, Alexander Campbell, 271 (R)
Hell, a concept of, 264 (A)
Hellenism: The History of a Civilization, Arnold J. Toynbee,
625 (R), 733 (L)
Hely, Elizabeth, The Dominant Third, 528 (R) Hemley, Cecil, (ed.) Noonday I, 165 (R) Henderson the Rain King, Saul Bellow, 735 (R) Henry Adams: The Middle Years, Ernest Samuels, 333 (R.) Henry Purcell 1659-1695: Essays on his Music, (ed.) Imogen Hoist
595 (R)
Herbert of Harrow, 100 (A) Here, Of All Places, Osbert Lancaster, 167 (R) Herold, J. Christopher, Mistress to an Age: A Life of Madame de StaN, 706 (R) Heseltinc, 3. E.., and Sir Paul Harvey, (comp. and ed.) The Oxford Companion to French Literature, 378 (R) Hesse, Hermann, Goidmund, 126 (R) Hiatus at Bonn?, 536 (A) Hibbcrt, Christopher, Wolfe at Quebec, 556 (R)
Hillhead, Hughes, 274 (F) Hinduism and Buddhism, 484 (R)
Hinton, R. W. K., The Eastland Trade and the Common Weal in the Seventeenth Century, 334 (R)
Hire-purchase finance companies, 156 (F)
History of Japan to 1934, A, George Sansom, 336 (R) History of New Zealand, A, Keith Sinclair, 124 (R)
History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely, A: Vol. III,
The City and University of Cambridge, (ed.) J. P. C. Roach, 481 (R) History Unearthed, Sir Leonard Woolley, 23 (R) Hit, The, Julian Mayfield, 54 (R) Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, 125 (R.) Hlasko, Muck, The Eighth Day of the Week, 300 (R.) Hobsbawm, E. .1., Primitive Rebels, 785 (R)
Hoffman's Manufacturing, 598 (F)
Nola, 871 (LA) Holidays and Travel, 113-120 (A) Hollander, Barnett, The International Law of Art, 670 (R) Holmes, John Clellon, The Beat Boys, 557 (R) Holroyd, James Edward, Baker Street By-ways, 864 (R) Holroyd, Stuart, Flight and Pursuit, 782 (R) Hoist, Imogen, (ed.) Henry Purcell 1659-1695: Essays on his Music,
595 (R.)
Homage to Mistress Bradstreet, John Berryman, 628 (R) HOME AND HOUSEHOLD stove-cleaning, 13, 885 (A); installing oil heating, 14 (A); perma- nent bindings for paper-back books, 76 (A); protection against dry rot and woodworm, 147, 228 (A), 232 (L); furniture exhibition, 183 (A); electric razors, 228 (A), 374 (L); colour and interior decoration, 292 (A); nappy laundries, 357 (A); accidents in the home, 408 (A); Weal Home Exhibition, 437 (CA); government plans to set up consumer protection committee, 426 (S); new designs in bathroom and lavatory fixtures, 469 (A)•, refrigerators, 550 (A); laundering blankets, 582 (A); fireproof fabrics, 700 I A); the Index of Retail Prices, 698 (A); cream detergents in tubes, 810 (A); lavatory flush valves, 839 (A); the Antique Dealers' Fair, 878 (A); shoe-soling materials, 885 (A); sending flowers through Interflora, 913 (A) Home Thoughts from Abroad, 877 (A)
Homosexuality: 'perverts', 17 (L); quibbling over the name, 539 (S); continued prosecutions, 816, 841 (L) Honours List, Birthday, 875 (S) 'Hooligan', origin of, 326 (A) Hoover, 337 (F)
Hope Deferred, 536 (N)
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 300 (P.)
Horan, James, and Harold Danforth, The D.A.'s Man, 238 (R) Horner, David, The Devil's Quill, 864 (R.) Horse and Rider, 496 (A) Horse's Mouth, The, 227 (CA) Hough, S. B.: Expedition Everyman, 127 (R); Bronze Perseus, 864 (R) Hours After Midnight, The, Joseph Hayes, 708 (R) Hours after Noon, The, Paul Bowles, 673 (R) House, Humphry, and Graham Storey, (ed.) The Journals and Papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 300 (R) House Above The River, The, Josephine Bell, 86 (R) House in the Uplands, A Erskine Caldwell, 484 (R)
Houses and housing: tall domestic blocks, 145 (CA); town-planning in Glasgow, 774 (A)
How Not to Control Investment, 239 (F) How Say You? (Aldwych), 615 (CA) How to be Useful and Happy from Sixty to Ninety, A. Lapthorn
Smith, 408 (R)
Hoyle, Fred, Osslan's Ride, '784 (R.) Humanism and Poetry in the Early Tudor Period, H. A, Mason,
738 (R) Hungary: book review, 528
Huxley, Aldous, Brave New World Revisited, 269 (R) Huxley, Elspeth, The Flame Trees of Thtka, 331 (R) Huxley, Gervas, Endymlon Porter: The Life of a Courtier, 1587-1649,
740 (R)
Huxley, T. H.: Scientist, Humanist and Educator, Cyril Bibby,
(forewords by Sir Julian Huxley and Aldous Huxley), 628 (R)
Huysmans, Joris Karl, Matthias Grlinewald, 485 (R) Hyde, Donald and Mary, and E. L. McAdam, The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, Vol. 1, 22 (R) Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Strange Death of Lord Castlereagh,
515 (R) Ice-'cream', ingredients of, 406 (A), 689, 755 (5), 842 (L)
Idea of a Social Science, The, Peter Winch, 592 (R) ldomeneo (Glyndebourne), 807 (A) Ifs and Buts, 212 (LA) Ike without the Prince, 248 (A)
Ilford, 306 (F) Illingworth Morris, 241, 562 (F)
Imitation of Life, 548 (CA)
Immigrants, Home Office treatment of, 462 (S) Imperial Chemical Industries, 486 (F)
Imperial Idea and Its Enemies, The: A Study in British Power,
A. 1'. Thornton, 164 (R)
Implications of an Incinerator, 16 (A) Importance of Being Algernon, The, 509 (A) In Camera, 427 (A) In Deep, Frank Baines, 593 (R) In Defence of the Earth, Kenneth Rexroth, 234 (R), 350 (A) In Fear of Silence, John Slimming, 630 (R) In Flanders Fields, Leon Wolff, 376 (R.) In Thai Strange Nightmare, 685 (N) In the Coffee Bar, 909 (P) In the Margin, 65 (PC) In Two Minds, Mary Cecil, 447 (R) Incas and Other Men, George Woodcock, 444 (R) Incinerator, Implications of an, 16 (A)
Income tax: disposal of old returns, 537 (PC)
India: Malaise in India, 181 (A), 231, 265, 297 (L); the influence of
Mahatma Gandhi, 348 (A); attitude of Mr. Nehru to Tibetan uprising, 426 (S); book reviews, 20, 484
Individual and the Universe, The, BBC Keith Lectures 1958, A. C. B.
Lovell, 447 (R) Industrial disputes and strikes: unofficial strike at Ford's, Dagen- ham, 279, 311 (PW); the printing dispute, 683 (LA), 815, 842 (L), 875 (S)
the siting of new factories, 96 (N); nationalised industries and efficiency, 254 (A); non-unionists, 283 (S); the Spectator steel inquiry's report, 359-370 (A); Krupp and the German steel industry, 398 (A); union restrictive practices, 604 (N); Labour Party's plans for taking over companies, 639 (PW); Ulster's Traditional Industries, 660 (A); the Labour Party and nationalising industry, 709 (F); The Closed Shop, 827 (N); book review, 524
Influenza, 357 (A)
Inspirational Religion, Louis Schneider and Sanford M. Dornbusch, 268 (R) Intentions, Julian Cooper, 332 (R)
Interflora, 913 (A)
Interloper, The, Gwendoline Butler, 529 (R.)
International Combustion, 274 (F) International Computors and Tabulators, 206 (F) International law: the UK and the International Court of Justice, 67 (S); NATO Court of Justice proposed, 835 (S)
International Law of Art, The, Barnett Hollander, 670 (R) Inveresk Paper, 306 (F) 'investing' In Gold, 416 (F)
the Communist threat, 6 (A); the balance of internal forces, 6 (A); Communist influence, 211 (LA); Left Turn in Iraq, 248 (A); unrest over fate of Colonel Arcf, 248 (A); pact with Russia signed, 391 (LA); animosity towards Egypt and President Nasser, 392 (A); resignation of ambassador to Egypt, 462 (S); Nuri es-Said, 611 (A); to buy arms from Britain, 683 (PW), 683 (LA), 732 (L); General Kassem's change of attitude towards Communists, 872 (A) Iraq and the UAR, 392 (A)
a one-party State, 643 (S); Ulster's personality, 643 (5); Siobhan McKenna's views on Mr. Macmillan and the IRA, 644 (S), 658 (A), 701, 779 (L); Ulster Today, 657-664 (A); balancing the economy, 657 (A); the traditional industries, 660 (A); Ulster Youth, 662 (A); Goods Across the Sea, 664 (N); electioneering, 701, 732, 779 (L)
censorship of publications, 192, 374, 409, 479 (L); the presidential election campaign, 804 (A); the Abbey Theatre, 804 (A), 892 (L); Mr. de Valera elected President, 905 (LA); proportional repre- sentation endorsed, 905 (LA)
Irish Notebook, 804 (A), 892 (L) Irish Times: experiences on, 571 (A), 624 (L); 804 (A) Irving, Clifford, The Losers, 199 (R) Is the Foreign Office Necessary?, 253 (A), 296, 327 (L)
British attitude towards, 38 (A); Afro-Asian seminar on co- operation, 65 (A); relations with Egypt, 162, 194, 232, 266 (L); Arab refugees from Palestine, 553, 622 (L); relations with Arabs, 665, 701 (L); plight of Bedouins, 646 (A); book review, 630 Israel Goes Afro-Asian, 65 (A) It Happened to Jane, 651 (CA) Italian Stories of Today, (ed.) John Lehmann, 741 (R.) Italy: Mezzogiorno, 113 (A); opera in Florence, 763 (CA)
Jacobson, Dan, No Further West: California Visited, 783 (R) Jaffe, Rona, The Best of Everything, 166 (R.)
Jaguar Cars, 306 (F)
Jail Bait, J. W. Mason, 448 (R.) James, E. 0., The Cult of the Mother-Goddess, 668 (R)
James, Henry, 52 (R.)
James, Robert Rhodes, Lord Randolph Churchill, 411 (R)
Japan, book review, 336 Jazz: New Orleans jazz, 144 (CA), 231, 266 (L); jazz with poetry, 613 (CA); book review, 862
Jazz Scene, The, Francis Newton, 862 (R)
Jefferson, Thomas, 200 (R)
Jenkins, Clive, Power at the Top, 524 (R) Jensen, Johannes, The Waving Rye, 85 (R)
Jeyes, 487 (F)
John Bull's Schooldays, 219 (A) John Foster Dulles, 752 (A) Johnson, Pamela Hansford, The Unspeakable Sklpton, 54 (R)
Johnson, Samuel, 22 (R)
Jolly Sort of German', 'A. 438 (A) Jones, David, Epoch and Artist, 708 (R) Jones, Howard, Prison Reform Now, 34 (S) Jones, James: The Pistol, 54 (R); Some Came Running, 918 (R) Journals and Papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins, The, (ed.) Humphry
House and Graham Storey, 300 (R)
Journey, The, 434 (CA)
Journey to the Ends of Time, Volume I, Lost in the Dark Wood,
Sacheverell Sitwell, 897 (R) Joyce, James, 271, 706 (K)
Judgements on History and Historians, Jacob Burckhardt (intro.
H. R. Trevor-Roper), 896 (R) Judo, 255 (A)
Jung, C. a, Flying Saucers, 447 (R)
'Justice', 462 (S) K
Karol, K. S., Visa to Poland, 300 (R)
Kastner, Erich, 844 (R)
Katherine Mansfield, and other Literary Studies, J. Middleton
Murry, 626 (R)
Kazantzakis, Nikos, The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel (trans. Kimon
Friar), 300 (R)
Keeping Pace, 343 (LA) Kenneth Grahame 1859-1932, Peter Green, 378 (R)
Kenya: Kenyatta trial protest, 161 (L); progress towards integration of Africans and Europeans, 685 (A); the Hola detention camp deaths, 687 (S), 816 (L), 871 (PW), 871 (LA); book review, 331 Kerouac, Jack, 350 (A)
Kerr, Walter, Pieces at Eight, 321 (R)
Killinghall (Rubber) Development Syndicate, 306 (F)
Kind of Guy I am, The, Robert McAllister, with Floyd Miller,
238 (R)
King, Martin Luther, Jr., Stride towards Freedom, 707 (R) King and Chancery, 96 (A) King Charming (Lyric, Hammersmith), 10 (CA) King Harold, 95 (LA) Kinross, Lord, The Candid Eye, 22 (R) Kirkup, James, (trans.) Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, Simone de
Beauvoir, 737 (R)
Kirst, Hans Hcllmut, No One Will Escape, 415 (R) Klyuchevsky, Vasili, Peter The Great (trans. Liliana Archibald),
233 (R)
Knight, Everett, The Objective Society, 375 (R) Knowles, John, A Separate Peace, 630 (R) Koestler, Arthur, The Sleepwalkers, 125 (R) Korbonski, Stefan, Warsaw in Chains, 84 (R)
Korea, a doctor's experience in, 770 (A) Kosset carpets, 346 (PC), 410 (L)
Krausnik, H., and H. Mau, German History, 1933-45, 380 (R) Krupp Rides Again, 398 (A)
Kuala Kangsar Plantations, 386 (F)
Kubly, Herbert, Varieties of Love, 85 (R)
Kuwait: relations with Britain, 36 (A) L
Labour and Big Business, 709 (F) Labour and the Public Unit Trust, 305 (F)
General Election chances, 65 (PC); Mr. Gaitskell's 'Meet-the- People' tours, 95 (LA), 194 (L), 282 (A); election issues, 98 (PC), 161 (L), 178 (PC); R. H. S. Crossman's criticisms of the Govern- ment's Pensions Bill, 138, 178 (PC), 192 (L); attacks a public- opinion survey on steel, 175 (PW), 179 (S); Mr. Gaitskell's visit to Wales, 265 (L); Mr. Creech Jones as a speaker, 282 (PC); reported plan for a State unit trust, 305 (F); Mr. Gaitskell attacks the Anglo-Egyptian financial agreement, 394 (PC); Mr. Bevan's gaffe in the Cyprus debate, 425 (PC); the pensions debate, 567 (LA); waiting for the General Election, 606 (PC); The Road to Brighton Pier, 606 (PC); plans for industry, 639 (PW), 709 (F), 719 (S), 733, 779 (L); The Road to Mumbles Pier, 691 (A), 733 (L); book reviews, 166, 524 Laissez Toryism, 492 (LA) Lambert, Gavin, The Slide Area, 784 (R) Lancaster, Osbert, Here. Of All Places, 167 (R)
Lanka Plantations, 26 (F)
Lanzinann, Jacques, The American Rat (trans. R. E. Montgomery), 741 (R) Laocoon, Nathan the Wise, Minna von Barnhelm, Gotthold Ephraim Leasing, 237 (R), 266 (L) Larsen, Henry, and May Pellaton, Behind the Lianas, 127 (R) Last Essays, Thomas Mann, 626 (R) Last Great Fight, The, 719 (A), 815 (L) Last Hurrah, The, 12 (CA) LA so Lap, 7 he, 408 (A) Last of the Pashas, The, 499 (A) Last Summer, The, Boris Pasternak, 667 (R) Last Temptation, The, 548 (CA) Late Night on Watling Street, Bill Naughton, 898 (R)
Latin verse, mediaeval, 483 (R)
Latourette, Kenneth Scott, Christianity in a Revolutionary Age: A History of Christianity in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Vol. 1, The Nineteenth Century in Europe: Background and the Roman Catholic Phase, 558 (R)
Laundries, nappy, 357 (A)
Lavatories: Flushed With Pride, 834 (A) Lawrence, D. 11.. A Composite Biography, Vol. III, Edward Nehls, 196 (It), 329, 372 (L) League of Empire Loyalists, 67 (S), 795 (PW), 835 (S), 877 (A) Leaning on Pinay, 4 (A) Leautaud, Paul, The Child of Montmartre (trans. Humphrey Hare), 863 (R) Leaves from the Jungle, Verrier Elwin, 271 (R) Lederer, William J., and Eugene Burdick, The Ugly American, 236 (R)
Leek and Moorlands, 89 (F)
Left Turn in Iraq, 248 (A) LEGAL criticisms of the Street Offences Bill, 5 (S), 17, 48 (L), 99 (5); committal proceedings, 18, 50, 80 (L); trial of Spanish strikers, 40 (A); First Offenders Act, 34 (S); Maintenance Orders Act, 34 (S); the Government's new reservation over International Court of Justice, 67 (S); Restrictive Practices court, 135 (PW); the Waters case: raised in Parliament, 214 (PC), a Tribunal of Inquiry set up, 247 (PW), 250 (PC), the Tribunal's report dis- cussed in Parliament, 569 (PC); Superintendent Hannam's recipe for a good policeman, 285 (S); Habeas Corpus applicants, 426 (S); reforming 'contempt of court' laws, 462, 755 (S); the Devlin Commission on Nyasaland, 495 (S); function and opera- tion of Tribunals, 569 (PC), 622 (L); illegal detention in mental
hospitals, 607 (S), 701 (L); capital punishment and reprieves, 643 (S); case of Mr. Barker and the Manchester Hospitals Board, 686 (PC); need for laws to enforce road safety, 721 (A), 779, 816 (L); the case for a civil administrator to watch over public administration, 800 (A); the Liberate libel action, 879 (A); inadequate fines for careless driving, 875 (S); punishment now often unsuitable to the crime, 875 (S); problems in convicting on motoring charges, 908 (PC); book review, 670 Legal and General, 790 (F)
Legg, L. G. Wickham, and E. T. Williams, (ed.) The Dictionary of National Biography, 1941-1950, 894 (R) Lehmann, John, (ed.) Italian Stories of Today, 741 (R)
Lehrer, Tom, 649 (A) Leicester Permanent Building Society, 130, 338 (F) Lemattre, Frederick, 201 (R)
Lengyel, Olga, Five Chimneys, 560 (R) Lerner, Laurence: Domestic Interior and other poems, 332 (R); The Englishmen, 595 (R)
Lcsbrook Limited, 827 (F)
Lensing, Doris, Fourteen Poems, 628 (R) Leasing, Gotthold Ephraim, Laiscoon, Nathan the 1Vise, Minna von Barnhehn, 237 (R) Let's Halt Awhile, Ashley Courtcnay, 120 (R) Letters to the Editor, 399 (A)
Leucotomy, 608 (5), 730 (A), 842 (L)
Levine, Norman, Canada Made Me, 199 (R) Lewis, Michael, The Fable and the Flesh, 126 (R)
Lewis Investment, 337 (F) Leyland Motors, 241 (F)
Leys, Colin, European Politics in Southern Rhodesia, 488 (R), 512,
701 (L)
Leyte, Rear-Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison, USN, 446 (R) Liberal Future, The, Jo Grimond, 492 (LA)
Liberal Party: party aims and election issues, 492 (LA); party policy on property values, 815 (L)
Liddell, Robert. The Rivers of Babylon, 823 (R) Liddell Hart, Captain B. H., The Tanks: The History of the Tank
Regiment and its predecessors, Heavy Branch Machine-Gun Corps,
Tank Corps and Royal Tank Corps, 1914-1945, 164 (R)
Liebigs, 241, 418, 597 (F)
Liebling, A. J., Normandy Revisited, 485 (R) Licrs, Emil E., A Beaver's Story, 467 (R) Lies Like Truth, Harold Clurman, 321 (R) Lifar, Serge, The Three Graces: The Legends and the Truth, 210 (R)
Life and Death in the Bronze Age: An Archceologist's Field Work,
Sir Cyril Fox, 484 (R)
Life and Times of Frederick Lemattre, The, Robert Baldick, 201 (R) Life Has No Price, Desmond O'Neill, 864 (R) Life of Sir Alexander Fleming, The, Andre Maurois, 670 (R) Life Studies, Robert Lowell, 628 (R), 702 (L) Light of Common Day, The, Diana Cooper, 740 (R) Like Father, Like Son, 548 (CA) Like It Here, 771 (A) Lilliput, 801 (A), 835 (S) Lindsay, Maurice, The Burns Encyclopaedia, 124 (R)
Linggi Plantations, 454 (F)
Literary Works of Matthew Prior, The (ed.) H. Bunker Wright and
Monroe K. Spears, 302 (R) Litter: 99 (PC), 162, 194, 214, 231 (L)
Little, Tom, Egypt, 7 (R) Little More Time, A, and Other Stories, Jean Boley, 741 (R) Llewellyn, Richard, Chez Pavan, 270 (R) Loathsome Women, Leopold Stein and Martha Alexander, 863 (R)
Local government: provincial towns and boundary extension, 540 (A)
Lock Up Your Daughters (Mermaid), 805 (CA) Logic of Defence, The, Lt.-Col. Patrick Lort-Phillips, 795 (LA) Logic of Scientific Discovery, The, Karl R. Popper, 163 (R) Loguc, Christopher: 613 (A); The Man Who Told His Love, 234 (R); Songs, 628 (R) Lolita: attitudes towards, 32 (A). 80 (L), 139, 179 (S), 192 (L), 216 (S), 231 (L); similarity to Christopher Isherwood's Seascape With Figures, 285 (S); a Lolita cocktail, 285 (S)
Lombard Banking, 170, 562 (F)
the Everyman cinema at Hampstead, 5 (S); London Transport timetables, 76 (A); Westminster Abbey, 111 (L); LCC film licensing, 216, 252 (5), 266 (L): LCC procedure, 266 (L); Bohemians disappearing, 431 (A); Archer Street market in musicians, 469 (A) London and Manchester, 710 (F) London Brick, 337, 635 (F) London Transport: passenger revolt, 34 (S); the Underground timetables, 76 (A)
Long and the Short and the Tall, The (Royal Court), 73 (CA)
Longevity, 408 (A)
Longhouse and Jungle, Guy Arnold, 271 (R) Longrigg, Roger, Wrong Number, 673 (R) Look Back in Anger, 642 (N), 780 (L), 809 (CA), 842 (L) Lord Beaverbrook at Home, 467 (A) Lord Randolph Churchill, Robert Rhodes James, 411 (R)
Lort-Phillips, Lt.-Col. Patrick, 795 (LA)
Losers, The, Clifford Irving, 199 (R) Loss of the Magyar, Patricia Bccr, 628 (R) Lost Domain, The (Le Grand Meaulnes), Alain-Fournier (trans.
Frank Davison), 670 (R)
Lovell, A. C. B., The Individual and the Universe, BBC Reith
Lectures 1958, 447 (R)
Lovers of Teruel, The (Cambridge), 433 (CA) Loving Cup, The, Derck Barton, 270 (R) Lowell, Robert, Life Studies, 628 (R), 702 (L) Loys, Masson, Tortoises, The (trans. Antonia White), 199 (R) Lucas, F. L., The Art of Living, 521 (R) Lucia di Lammermoor (Covent Garden), 290 (CA) Lunatic Republic, The, Compton Mackenzie, 85 (R) Lussier, Betty, One Woman Farm, 444 (R) Lutyens, Mary, To Be Young, 377 (R)
Lyons Corner Houses, 621 (A)
Lysenko Comes Back, 723 (A)
McAdam, E. L., with Donald and Mary Hyde, (ed.) The Yale
Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson. Volume 1: Diaries,
Prayers and Annals, 22 (R) McAllister, Robert, with Floyd Miller, The Kind of Guy I Am, 238 (R) Macaulay, J. B., and Edgar H. Brookes, Civil Liberty in South Africa, 821 (R) Macbeth (Old Vic), 10 (CA) MacCaffrey, Wallace T., Exeter, 1540-1640, 516 (R) McCarthy, Mary, Sights and Spectacles, 379 (R)
McKenna, Siobham, 643, 644 (5), 658 (A), 701, 779 (L)
Mackenzie, Compton, The Lunatic Republic, 85 (R) MacKhrushchev's Middle East, 391 (LA) McLaren, Moray, The Pursuit, 529 (R) MacLeads, The: The History of a Clan, 1200-1956, I. F. Grant,
781 (R)
Macmillan on Ice, 176 (LA) MacNeice, Louis, Eighty-five Poems, 332 (R) Madam Butterfly (Covent Garden), 105 (CA) Madame De . . . . (Arts), 223 (CA) Madoc, Perry, Days and Moments Quickly Flying, 334 (R) Magarshack, David, (trans. and intro,) Turgenev's Literary Reminiscences, 53 (R)
Magazine publishing: mergers in the trade. 755 (S)
Magic Fish-Bone, The, Charles Dickens, 843 (R) Magic Number, The, Stephen Potter, 691 (R) Magistrate, The (Old Vic), 431 (CA)
Magma Copper, 826 (F)
Mahatma Gandhi, B. R. Nanda, 348 (R) Maigret Has Scruples, Simenon, 864 (R) Main Street at Midnight, 227 (P) Malaise in India, 181 (A), 231, 297 (L)
Malaya, problems of living in, 80 (L) Malta: failure of London conference, 9 (A), 34 (S); government by Governor's Council, 3l (PW), 99 (S), 175 (PW)
Maltese Deadlock, 9 (A) Man Who Told His Love, The, Christopher Logue, 234 (R) Man Who Wrote Detective Stories, The, J. 1, M. Stewart, 526 (R) Man with the Golden Arm, The, Nelson Algren, 302 (R)
Manet, Edouard, 485 (R)
Mann, Thomas, Last Essays, 626 (R)
Mann and Overton, 454 (F)
Mannequins de Paris, 42 (CA) Mansfield, Katherine, 626 (R) Manufacturing Martyrs, 312 (A) March Wind, The, Desmond Donnelly, 514 (R)
Marco Refrigerators, 170 (F)
Marigold (Savoy), 805 (CA) Markel, Robert, Till the Day I Die, 708 (R) Market and The Unit Trust, The, 203 (F)
Marks and Spencer, 710, 903 (F)
Marks for Economy, 452 (F) Marlowe, John, The Seat of Pilate: An Account of the Palestine Mandate, 483 (R) Marples, Morris, Shanks's Pony, 593 (R) Marquand, John P., Women and Thomas Harrow, 126 (R) Marna, Robin, Economic Arithmetic, 235 (R) Marsh, Ngaio, Singing in the Shrouds, 86 (R)
Marsh, Sir Edward, 861 (R)
Marshall, Bruce, A Thread of Scarlet, 484 (R) Martin, Kenneth, Waiting for the Sky to Fall, 823 (R) Martin, Troy Kennedy, Beat on the Damask Drum, 918 (R) Martindale, Don, and Hans H. Gerth, (trans. and ed.) The Religion 40/84In(ditia): The Sociology of Hinduism and Buddhism, Max Weber,
Martin's Bank, 26 (F)
Marx and America, Earl Browder, 331 (R) Mason, Ellsworth, and Richard Ellman, (ed.) The Critical Writings of James Joyce, 706 (R) Mason, H. A., Humanism and Poetry in the Early Tudor Period, 738 (R) Mason, J. W., Jail Bait, 448 (R) Masterpiece and the Man, The: Yeats as I knew him, Monk Gibbon, 736 (R) Mathews, Jackson, (ed.) The Collected Works of Paul Valery: Vol. IV: Dialogues; Vol. VII: The Art of Poetry, 19 (R) Mathias, Peter, The Brewing Industry in England, 1700-1830,863 (R) Matter of Dignity, A, 322 (CA), 441 (L) Matthias Granewald, kris Karl Huysmans, 485 (R) Mau, H., and H. Krausnik, German History, 1933-45, 380 (R) Maugham, Somerset, 591 (R) Maund, Alfred, The Big Boxcar, 302 (R) Maurel, Micheline, Ravensbruck, 560 (R) Maurois, Andre, The Life of Sir Alexander Fleming, 670 (R) Maxey, George, and Aubrey Silbcrston, The Motor Industry, 235 (R) May Morning, 639 (LA) May 13th, 1958, 397 (A) Mayes, Stanley, The Great Belzoni, 741 (R) Mayfield, Julian, The Hit, 54 (R) Mayne, Peter, The Private Sea, 84 (R) Mar's Men in Australia, Alec Bedser, 673 (R) Mead, Margaret, An Anthropologist at Work: Writings of Ruth Benedict, 559 (R)
persecution mania, 14 (A); treatment by antibiotics, 46 (A); sex education on television, 46 (A); on giving advice, 46 (A); anger as a release of tension, 78 (A); effects of rubella in pregnan- cies, 78 (A); medical aspects of adoption, 107 (A); Royal Com- mission on Doctor's Pay, 143 (A); coronary heart disease, 147 (A); eye problems and disorders, 190 (A); sugar-starvation, 228 (A); albinism in the Bible, 230 (A); ear surgery, 230 (A); effect of emotions on business executives, 292 (A); cancer of the breast, 324 (A); smoke and cancer, 324 (A); liquid paraffin, 357 (A); influenza vaccine and post-viral depression, 357 (A); case-work by hospital almoners, 406 (A); the place of 'case- histories', 406 (A); accidents in the home, 408 (A); lifting heavy weights, 507 (A); falling hair, 507 (A), 554 (L); partial blindness, 550 (A); physician-patient relationship, 552 (A); leucotomy, 608 (S), 730 (A), 842 (L); family planning and birth rate, 620 (A); a new treatment for cancer, 656 (A); drugs and addiction, 656 (A); the medical curriculum, 684 (LA), 732, 842 (L); illness is childhood, 700 (A); Managerkrankheit, 700 (A); mental dullness and emotional disharmony, 770 (A); road accidents of children related to home background, 812 (A); the catarrhal child, 860 (A); illness in a child a pointer to family discontent, 860 (A); the perception of colour, 860 (A); biological rhythm in men, 888 (A); 'cultural shock' in Americans abroad, 888 (A); book review, 198
Melbray Group, 562 (F)
Memento Mori, Muriel Spark, 447 (R) Memoirs, Admiral Doenitz, 672 (R)
Memoirs, revealing, 59 (C)
Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, Simone de Beauvoir (trans. James Kirkup), 737 (R) Men for the Bush, The, Ronald Hardy, 898 (R) Menen, Aubrey, The Fig Tree, 898 (R)
criticisms of new Mental Health Bill, 34 (S), 48 (L); new Bill an aid to psychopathic treatment, 100 (S); need for hostels for psychiatric patients, 112 (L); post-viral depression, 357 (A); psychical research, 584 (A); illegal detention in mental hospitals, 607 (S), 701 (L); leucotomy, 608 (S), 730 (A), 842 (L); medical profession's attitude to mental illness, 684 (LA), 732, 842 (L); new Mental Health Bill, 684 (LA), 732 (L); the Worthing experiment, 684 (LA), 732 (L); emotional imbalance and mental dullness, 770 (A); lung cancer and smoking, 799 (S); emotional upsets and teeth, 812 (A), 890 (L) Menuhln, Yehudi, 856 (CA) Messina (Transvaal) Development Company, 418 (F)
Mexico, Three-Storeyed Land, A. t'Serstevens, 704 (R) Mezzogiorno, 113 (A) Michie, James, Possible Laughter, 628 (R) MIDDLE EAST
'mythology' and misconceptions about President Nasser, 6, 35 (A), 80 (L); need for West to accept Arab nationalism, 6, 35 (A); Kuwait-Egypt relations, 35 (A); need for the West to be neutral, 35 (A); President Nasser's relations with Russia and the West, 35 (A); British delegation in Cairo, 63 (PW); Afro-Asian
co-operative conferences, 65 (A); Anglo-Egyptian Agreement, 97 (A), 162 (L); the problem of Anglo-Egyptian relations, 136 (A); Israeli-Egyptian relations, 162. 194, 232, 266 (L); effects of delays over Anglo-Egyptian agreement, 211 (LA); the UAR and Iraq, 248 (A); struggle for influence between Russia and Egypt, 391 (LA); animosity of Iraq towards President Nasser, 392 (A); Anglo-Egyptian financial agreement attacked in Parliament, 394 (PC); history of Arab-British relations since 1918, 499 (A); Palestinian Arabs, 553, 622 (L); Arab oil congress, 567 (PW), 605 (A); Nur! and the West, 611 (A); the Bedouins in Israel, 646 (A); Arab-Israeli relations, 665, 701 (L); Britain to sell arms to Iraq, 683 (LA), 683 (PW), 732 (L); Threatening Uncertainty, 716 (A); summer as the 'crisis' season, 906 (A); book reviews, 483, 499,611 Middle East Mythology, 6, 35 (A), 80 (L) Middle Years, The, Conservative Political Centre, 905 Middleton, Thomas, and William Rowley, The Changeling, 51 (R) Midsummer Night's Dream, A (Stratford-upon-Avon), 855 (CA) • Miguel Street, V. S. Naipaul, 595 (R) Mikoyan in America, 98 (A) Miller, Floyd, and Robert McAllister, The Kind o( Guy 1 ,4m, 238 (R) Miller, Keith, Cricket from the Grandstand, 673 R) Mills, C. Wright, The Causes of World War ill, 2 (R) Mind the Steppes 280 (A)
Minerals Separation, 57, 867 (F) Minworth Metals, 58 (F) Misprints, 480 (L)
Miss Minnes, 778 (P) Mistress of an Age: A Life of Madame de Stall, J. Christopher
Herold, 706 (R)
Mitchell, James, A Way Back, 526 (A) Mismare, Mary Fitt, 86 (R)
Mobs, city, 785 (R)
Modigliani, Jeanne, Modigliani: Man and Myth, 739 (R)
Moffat, Sir John, 719 (A)
Mohole, 858 (A)
Monarchy, The 445 (R); the Queen as Head of the Commonwealth, 315, 347 (S), 372, 410 (L)
Money in Trust, 151 (F) Money Madness, 384 (F)
Monotype Corporation, 454 (F)
Montgomery, Field-Marshal Lord: and the Daily Sketch, 496 (S);
in Moscow, 603 (PW), 687 (S)
Montgomery, R. E., (trans.) The American Rat, Jacques Lanzmann,
741 (R)
Moore, Donald, The Sumatra, 270 (R) Morante, Elsa, Arturo's Island, 673 (R) More Light!, 254 (A) Morel, Suzy, Daybreak, 54 (R) Morgenstern, Sam, (ed.) Composers on Music: An Anthology of Composers' Writings, 85 (R) Morison, Rear-Admiral Samuel Eliot, USN, Leyte, 446 (R) Morros, Boris, (told to) Charles Samuels, My Ten Years as a Counterspy, 824 (R) Moses Prince of Egypt, Howard Fast, 484 (R) Most Beautiful Desert of All, The, Philippe Dial& 593 (R) Motor Industry, The, George Maxey and Aubrey Silberston, 235 (R)
Motor-racing: book review, SIB (R) Motorways: the danger of over-development, 139 (A), 194 (L); need for architects to design, 145 (CA)
Mountains of Rasselas, The, Thomas Pakenham, 271 (R)
Mountbatten, Lord: appointed Chief of Defence Staff, 3 (PW), 5 (S)
Moving into Aquarius, Michael Tippett, 669 (R) Mphahlele, Ezekiel, Down Second Avenue, 668 (R) Mr. Amory's Luck and Mr. Anderson's Load of Mischief, 900 (F) Mr. Smyliie, Sir, 571 (A), 624 (L) Mrs. Panopoulis, Jon Godden, 415 (R)
Municipal and General Securities General Trust Fund, 207 (F) Munthe, Axel, 555 (R)
Murphy, Dennis, The Sergeant, 166 (R) Murry, J. Middleton, Katherine Mansfield, and other Literary Studies, 626 (R) Murry, Mary Middleton, To Keep Faith, 626 (R)
Mushroom soups, 689, 755 (S), 780, 842 (L)
Christmas music, 10 (A); modern music in London concert programmes 11 (CA), 50, 81, 162 (L), 184 (CA), 194 (L); Fou Tsong interviewed, 41 (A); the financing of Covent Garden opera, 75 (CA); Puccini's skill, 105 (CA); amateur singing contest, 223 (A); concerts of ribald songs, 252 (S); SchOnberg, 290 (CA); Italian opera at Covent Garden, 290 (CA); Tchalkovsky, 354 (CA); Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, 469 (CA), 587 (L); free-lance musicians, 469 (A); Handel bicentenary, 545 (A); Sir Thomas Beecham, 607 (S); amateur choirs and orchestras, 647 (A), 779, 816 (L); La Tosca at Covent Garden, 652 (CA); Don Carlos at Covent Garden, 654 (CA); the Koeckert Quartet, 695 (CA); Parstfal (Covent Garden), 727, 807 (CA); Liverpool 'Musica Viva' concerts, 727 (CA); opera in Florence, 763 (CA); Der Rosenkavaller, 807 (CA), 892 (L); Cod fan tuite at Covent Garden and Glyndebourne, 879, 911 (CA); audiences at Festival Hall, 892 (L); book reviews, 21, 85, 669, 820 Music-Makers, The, 647 (A)
Music Societies, National Federation of, 647 (A), 779, 816 (L) Musical and Plastic Industries, 530 (F)
My Best Chancellor Again, 529 (F) My Philosophical Development, Bertrand Russell, 703 (R) My Ten Years as a Counterspy, Boris Morros, (told. to) Charles Samuels, 824 (R) Mythologies, W. B. Yeats, 736 (R)
Nabokov, Vladimir: Nabokov's Dozen, 412 (R); see also under
Naipaul, V. S., Miguel Street, 595 (R)
Names: proper names incorporated into the language, 326 (A); their importance and acceptability, 509 (A)
Nanda, B. R., Mahatma Gandhi, 348 (R) Napoleon's) Russian Campaign, Count Philippe-Paul de Sigur,
482 (R
Narcejac and Boileau, The Evil Eye, 238 (R) Narrow Seas, The, Reginald Hargreaves, 7738 (R) Nasser and Moscow, 540 (A)
National Health Service: the case of Mr. Barber and the Manchester
Regional Hospitals Board, 686 (PE)
Nationalised industries, 254 (A) Nationalism as a world force, 459 (LA)
Native Ground, Philip Callow, 705 (R) Naughton, Bill, Late Night on Watling Street, 898 (R)
Navy, Royal: the fires on HMS Eagle, 539 (S); HMS Eagle's refit, 608 (S); book reviews, 446, 558, 672
Negro, The, Simenon, 864 (R) Nehls, Edward, D. H. Lawrence: A Composite Biography, Vol. III,
196 (R)
Neumann, Robert, The Plague House Papers, 124 (R) New Criminals, The, 908 (A) New Face in the Mirror, Yael Daysn, 918 (R) New Hope in Kenya, 685 (A) New Monetary Look, The, 24 (F) New Orleans Sketches, William Faulkner, 785 (R) New Pakistan, The, 541 (A), 588 (L) New Poets 1959, 824 (R) New Poets of England and America, The, (ed.) Hall, Pack and
Simpson, 443 (R)
New Set-Up in Hire-Purchase, The, 156 (F) New Singapore, The, 797 (A)
New Zealand: the status of Maoris, 752 (A), 890 (L); book review, 124
Newby, P. H., A Guest and his Going, 898 (R) Next Word, The, Thomas Blackburn, 234 (R) Niebuhr, Reinhold, The Godly and the Ungodly, 268 (Ft) • Spies, The, Anita Engle, 630 (R) Nine Lives of Mike Todd, The Art Cohn, 271 (R) No Further West: California Visited, Dan Jacobson, 783 (R) No Love for Johnnie, Wilfred Flenburgh, 199 (F.) No One Will Escape, Hans Hellmut Kirst, 415 (R) No Time for Reading, 573 (A) No Trees in the Street, 352 (CA)
Noise, 586 (A), 666, 892 (L)
Nomads' Land, 646 (A) Noonday I, (ed.) Cecil Hemley, 165 (R) Normandy Revisited, A. J. Liebling, 485 (R) North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO): Why NATO?, 795
(LA), 841 (L); NATO Court of Justice proposed, 835 (S); France refuses to allow stockpiling of American atomic weapons, 871 (LA) North British and Mercantile, 633 (F)
Northcliffe, Reginald Pound and Geoffrey Harmsworth, 917 (R) Not Yet, Tereska Torras, 560 (R) Notes and Half-Notes, 537 (A) Notes of a Film Director, Sergei Eisenstein, 737 (R) Novel of Thank You, A, Gertrude Stein, 302 (R) Novels of Henry Green, The, Edward Stokes, 556 (R)
proposals for international control of tests, 31 (LA), 535, 603 (PW); imprisonment of a demonstrator against nuclear weapons, 81 (L); Bertrand Russell on, 83 (R); problems of nuclear control organisation, 213 (A); Aldermaston Easter march, 459 (PW), 462 (S); arguments against nuclear armament, 609 (A), 665, 702 (L); Daily Express statement on new A-bomb construction, 644 (S); NUOMW call to atop manufacturing nuclear weapons, 831 (LA); France refuses to allow stockpiling of American atomic weapons, 871 (LA); the dangers of tactical nuclear weapons, 905 (LA) Nun and the West, 611 (A) Nuri as-Said: A Study in Arab Leadership, Lord Birdwood, 611 (R) Nyasaland: see under RHODESIA AND NYASALAND Nyet, 109 (A)
Nylon stockings, 44 (A), 112 (L), 401 (A) O
Objective Society, The, Everett Knight, 375 (R) O'Donovan, Joan, The Visited, 918 (R.) Odyssey, The: A Modern Sequel, Nikos Kazantzakis (trans. Kimon
Friar), 330 (R) OFSIT, 337 (F)
Oh, Mary, This London, Michael Campbell, 823 (R)
Oil: Arab congress in Cairo, 567 (PW), 605 (A) Old age, 408 (A)
Old and Neo, 64 (A) Old Man Motor Car, 42 (CA) Oldenbourg, Zoe, The Chains of Love, 380 (R.) Oldest Confession, The, R. Condon, 448 (R) Ombudsmands for All, 800 (A) On Being a Member of Parliament, 754 (A), 841 (L) On Gunboats, 264 (A), 372, 410 (L) On My Own, Eleanor Roosevelt, 517 (R) On the Soviet Switchback, 313 (A) One for the Road, Fredric Brown, 529 (R) One Woman Farm, Betty Lussier, 444 (F.) O'Neill, Desmond, Life Has No Price, 864 (R) Operation Teutonic Sword, 216 (S) Orde Wingate, Christopher Sykes, 590 (R), 665 (L) Orde Wingate and his Critics, 760 (A) Orders are Orders, 311 (LA)
Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC): 24 (F); economic report, 336 (F)
Orpheus Descending (Royal Court), 725 (CA) Ossian's Ride, Fred Hoyle, 784 (F.) Othello (Stratford-upon-Avon), 501 (CA) Other Riviera, The, 116 (A) Other Side of the Coin, The, Pierre Boulle, 484 (R.) Our Friend James Joyce, Mary and Padratc Colum, 271 (R) Out Brief Candle, John and Elizabeth Rosenberg, 238 (R) Out of Print, 683 (LA) Out of the Headlines, 568 (A) Oxford Book of Medieval Latin Verse, The, (ed.) F. J. E. Raby,
483 (R)
Oxford Companion to French Literature, The, (comp. and ed.) Sir
Paul Harvey and J. E. Heseltine, 378 (R) Oxford University: Latin and university entrance, 643 (5), 905 (LA) P P. and 0., 385 (F)
Pack, Hall and Simpson, (ed.) The New Poets of England and America, 443 (R) Pack, Robert, A Stranger's Privilege, 332 (R) Padded Figures, 177 (A) Pagans and Politicians, Michael Crowder, 821 (R) Paine, Thomas, The Rights of Man, 522 (R) Pakenham, Thomas, The Mountains of Rasselas, 271 (R)
Pakistan: agrarian reforms, 541 (A), 588 (L)
Pal oczi-Horvath, George, The Undefeated, 528 (R)
Panama: Dame Margot Fonteyn in prison, 567 (PW) Papal infallibility, 138 (S), 194 (L)
Paper Boats: An Autobiography, E. M. Butler, 381 (R) Paradise Lose and More, Constantine Fitz Gibbon, 526 (R) Paris Notebook, 758 (A) Parisienne, 12 (CA)
Parkland Manufacturing, 562 (F)
general election speculations, 65 (PC); a protest against the two-party system, 100 (A); triviality in the House, 137 (PC); the Commons debates on pensions, 137, 178 (PC), 192 (L), 567 (LA); the Waters case raised, 214 (PC); Cyprus and Party Discipline, 249 (A); individual convictions and party loyalty, 311 (LA), 371, 511 (L); storm over Mr. Stonehouse's deportation from Nyasaland, 314 (PC); questions and answers confused, 339 (C); need for commission of inquiry on Nyasaland, 346 (PC); Mr. Stonehouse's answer to Mr. Alport's allegations about his Central African trip, 393 (PC); debate on financial settlement wi th Egypt, 393 (PC); Select Committee's proposals for changing Commons procedure, 395 (S); Labour Party blunders, 425 (PC); problem of political broadcasts at general elections, 427 (A); Lord Malvern's attitude towards Africans, 461 (PC), 510, 587, 622 (L); party literature, 492 (LA); the elector's exercise of his vote, 498 (A), 553 (L); Commons reaction to Mr. Amory's Budget, 537 (PC); Shadow Boxing, 567 (LA); tribunals and the House of Commons, S69 (PC), 622 (L); the position of the Law Officers, 569 (PC), 622 (L); foreign affairs debate, 606 (PC); the
drive towards universal conformity, 642 (PC); catalepsy at Westminster, 686 (PC); the sessions of 1909 and 1959 compared,
717 (PC); Parliament and People, 751 (LA); On Being a Member of Parliament, 754 (A), 841 (L); the back-bencher, 798 (A); Ombudsmands for All, 800 (A); The Parliament of Plots, 834 (A);
Parliament no longer the ultimate source of power?, 874 (A)
Parliament and People, 751 (LA) Parliament of Plots, The, 834 (A)
Parliamentary questions and answers confused, 339 (C)
Parsifal (Covent Garden), 727, 807 (CA)
Parties, conversation at, 545 (A)
Partridge, Edward B., The Broken Compass, 51 (R) Passage to England, A, Nirad C. Chaudhuri, 916 (R) Passant, E. J., A Short History of Germany, 1815-1945, 380 (R) Pasternak: A Pictorial Biography, Gerd Ruge, 667 (R) Pasternak, Boris: poem published in the Daily Mail, 252, 283 (S), 296 (L); 782 (R), 920 (L); Safe Conduct, and other works, 482 (R); An Essay in Autobiography, 667 (R); The Last Summer, 667 (F.); Prose and Poems, 667 (R) Patrick Hastings, The Life of, Patricia Hastings, 523 (R) Pause for Equities, A, 865 (F) Pavese, Cesare, The Comrade, 823 (R)
Peachey Property Corporation, 790 (F)
Peacocks and Pipelines, Elizabeth Balneaves, 127 (R) Pearl to India, A: the Life of Roberto de Nobilt, Vincent Cronin,
304 (R.)
Peer Behind the Curtain, A, John Godley, Lord Kilbracken, 782 (R),
920 (L) Peerage, the: book review, 782
Pellaton, May, and Henry Larsen, Behind the Lianas, 127 (R)
Penguin Book of French Verse, The: 2. Sixteenth to Eighteenth
Centuries, (intro. and ed.) Geoffrey Brereton, 54 (R)
Pensions: Commons debates, 137, 178 (PC), 192 (L), 567 (LA)
People, The, 571 (S) People of Hems/, The, August Strindberg (trans. Elspeth Schubert),
302 (R)
People of Plenty, David M. Potter, 268 (R) People of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The, John Marco Allegro, 738 (R)
Perelman, S. J., interview with, 577 (A)
Perry, Michael C., The Easter Enigma, 428 (R) Parse, St.-John, Anabasis (trans. T. S. Eliot), 862 (R) Person from Putney, 778 (A)
Fou Tsong, 41 (A); Sir Alan Herbert, 100 (A); Vivien Leigh and Margaret Rawlings, 319 (A); Christopher Whelan, 351 (A); S. J. Perelman, 577 (A); Tom Lehrer, 649 (A); Liberate, 879 (A)
Peter The Great, WWI Klyuchevsky (trans. Liliana Archibald),
233 (R), 265, 298 (L)
Petrie, Sir Charles, The Powers Behind the Prime Ministers, 200 (R) Pfeiffer, Karl G.. Somerset Maugham: A Candid Portrait, 591 (R)
Philips Lamps, 418 (F)
Picture Nail, The, 667 (P) Pieces at Eight, Walter Kerr, 321 (R) Pilar Lopez Ballet Espailol (Princes), 765 (CA) Pipeline Pipedreams, 605 (A) Pistol, The, James Jones, 54 (R) Pit That has to Die, The, 38 (A) Plageman, Bentz, The Steel Cocoon, 415 (R) Plague House Papers, The, Robert Neumann, 124 (R) Plain Thinking, 513 (P) Plains of Abraham, The, Brian Connell, 556 (R) Pleasure of His Company, The (Haymarket), 615 (CA) Poems, Rex Taylor, 628 (R) Poems and Ballads, John Davidson, 332 (R) Poems Partly American, A. L. Rowse, 165 (R) Poet as Superman, The: A Life of Gabriele D'Annunzio, Anthony
Rhodes, 299 (R) Poetry: French, 54 (R); the 'beat' poets of the US, 350 (A); poetry- jazz experimenting, 613 (CA); Robert Lowell, 702 (L); book reviews, 165, 234, 332, 413, 443, 628, 738, 824
Poetry and Morality, Vincent Buckley, 375 (R) Poezzing at the Court, 613 (A)
Poland: Auschwitz, 494 (A); book reviews, 84, 300 Police: Superintendent Hannam's recipe for a good policeman, 285 (S); relations with the press, 718 (S); the Metropolitan Police Commissioner's instructions to police, 835 (S); see also under the Waters Case
Politics, Small-Town, A. H. Birch, 56 (R)
Politics, world, 82 (R)
Polities or Technology?, 180 (A) Poorhouse Fair, The, John Updike, 380 (R) Pope-Hennessy, James, (ed) Queen Victoria at Windsor and Balmoral, Letters of Princess Victoria of Prussia, 445 (R) Popper, Karl R., The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 163 (R) Pork Chop Hill, 768 (CA)
Porter, Endymion, 740 (R) Portraits of Russian Personalities between Reform and Revolution, Richard Hare, 591 (R)
3, 31, 63, 95, 135, 175, 211, 247, 279, 311, 343, 391, 423, 459, 535, 567, 603, 639, 683, 715, 751, 795, 831, 871 Portugal, 539 (S), 588 (L)
Possessed, The, 768 (CA) Possible Laughter, James Michie, 628 (R) Postgate, Raymond, The Good Food Guide, 1959160, 690 (P.) Potter, David M., People of Plenty, 268 (R) Potter, Stephen, The Magic Number, 691 (R) Pound, Reginald, and Geoffrey Harmsworth, Northcliffe, 917 (R) Pounds Across the Sea, 3 (LA) Power and the Passage The, 798 (A) Power at the Top, Clive Jenkins, 524 (R) Powers Behind the Prime Ministers, The, Sit Charles Petrie, 200 (R) Presidential Horse Race, 836 (A)
the Press Council defended by Sir Linton Andrews, 6 (S), 17 (L); attitude towards Lolita, 32 (A); chairmanship of the Press Council, 100 (S); Tribune, 166 (R); headlines, 180. 216 (S); attacks on the ETU, 216 (S); journalists and 'Big Business', 252 (S); the Daily Mall and Pasternak's new poem, 252, 283 (S), 296 (L); The Times and the Reading University diamond hoax, 285 (S); interview by the Daily Mirror, 479 (L); the Daily Sketch treatment of Lord Montgomery, 496 (S); 'slanted' reporting and presentation,
538 (S); report on press activities in authoritarian countries,
539 (5); reporting illnesses of prominent figures, 571 (S); Press Council's ineffectiveness, 571 (S), 624 (L); Mr. Smyllie. Sir, 571 (A), 624 (L); Sir David Eccles's remarks in Hanover about the British press, 603 (PW), 607 (S); Press Council's power to censure, 607 (S), 624 (L); mergers among magazine publishers, 755 (S); the Central African Examiner, 799 (S); The Times on Selwyn Lloyd's future, 799, 836 (S); Lilliput, 801 (A), 835 (S); The Sunday Times slow to defend an expelled correspondent, 875 (S); journal- ists and the acceptance of honours, 875 (S); Lord Northcliffe, 917 (R) Press Council, the: see under PRESS
Pressed Steel, 597 (F) Prime ministers' private secretaries, 200 (R)
Primitive Rebels, E. J. Hobsbawm, 785 (R) Prince Consort, The, Frank Eyck, 445 (R)
Principality Building Society, The, 306 (F) Printing industry dispute, 683 (LA), 815, 842 (L), 875 (S) Prior, Matthew, 302 (R)
Prison Bogey, 175 (LA) Prison Reform Now, Howard Jones, 34 (S) Prisoner at Jala, The, Gerard Bell, 560 (R)
Prisons: increase in prison population, 34 (S); a letter of protest, 81 (L); the Home Secretary's plans for penal reform, 175 (PW), 175 (LA); riot at Shepton Mallet Military Prison, 644 (S)
Private Sea, The, Peter Mayne, 84 (R) Profession of Government, The, Brian Chapman, 594 (R) Professional Investment, 918 (F) Progress To The Park (Royal Court), 223 (CA) Prose and Poems, Boris Pasternak (ed. Stefan Schimanski), 667 (R)
Prostitution: Michael Foot's criticisms of the Street Offences Bill, 5 (S), 17 (L); West End organisation, 41 (A); 48 (L); Church of England's case for amending Street Offences Bill, 99 (S); need for a study of the 'industry', 107 (A)
Protest, (ed.) Gene Feldman and Max Gartenberg, 557 (R) Proud Possessors., The, Aline B. Saarinen, 520 (R) Providence Island, Jacquetta Hawker, 673 (R)
Prudential, 633 (F) Psychical research, 584 (A)
Psychologist's Nightmare, 604 (N) Psychology of Sex, Havelock Ellis, 198 (R) Public Investment, 632 (F) Puccini: A Critical Biography, Mosco Calmer, 21 (R)
Puccini, 21 (R), 105 (CA)
Puerto Ricans, The, Christopher Rand, 52 (R) Pugh, Marshall, The Chancer, 898 (R) Pullein-Thompson, Josephine, Gin and Murder, 529 (R) Pullen, John J., The Twentieth Maine, 83 (R)
Pullman Car Co., 358 (A), 666, 733, 780, 816 (L)
Pump, Hans, Before the Great Snow, 334 (R)
Purcell, Henry, 595 (R)
Pursuit, The, Moray McLaren, 529 (R) Putnam, Carleton, The Education of Theodore Roosevelt. Vol. I: The Formative Years, 1858-1886, 445 (R) Pyke, Magnus, Slaves Unaware? A Mid-Century View of Applied Science, 672 (R) Queen Victoria at Windsor and Balmoral. Letters of Princess Victoria of Prussia, (ed.) James Pope-Hennessy, 445 (R)
Raby, F. 3. E., (ed.) The Oxford Book of Medieval Latin Verse,
483 (R) Radicalism, British: 756 (A), 816 (L), 876 (A), 892 (L) Radio Rentals, 26, 89, 241, 561 (F)
Raeder, Grand Admiral, Struggle for the Sea, 672 (R) RAILWAYS
compartments and saloon carriages, 232 (L); cost of wine in Pullman carriages, 358 (A); threats of strike action, 536 (N); meals on trains, 550 (A), 666, 733, 780, 816 (L); a dying method of transport, 835 (S); night on a French train. 908 (A)
Rand, Christopher, The Puerto Ricans, 52 (R)
Rand Selection, 788 (F) Rank Organisation, 677 (F) Raoul Dufy, Marcel Brion, 485 (R)
Rape of the Fair Country, Alexander Cordell, 85 (R) Raven, Simon, The Feathers of Death, 166 (R) Ravcnsbruck, Michelin Mauro!, 560 ('R)
Razors, electric, 228 (A), 374 (L)
Reaction in Buganda, 833 (A) Reading Aloud, 853 (A), 892 (L)
Reading habits, survey of, 573 (A), 624, 665 (L)
Recognised, 717 (N) Red Dust of Africa, Sachs Carnegie, 593 (R) Red Note-book, The, Benjamin Constant, 706 (R)
Redon, Odilon, 618, 652 (CA) Reed, Albert E., 744, 903 (F)
Reflections on Foreign Literature, 824 (P)
Refrigerators, 550 (A)
Reid, J. M., Scotland Past and Present, 772 (R) Reja, La (Sadler's Wells), 810 (CA)
Related Arts Centre, 290 (CA) Relay Exchanges, 561 (F)
Religion of India, The: The Sociology of Hinduism and Buddhism,
Max Weber (trans. and ed. Hans H. Gerth and Don Martindale), 484 (R)
Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker, The, 42 (CA) Renault, Gilbert, The Caravels of Christ, 738 (R) Rendezvous, Les (Covent Garden), 694 (CA) Reprieve, John Resko, 864 (R) Republic in Danger, 285 (A) Reshaping a City, Tom Brennan, 774 (R) Resko, John, Reprieve, 864 (R) Responsible Society, The, Conservative Political Centre, 492 (LA) Return to Moscow, 463 (A) Revolving Man, The, Victor Anent, 270 (R) Rextoth, Kenneth, In Defence of the Earth, 234 (R), 350 (A)
Reyrolle, 635 (F)
Rhodes, Anthony, The Poet as Superman: A Life of Gabriele D'Annunzio, 299 (R)
disturbances in Nyasaland: 279 (PW), 279 (LA), twenty Africans killed, 311 (PW), state of emergency declared, 311 (LA); Southern Rhodesia Congress Party outlawed, 312 (A); deportation of Mr. Stonehouse, 314 (PC); Nyasaland: Lord Perth to visit, 343 (PW), 'massacre plot', 345 (A), 347 (S), need for a parliamentary inquiry, 346 (PC), Sir Roy Welensky on the cause of the dis- turbances, 347 (S), more deaths, 391 (PW); the roots of Central African unrest, 347 (S); Mr. Stonehouse's statement on his African trip, 393 (PC); struggles of African political parties under Federation, 394 (A); the solution of the Federation's problems political, not economic, 395 (5); the Africa Bureau's appeal for funds, 410 (L); Nyasaland: commission of inquiry under Mr. Justice Devlin appointed, 423 (PW); Rhodesia, Southern: Preventive Detention Bill withdrawn, 423 (PW), 424 (LA); Rhodesia, Northern: the Federal Party and the legislative council, 426 (S); the responsibility for agriculture in Nyasaland, 448 (R), 512, 701 (L); the Federal Party in power on the Northern Rhodesia Executive Council, 460 (LA); Lord Malvern's attitude towards Africans, 461 (PC), 510, 587, 622 (L); the character of Central African Congress movements, 463 (S); the Devlin Commission, 495 (S); varying conceptions of 'partnership', 496 (A); the Federal Government and the African people, 568 (A); alleged government plans for Nyasaland constitution, 607 (S); an MP with an undisclosed interest, 644 (S); the Central African Party and liberals' hopes in Central Africa, 715 (LA) 719 (A), 815 (L); reported intimidation of potential witnesses for the Devlin Commission, 718 (S); Garfield Todd and Sir John Moffat, 719 (A); Lord Malvern on House of Commons opinion, 751 (PW), 755 (S); press attitude to government actions, 799 (S); the muzzling of opinion, 799 (S); book reviews, 448, 627; letters, 327, 371, 409, 479, 510, 554, 587, 622, 666, 733 Rhodesia Broken Hill, 635 (F) Rhodesian Anglo-American, 826 (F)
Richards, I. A., Goodbye Earth, and other poems, 165 (R) Richardson, Joanna, Sarah Bernhardt, 559 (R) Richardson, John, Edouard Monet, 485 (R)
Richardsons Westgarth, 827 (F)
Rieu, E. V., (trans.) The Voyage of Argo, Apollonius of Rhodes,
197 (R)
Rights of Man, The, Thomas Paine, 522 (R)
Rim (Malacca) Rubber, 27 (F)
Rio Bravo, 809 (CA) Rise and Fall of Sir Anthony Eden, The, Randolph Churchill, 915 (R) Rivers of Babylon, The, Robert Liddell, 823 (R) Roach, J. P. C., (ed.) A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Vol, IiI, The City and University of Cambridge, 481 (R) Road to Brighton Pier, The, Leslie Hunter, 606 (PC) Road to Geneva, The, 1-641, 11-642 (A) Road to Mumbles Pier, The, 691
ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY road safety rhymes, 91 (C); need for new approach to the roads problem, 139 (A), 194 (L); need for landscaping motorways, 147 (CA); motorists and accidents, 721 (A), 779, 816 (L); accidents to children, 812 (A); the Metropolitan Police Commissioner's instructions to police, 835 (S); inadequate fines for careless driving, 875 (S); inadequacy of penalties for serious motoring offences, 908 (A) Roads Reconstruction, 274 (F)
Roads to Nowhere, 139 (A) Robbe-Grillet, Main, The Voyeur (trans. Richard Howard), 302 (R) Roberts, B. C.,Trade Unions in a Free Society, 831 (LA)
first Russian satellite of 1959 launched, 31 (PW); US News and World Report, interim report, 34 (S); the Blue Streak, 211 (PW);
US launches weather satellite, 247 (PW); Russian books on rockets and guided missiles, 446 (R). 512 (L); US plan to recover satellite's returning nose-cone, 535 (PW); testing Bloodhound II, 608 (S), 665 (L); two monkeys return from trip into space, 795 (PW); book reviews, 301, 446 Roman Catholicism: Vatican Council called, 138 (S); the doctrine of papal infallability, 138 (S), 194 (L); book review, 558
Romantic Imperialist, 876 (A) Room at the Top, 144 (CA) Roosevelt, Eleanor, On My Own, 517 (R) Roosevelt, Theodore, 445 (R) Roots of Heaven, The, 107 (CA) Rose and the Ring, The, W. M. Thackeray, 843 (R) Rose Tattoo, The (New), 103 (CA) Rosenberg, John and Elizabeth, Out Brief Candle, 238 (R) Rosenkavalier, Der (Covent Garden and Glyndebourne), 807 (CA),
892 (L)
Roskill, Capt. S. W., RN, The Secret Capture, 446 (R)
Ross Group, 386, 677 (F)
Rossiter, A. P., English Drama front Early Times to the Elizabethans,
51 (R)
Rotten Boroughs, 540 (A) ' Roucek, Jacob, (ed.) Contemporary Sociology, 592 (R) Rough and Ready Lot, The (Lyric, Hammersmith), 855 (CA) ROUNDABOUT
10, 41, 103,183, 223, 255, 289, 319, 351, 401, 431, 469, 501,
545, 577, 615, 49, 693, 725, '763, 805, 855, 879 Rowley, William, and Thomas Middleton, The Changeling, 51 (R) Rowse, A. L., Poems Partly American, 165 (R) Roy, Claude, The Agony of Love, 741 (R)
Royal Academy summer exhibition, 652 (CA) Royal Dutch, 633 (F) Royal Insurance, 418 (F)
Royce, Kenneth, The Soft-Footed Moor, 86 (R)
Rubber Plantations Investment Trust, 745 (F)
Rude, George, The Crowd in the French Revolution, 376 (R) Rugby football: England v. Scotland, 429 (A)
Rugby Portland Cement Company, 386, 418 (F)
Ruge, Gerd, Pasternak: A Pictorial Biography, 667 (R) Ruined Boys, The, Roy Fuller, 334 (R) Russell, Bertrand: Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare, 83 (R); My Philosophical Development, 703 (R)
space satellite launched, 31 (PW); attitude over control of atomic tests, 31 (LA); relations with Nasser and the Arabs, 35 (A); Mr. Mikoyan in the US, 63, 95 (PW), 98 (A); 21st Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, 135 (PW); Khrushchev's economic plans, 135 (LA); Peter the Great, 233 (R), 265, 298 (L); satire on a Moscow visit, 287 (A); Boris Pasternak's poem in the Daily Mall, 252, 283 (S), 296 (L); Mr. Macmillan's visit to Russia. 279 (PW). 280 (A), 311 (PW), 313 (A); reports from Moscow, 280, 463 (A); relations with Egypt deteriorate, 391 (PW), 391 (LA); pact signed with Iraq, 391 (LA); theatres in Kiev, 463 (A), 512 (L); control of press and journalism, 539 (S); Mr. Khrushchev's desire for summit conference, 639 (LA); Russian Public Schools, 907 (A); book reviews, 20, 53, 514, 591, 593, 705, 824; see also under EAST-WFST RELATIONS Russia Explored, John Brown, 593 (R) Russian Public Schools, 907 (A)
Saarinen, Aline B., The Proud Possessors, 520 (R) Sackville-West, V., Daughter of France: The Life of Anne Marie
Louise d'Orlians, Duchesse de Montpensier, 1627-1693: La Grande
Mademoiselle, 518 (R) Safe Conduct, and other works, Boris Pasternak, 482 (R) Saint at War, 348 (A) St. Bartholomew's Mare's-nest, 345 (A) St. John, Christopher, Ethel Smyth, A Biography, 377 (R) St. John-Stevan, Norman, Walter Bagehot: A Study of His Life and
Thought Together with a Selection front His Political Writings,
267 (R)
Saintly Sinner, 317 (A)
Salesmanship, lecture on, 805 (S)
Salisbury, Harrison E., The Shook-Up Generation, 557 (R) Salome (Covent Garden), 184 (CA) Samuels, Charles, and Boris Morros, My Ten Years as a Counterspy,
824 (R)
Samuels, Ernest, Henry Adams: The Middle Years, 333 (R) Sands of Winder, The, Arthur Upfield, 708 (R) Sansom, George. A History of Japan to 1934, 336 (R) Sapphire, 698 (CA) Sarah Bernhardt, Joanna Richardson, 559 (R)
Sauna baths, 319 (R) Sausages, 262 (A) Sawdust, 16 (A)
Schachner, Nathan: Alexander Hamilton, 200 (R); Thomas Jefferson: A Biography, 200 (R.) Schnabel, Ernst, The Footsteps of Anne Frank, 560 (R) Schneider, Louis, and Sandford M. Dornbusch, Inspirational Religion, 268 (R)
architects and science buildings, 221 (A), 298, 328, 374 (L); chess- playing qualities of electronic computers, 294 (A); changes in views on genetics, 723 (A); Mohole, 858 (A); book reviews, 125, 447, 672
Scotland Today, 771-778 (A); a Canadian's views on Scotland,
771 (A); Scottish writers, 776, 778 (A); Scottish nationalism, 777 (A); the backbone of the country, 842 (L); book reviev‘s, 772, 781
Scotland Past and Present, J. M. Reid, 772 (R), 842 (L) Scotland Today, 771-778 (A) Scotland Yet, 772 (A), 842 (L)
Scouts and Cubs: 'bob-a-job', 501 (A)
Search for Captain Slocum, The, Walter Magnes Teller, 594 (R) Seat of Pilate, The: An Account of the Palestine Mandate, John
Marlowe, 483 (R)
Second Thoughts, 872 (A) Second Thoughts in Southern Rhodesia, 424 (LA) Secret Capture, The, Capt. S. W. Roskill, RN, 446 (R) Secret of Luca, The, Ignazio &Ione, 380 (R) Secrets of Life, 12 (CA)
'Security forces', 409 (L)
Security Roundabout, 453 (F) Seduro, Vladimir, Dostoyevski In Russian Literary Criticism, 1846-1956, 20 (R) Seed, The, Pierre Gascar, 447 (R) Seldom Arthur, and Ralph Harris. Advertising in a Free Society.
316 (R) Selection Trust, 867 (F)
Self-Employed, 552 (A) Self-Help Samuel Smiles (intro. Professor Asa Briggs), 198 (R) Sender, Ramon, Before Noon (trans. W. R. Trask and Florence Hall
Sender), 302 (R) Senior Economisers, 562 (F)
Separate Peace, A, John Knowles, 630 (R) Separate Tables, 258 (CA) Serbian Legacy, Cecil Stewart, 593 (R)
Serck, 597 (F)
Sergeant, The, Dennis Murphy, 166 (R)
Sermons and Devotional Writings of Gerard Manley Hopkins, The,
(ed. and intro.) Christopher Devlin, 300 (R)
Set Fair?, 491 (LA) Shadow Boxing, 567 (LA) Shadows, The, Jenifer Wayne, 628 (R) Shake Hands with the Devil, 809 (CA)
Shakespeare, 892 (L)
Shakespearan Ethic, The, John Vyvyan, 238 (R) Shanks's Pony, Morris Marples, 593 (R)
Shell, 530, 633, 826 (F) Shield Unit Fund, 206 (F) Ships and shipping: the Queen Mary's maiden voyage, 294 (A), 328, 410 (L); shipping between Ulster and Great Britain, 664 (N)
Shook-Up Generation, The, Harrison E. Salisbury, 557 (R) Short History of Germany, A, 1815-1945, E. J. Passant, 380 (R) Short History of Russia, A, Richard Charques, 233 (R) Short Term and Long Term In Algiers, 640 (A)
Sickroom sonnet translated, a, 207 (C)
Siege at Peking, The, Peter Fleming, 895 (R) Sights and Spectacles, Mary McCarthy, 379 (R) Signpost for the Small Investor, 151 (F) Silberston, Aubrey, and George Maxcy, The Motor Industry, 235 (R) Silence and the Sabre-Toothed Tiger, 586 (A), 666, 892 (L) Siller, Van, The Widower, 448 (R) Silone, Ignazio: Fontamara, 3130 (R); The Secret of Luca, 380 (R) Silver-Plated Spoon, A, John, Duke of Bedford, 782 (R) Simenon: The Negro, 864 (R); Maigret Has Scruples, 864 (R)
Simon Carves, 635 (F)
Simple Guide for the Taxpayer. A, John Wood, 382 (R) Simpson, Hall and Pack, (ed.) The New Poets of England and America, 443 (R) Simpson, Louis, Good News of Death, 443 (R) Sinclair, Andrew, The Breaking of Bumbo, 166 (R) Sinclair, Keith, A History of New Zealand, 124 (R)
Singapore: election to power of People's Action Party, 797 (A) 890 (L) Singing contest, amateur, 223 (A)
Singing in the Shrouds, Ngaio Marsh, 86 (R)
Singleton-Gates, Peter, 480 (L)
Singleton-Gates, Peter, and Maurice Girodias, The Black Diaries,
317 (R)
Siobhan and the BBC, 658 (A) Sisson, C. H., The Spirit of British Administration, 594 (R) Sitwell, Osbert, Fee Fi Fo Fumi, 199 (R) Sitwell, Sacheverell, Journey to the Ends of Time. Vol. 1. Lost in she Dark Wood, 897 (R) Sixth Beatitude, The, Radclyffe Hall, 270 (R) Slater, Humphrey, Three Among Mountains, 741 (R) Slaves Unaware? A Mid-Century View of Applied Science, Magnus
Pyke, 672 (R)
Sleepwalkers, The: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the
Universe, Arthur Koestler, 125 (R) Slide Area, The. Gavin Lambert, 784 (R) Slimming, John, In Fear of Silence, 630 (R) Slocombe, George, William the Conqueror, 823 (R)
Slocum, Captain, 594 (R)
Small Investor, The, 151-160 (F) Small Town D.A., Robert Traver, 238 (R) Small-Town Politics, A. H. Birch, 56 (R) Smiles, Samuel, Self-Help, 198 (R) Smiling Damned Villain. Rupert Croft-Cooke, 708 (R.) Smith, A. Lapthorn, How to be Useful and Happy front Sixty to Ninety, 408 (R)
Smoking and lung cancer, 799 (S)
Smolensk Under Soviet Rule, Merle Fainsod, 705 (R) Smouhaha, 211 (LA)
Smythe, Robert M., 571 (A), 624 (L), 804 (A) Smyth, Dame Ethel, 377 (R.)
Social Climber, 871 (LA) Social Economics, Walter Hagenbuch, 235 (R) Social History and Literature, R. H. Tawney, 22 (R) Social Science and Social Pathology, Barbara Wootton, 721 (R) Soft-Footed Moor, The, Kenneth Royce, 86 (R)
Somaliland: hopes for independence, 216 (S), 297 (L)
Some Came Running, 582 (CA) Some Came Running, James Jones, 918 (R) Somerset Maugham: A Candid Portrait, Karl G. Pfeiffer, 591 (R) Sondern, Frederic, Brotherhood of Evil: The Mafia, 895 (R) Songs, Christopher Logue, 628 (R) Sonnets of William Alabaster, The, (ed.) G. M. Story and Helen
Gardner, 197 (R)
Sound and the Fury, The 472 (CA) Sound of the Sea, Leo Walmsley, 54 (R) Sour Grapes, 230 (A)
South Durham Steel and Iron, 486 (F)
South of Scotland, 777 (A) Soviet Writings on Earth Satellites and Space Travel, 446 (R)
Space travel: see under ROCKETS AND SATELLITES Spain: Nuenez trial, 40 (A); treatment of American Indians, 53 (R); in a prison yard, 289 (A)
Spanish Justice, 40 (A) Spark, Muriel, Memento Mori, 447 (R) Spears, Monroe K., and H. Bunker Wright, The Literary Works of Matthew Prior, 302 (R.) Spectator, The, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, and others, 83 (R) Spectator Competitions, cessation of, 426 (5)
Spectator Inquiry into the Steel Industry, The, 359.370 (A), 409, 479 (L)
9, 50, 74, 103, 148, 194, 219, 259, 294, 326, 356, 398, 438, 478, 505, 543, 584, 606, 646, 691, 730, 770, 860, 885
5, 34, 67, 99, 138, 179, 216, 252, 283, 315, 347, 395, 426, 462, 495, 538, 570, 607, 643, 687, 718, 755, 799, 835, 875
Speeches, making, to societies, 109 (A)
Speed records, 17 (L)
Spender, Stephen, 260 (CA)
Spiders: book review, 52 Spirit of British Administration, The, C. H. Sisson, 594 (R) Sport: the Grand National and cruelty, 423 (PW); Two Scotland, Come to Twickenham, 429 (A); point-to-point racing, 501 (A); The End of County Cricket?, 575 (A); book review, 673 Spreading Capitalism, 675 (F), 733 (L) Sputniks and After, Karl Gilzin, 446 (Ft) Stage is Set, The, 642 (N) Stars and Stripes In the City, 449 (F) Stars in their Courses, 690 (A) State of the Unions, 831 (LA) Steel Cocoon, The, Bentz Plageman, 415 (R) Steel industry: a market research public opinion survey, 175 (PW), 179 (S); Spectator commission of inquiry's report, 359-370 (A), 409, 479 (L) Steel shares, 88 (F) Steele, Richard, Joseph Addison and others, The Spectator, 83 (R) Stein, Gertrude, A Novel of Thank You, 302 (11) Stein, Leopold, and Martha Alexander, Loathsome Women, 863 (R) Stevenson, Robert Louis, A Child's Garden of Verses, 845 (Ft) Stevenson, William, The Yellow Wind, 738 (R) Stewart, Cecil, Serbian Legacy, 593 (R) Stewart, Desmond, A Woman Besieged, 236 (R)
Stewart, J. I. M., The Man Who Wrote Detective Stories, 526 (R)
Stewart, Oliver, The Story of Air Warfare, 23 (R) Stewarts and Lloyds, 130 (F) Sticks in the Mud, 358 (A)
some successful shares of 1958, 26 (F); the battle for control of British Aluminium, 31 (PW), 57 (F); dangers of wild gambling on Wall Street, 596 (F); equities versus bonds, 786, 825 (F); The Case for Gilt-Edged, 825 (F); a pause for equities?, 865 (F); professional investment policy, 918 (F) Stokes, Adrian, Greek Culture and the Ego, 167 (R) Stokes, Edward, The Novels of Henry Green, 556 (R) Stokes, Eric, The English Utilitarians and India, 20 (R) Stone Roses, The, Sarah Gainham, 86 (R) Storey, Graham, and Humphry House, (ed.) The Journals and Papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 300 (R) Storrs, Ronald, (ed.) Ad Pyrrham: Translations of an Ode of Horace, 412 (R) Story, G. M., and Helen Gardner, (ed.) The Sonnets of William Alabaster, 197 (R) Story of Air Warfare, The, Oliver Stewart, 23 (R) Story of an American Communist, The, John Gates, 331 (R) Story of Axel Munthe, Capri and San Michele, The, 555 (R) Strange Death of Lord Castlereagh, The, H. Montgomery Hyde,
515 (R)
Stranger Than Fiction, Dennis Wheatley, 201 (R) Stranger's Privilege, A, Robert Pack, 332 (R) Stratton, Henry, Blanket, 448 (R) Stravinsky, Igor, and Robert Craft, Conversations with Igor Stravinsky, 669 (R) Street Offences Bill, 5 (S), 17, 48 (L), 99 (S) Strength Out of Weakness, 609 (A), 665, 702 (L) Stride Towards Freedom, Martin Luther King, Jr., 707 (R) Striggle Naught Availeth, The, 326 (A) Strike for a Kingdom, Mcnna Gallic, 448 (R) Strikes and industrial disputes: unofficial strike at Ford's, Dagenham, 279, 311 (PW); the printing dispute, 683 (LA), 815, 842 (L), 875 (S) Strindberg, August, The People of Hemsd (trans. Elspeth Schubert), 302 (R) Strix's contributions, 607 (5), 624 (L) Struggle for the Sea, Grand Admiral Raeder, 672 (R)
Strutts and the Arkwrights, The, 1758-1830, R. S. Fitton and A. P.
Wadsworth, 198 (Ft) Sugar in the Morning (Royal Court), 545 (CA) Sullen Assault, The, 140 (A) Sullivan, Michael, Chinese Art in the Twentieth Century, 739 (R)
Sumatra, The, Donald Moore, 270 (R)
Summer Solstice, 906 (A) Sun Life Assurance, 306 (F)
Sunday Express: 6 (S); a questionnaire, 315 (S) Sunday Romance, A, 651 (CA) Sunday Times, 495, 687, 875 (S)
Superman on the Riviera, 19 (P) Surmah Valley Tea Company, 867 (F) Sutherland, Graham, 106 (CA) Swedish Plan, The, 838 (A) Swinging Down the Lane (Palladium), 855 (CA) Switzerland: Geneva and the Foreign Ministers' conference, 642 (N) Swot or Bunk, 219 (A)
Sykes, Christopher, Orde Wingate, 590 (R), 665 (L)
Taking Stock, 753 (N) Tales Told Again, Walter de la Mare, 199 (R) Tanks, The: The History of the Royal Tank Regiment and its prede- cessors, Heavy Branch Machine-Gun Corps, Tank Corps and Royal Tank Corps, 1914-1945, Captain B. H. Liddell Hart, 164 (R) Taper: a misquotation, 733 (L) Tartuffe (Old Vic), 289 (CA) Taste of Honey, A (Wyndhams), 257 (CA) Tato and Lyle, 58 (F) Tawncy, R. H., Social History and Literature, 22 (R) Taxpayer, A Simple Guide for the, John Wood, 382 (R) Taylor, Rex, Poems, 628 (R) Taylor, Robert Lewis, The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters, 447 (11) Tchaikovsky music festival, 354 (CA) Tears of Isis, The, Richard Carrington, 444 (R) Technicolor, 306 (F) Teeth: effects of illness or emotion upon, 812 (A), 890 (L) Telegram, sending a, overseas, 478 (A) Telephone services, 506 (A), 587, 702 (L)
sexual themes in entertainment, 46 (A); effect on children of depiction of violence, 78 (A); the 'Granada Lectures', 180 (S); No Fixed Abode, 187 (CA), 231 (L); TV in the US, 224 (CA); television interviewers, 257 (CA); It too realistic space-drama, 279, 311 (PW), 426 (S); Christopher Mayhew's Bill to cut down television advertising, 282 (PC), 328 (L); generals on TV, 321 (CA); the East Harrow by-election, 343 (PW), 347 (5); withdrawal of The Right to Reply, 343 (PW); ITV commercials, 372 (L); problems of TV coverage of elections, 427 (A), 535 (PW); requirements of television drama, 440 (L), 694 (CA); BBC-ITV competition, 471 (CA); Robin Day, 538 (S); interviews and discussion programmes, 547 (CA); BBC and ITV election coverage plans, 571 (S); supervisor of advertising appointed by ITA,
608 (S); presententation of news on television, 617 (CA); the Small World controversy, 644 (S), 658 (A), 701, 779 (L); light music on television, 726 (CA); religious programmes for teen- agers, 726 (CA), 815, 892 (L), 912 (CA); advertising magazines and 'shoppers' guides', 799, 875 (S); PAYV not yet tried in US, 835 (S); behind the scenes at a quiz show, 855 (A) Teller, Walter Magnes, The Search for Captain Slocum, 594 (R) Tempest, The (Old Vic), 883 (CA) Templewood, Lord, 687 (S) Testing Time, 213 (A) Thackcray, W. M., The Rose and the Ring, 843 (R)
Elizabethan drama, 51 (R); tribulations of an audience, 41 (A), 1 1 1 (L); The Disenchanted on Broadway, 69 (A); first night of The Coast of Coromandel at Brighton, 143 (A); censorship of plays, 192 (L); theatre critics, 319 (CA); New York drama critics' awards and Kenneth Tynan, 538, 644 (S), 665 (L); a theatrical experiment (The Borderline), 756 (S), 911 (CA); book reviews, 319, 379 Theatre and its Double, The, Antonin Artaud, 319 (R), 434 Third Crime Lucky, Anthony Gilbert, 238 (R) Third Sex, The, 403 (CA) Thirteen Lines, 776 (P) Thirty-Nine Steps, The, 403 (CA) Thomas, Elizabeth, (cd.) Tribune 21, 166 (R) Thomas Jefferson: A Biography, Nathan Schachner, 200 (It) Thomson, Roy, 771 (A) Thomas Tilling, 598 (F) Thompson, J., 306 (F)
Thornton, A. P., The Imperial Idea and Its Enemies: A Study In
British Power, 164 (R.) Thread of Scarlet, A, Bruce Marshall, 484 (R) Threatening Uncertainty, 716 (A) Three Among Mountains, Humphrey Slater, 741 (Ft) Three Graces, The: The Legends and the Truth, Serge Lifar, 201 (R) Threlfalls Brewery, 867 (F) 'Thurso boy' case, the: see under the Waters Case Thwaitc, Anthony, Contemporary English Poetry: An Introduction, 824 (R)
uprising against Chinese Communists, 423 (PW); Indian reaction to the uprising, 426 (S); Dalai Lama escapes to India, 459 (PW); effects of Chinese aggression on Asian and African peoples, 459 (LA); problems of military campaigning, 476 (A); Dalai Lama's statements in India, 603 (PW) Tide of Taste, 878 (A) Ties, men's, 478 (A) Tiger Buy, 472 (CA) Till the Day I Die, Robert Markel, 708 (It) Times, The: 285 (S); news story on Selwyn Lloyd's future, 797 (N), 799, 836 (S); its real and apparent influence, 799 (S); Sir William Haley and the Prime Minister, 875 (S) Times Furnishing, 530, 867 (F) Times Out of Mind, 4 (A) Tippett, Michael, Moving Into Aquarius, 669 (Ft) To Be Young, Mary Lutyens, 377 (R) To Keep Faith, Mary Middleton Murry, 626 (R) Todd, Garfield, 719 (A) Todd, Mike, 271 (Ft) Tonka, 434 (CA) Too Many Crooks, 258 (CA) 'Top people', 230 (A), 266 (L) Torres, Tereska, Not Yet, 560 (R) Tortoises, The, Loys Masson (trans. Antonia White), 199 (R) Tosca, La (Covent Garden), 652 (CA) Tournament, The, Peter Vansittart, 380 (R) Towards a Balanced Economy, 657 (A) Town planning: 540 (A), 624, 779 (L); unpopular scheme for Aberdare, 689 (A) Towry, Peter, Trial by Battle, 706 (R.) Toy fair, a, 255 (A) Toynbee, Arnold J., Hellenism: The History of a Civilization, 625 (R), 733 (L)
demarcation disputes and restrictive practices, 176, 604 (N); ETU relations with press, 216 (S); non-unionists, 283 (S); disputes in motor industry, 535 (PW); continuing disputes over wage claims in industry, 536 (N); printing industry dispute, 683 (LA), 815, 842 (L), 875 (S); The Closed Shop, 827 (Ni; The State of the Unions, 831 (LA); the NUGMW, 831 (LA); the problem of trade union power in the US, 872 (A)
Trade Unions in a Free Society, B. C. Roberts, 831 (LA)
island of Poros. 84 (R); winter cruises, 103 (A); ferrying cars cross-Channel, 108 (A), 266, 441 IL); u recommended hotel in Southern Italy, 113 (A); the French Western Mediterranean littoral, 116 (A); Coach Touring, 118 (A); travel grants to the US, 266 (L); first-class and tourist air travel, 358 (A); renting a villa abroad, 437, 654 (A); visa difficulties, 440, 479, 511, 588 (L); meals on trains, 550 (CA), 666, 733, 780, 816 (L); renting holiday villas in Spain, 654 (A); car theft abroad, 730 (A), 892 (L)i the London Airport nursery, 763 (A); preparations for a holiday, 810 (A); `cultural shock' in Americans abroad, 888 (A); a night trip in a French train, 908 (A); travel allowances, 920 (L); book reviews, 127, 271, 444, 485, 593, 738, 783 Traveller Without Luggage (Arts), 223 (CA) Travelling Woman, A, John Wain, 380 (Ft) Travels of Jaitnie McPheeters, The, Robert Lewis Taylor, 447 (R) Travels of Marco Polo, The, 444 (R) Traver, Robert, Small Town D.A., 238 (Ft) Treize Complots du Treize Mai, Les, Merry and Serge Bromberger, 397 (R.) Trevor-Roper, H. R., (intro.) Judgements on History and Historians, Jacob llurckhardt, 896 (R) Trial by Battle, Peter Towry, 706 (R) Trial of Peter Manuel, The, John Gray Wilson, 414 (R) Tribune 21, (cd.) Elizabeth Thomas, 166 (R) Triple-Talk, 776 (A) Trollops, Anthony, 517 (R) Trouble in Tibet, 476 (A) Troubled House, The, Kage Booton, 238 (R) Trying Night, A, 411 (P) Trypanis, C. A., The Cocks of Hades, 234 (R) t'Serstevens, A., Mexico, Three-Storeyed Land, 704 (R) Tube Investments, 57 (F) Tuchman, Barbara W., The Zimmermann Telegram, 438 (R) Tudor Interlude, The, T. W. Craik, 51 (R) Turgenev's Literary Reminiscences (trans. and intro. David Mager- shack), 53 (R) Turnell, Martin, The Art of French Fiction, 629 (Ft) Twentieth Maine, The, John J. Pullen, 83 (R) Two Scotland: Come to Twickenham, 429 (A) Two Studies in Crime, Yseult Bridges, 708 (Ft) Tynan, Kenneth, 538, 644 (S), 665 (L) Typhon Tea, 598 (F)
Uganda: unrest in Buganda, 751 (PW), 755 (S), 833 (A) Ugly American, The, William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick, 236 (R) Ullman, James Ramsey, The Day on Fire, 863 (R)
Ulster: see under NORTHERN IRELAND
Ulster Today, 657-664 (A) Ulster Youth, 662 (A) Ulster's Traditional Industries, 660 (A) Ulysses in Nighitown (Arts), 766 (CA) Undefeated, The, George Paloczi-Horvath, 528 (R) Underwood, Michael, Arm of the Law, 864 (R) Unemployment: increase in January, 211 (PW) Union Trust, 206 (F) Union Corporation, 710 (F) Unit trusts: 58, 88, 151, 206 (F); the small investor, 203 (F); State unit trusts, 305 (F) United Dairies, 130 (F) United Drapery, 597 (F)
UNITED STATES the New York Times, 4 (A); civil rights in the South, 32 (A); Senate rules on debates, 32 (A); Mr. Mikoyan's visit, 63, 95 (PW), 98 (A); modification of Mr. Dulles's attitude over Germany, 63 (LA); Customs of the Country, 69 (A); the state of the US economy, 86 (F); refusal of English Electric's turbine tender, 95 (PW); more realistic attitude to Communism, 98 (A); the 1960 Budget proposals, 177 (A); Senator Fulbright chairman of Senate's Foreign Relations Committee. 179 (5): Mr. Dulles: enters hospital, 211 (PW), cancer diagnosed, 247 (PW), effects of his illness on State Department and foreign policy, 248 (A), his resignation, 535 (PW), and death, 751 (PW), an appreciation, 752 (A); weather satellite launched, 247 (PW); travel grants to visit US, 266 (L); employment and financial situation. 273 (F); modern American painters, 323 (CA); the 'beat' generation of artists and writers, 350 (A), 557 (R); financial steps to control wage-cost inflation, 384 (F); lack of precision over Berlin and defence spending, 392 (A); American banks in London, 449 (F); demonstrations by unemployed, 537 (A); financial plight of major cities, 537 (A); Christian Herter Secretary of State, 567 (PW); State Department changes under Mr. Herter, 604 (A); US attitudes at Geneva conference, 715 (LA), 717 (N); 'rebels' in literature, 820 (it), 841, 920 (L); prospects for the presidential election in 1960, 836 (A); the Teamsters' Union, 872 (A); the power of labour and the public interest, 872 (A); US Treasury's financial policy, 900 (F); books reviews, 82, 83, 200, 268, 331, 445, 519, 707, 820
United Sua Betong, 745 (F) Universal Asbestos, 386 (F)
linking the arts and the sciences, 18, 50, 81 (L); the experiment at Keele, 18 (L); buying an MA, 50 (L), 643, 689, 755 (S), 780 (L); interest in art, 101 (A), 161 (L); the Reading diamond hoax, 285 (S); Cambridge history, 481 (R); Latin in Oxford Responsions, 643 (S); arguments on retention of Latin for university entrance, 905 Unkind Light, The, Charles Elliott, 415 (R.) Unknown Chekhov, The, (trans. with intro.) Avrahm Yarmollnsky, 236 (R) Unspeakable Skipton, The, Pamela Hansford Johnson, 54 (It) Up and Down on the Farm, 286 (A) Updike, John, The Poorhouse Fair, 380 (R) Upfield, Arthur: Bony and the Mouse, 708 (R); The Sands of Windee, 708 (R) Urfaust (Princes), 649 (CA) Use of Imagination, The, William Walsh, 375 (R) V Vail, Amanda, The Bright Young Things, 484 (II) Val6ry, Paul, 19 (R) Valeting services, 859 (A) Valse, La (Covent Garden), 402 (CA) Van Gulik, Robert, The Chinese Gold Murders, 448 (R) Vansittart, Peter, The Tournament, 380 (R) Varieties of Love, Herbert Kubly, 85 (R) Venetian Blind, William Haggard, 708 (R) Versions, Julian Cooper, 332 (K) Vet's Daughter, The, Barbara Comyns, 236 (R) Vine of Dark Grapes, The, Livia dc Stcfani, 673 (R) Visa to Poland, K. S. Karol, 300 (R) Visas, difficulties in obtaining, 440, 479, 511, 588 (L) Vision and Rhetoric, G. S. Fraser, 413 (R) Visitation, 46 (A) Visited, The, Joan O'Donovan, 918 (R) Voyage of Argo, The, Apollonius of Rhodes (trans. E. V. Riau), 197 (R) Voyeur, The, Alain Robbe-Grillet (trans. Richard Howard), 302 (Ft) Vulliamy, C. E., Cakes for your Birthday, 86 (R.) Vyvyan, John, The Shakespearean Ethic, 238 (11) W Wadsworth, A. R., and R. S. Fitton, The Strutts and the Arkwrights, 1758-1830, 198 (R) Wage claims: outmoded methods of negotiation, 536 (N): see also under Printing industry dispute Wain, John, A Travelling Woman, 380 (Ft) Waiting for the Sky to Fall, Kenneth Martin, 823 (R) Wales: closure of six coal mines, 38 (A); 'Nationalist' Party, 232 (L); Mr. Gaitskell's visit. 265 (L); the miners' annual gala in Cardiff, 879 (A) Wallace, Lew, Ben-Bur, 415 (R) Walmslcy, Lco, Sound of the Sea, 54 (R) Walsh, William, The Use of Imagination, 375 (R) Walter Bagehot: A Study of His Life and Thought Together with a
Selection, from His Political Writings, Norman St. John-Stevan,
267 (R) War books reviewed, 23, 82, 83, 164, 201, 376, 438, 446, 482, 556, 560, 672, 705, 736 War and Peace in the Space Age, Lieut.-General James M. Gavin, 301 (1) Ward, Barbara, Five Ideas That Change the World, 414 (R) Ward, Russel, The Australian Legend, 520 (11) Warlock, 618 (CA) Warsaw in Chains, Stefan Korbonski, 84 (R) Washington, George, 200 (R) Watercress Girl, The, and other stories, H. E. Bates, 236 (Ft)
Waters Case, the: raised in Parliament, 214 (PC); a Tribunal of
Inquiry set up 247 (PW), 250 (PC); Tribunal discussed in Parliament, 569 (PC) Watncy Mann, 788, 826 (F) Wavell, Field-Marshal Viscount, 705 (It), 892 (L) Wavcrley, Lord, 298 (L) Waving Rye, The, Johannes V. Jensen, 85 (Ft) Way Back, A, James Mitchell, 526 (R) Way of Love, A, James Courage, 236 (R) Wayne, Jenifer, The Shadows, 628 (R) Weak Link in the Boom Chain, 743 (F) Weber, Max, The Religion of India: 7'he Sociology of Hinduism and Buddhism (trans. and ed. Hens H. Gerth and Don Martindale), 484 (R) Webster, John: The White Devil, 51 (R); The Duchess of Majfi, 51 (R) Wellard, James, The Affair in Arcady, 784 (Ft) West Riding Worsted, 562 (F) Western Holdings, 130, 203, 337 (F) Westminster Abbey, 111 (L)
65, 98, 137, 178, 214, 250, 282. 314, 346, 393, 425, 461, 494, 537, 569, 606, 642, 686, 717, 754, 798, 834, 874 Wheatley, Dennis, Stranger Than Fiction, 201 (R) Whelan, Christopher, 351 (A) Which? magazine: 189 (A); to appear monthly, 584 (A) White Devil, The, John Webster, 51 (R) Whither?, Mordecai Zecv Feierberg, 630 (R) Whom the Gods Love, Maria Browne, 706 (R.) Whose Man in Havana?, 70 (A) Why all The Fuss?, 32 (A). 80 (L) Why NATO?, 795 (LA) Why Won't The West Understand?, 35 (A) Widower, The, Van Siller, 448 (R) Widow's Cruise, The, Nicholas Blake, 448 (R) Wiggins Team 744 (F) Wild Ones, The, 719 (S) Wilfred Owen's Photographs, 22 (P) William the Conqueror, George Slocombe, 823 (R., Williams, E. T., and L. G. Wickham Legg, (ed.) The Dictionary of National Biography, 1941-1950, 894 (R) Williams, Eric, Dragoman Pass, 238 (R) Williams, Ethel Carleton, Bess of Hardwick, 668 (R) Williams, Tennessee, 725 (CA) Adams, Michael, 97, 136, 248, 392, 540, 605, 7 Adrian, Leslie, 13, 44, 76, 108, 147, 189, 228, 404, 437. 478, 506, 550, 582, 621, 654, 698, 885, 913 (A) Allsop, Kenneth, 144 (A), 350, 573, 613 (A) Arden, J. E. M., 528, 705, 824 (R) Ascherson, Neal, 84, 164, 268, 300, 376, 445, 781, 821, 850 (A) Attlee, Lord, 348 (A), 514 (R) Attwood, E. A., 464 (A) Ayer, A. J., 163, 703 (R)
Barnes, Clive, 402, 433, 503, 548, 694, 765, 810 (CA)
Barraclough, Geoffrey, 20, 125, 198, 380, 823, 896 (R) Barton, John, 559 (R) Benenson, Peter, 40, 285, 906 (A) Bewley, Marius, 519, 704, 820 (R) Birch, Nigel, MP., 254 (A), 524 (R) Blake, Robert, 411 (R) Bloomfield, Paul, 124 (R) Bonham Carter, Mark, MP, 874 (A) Bowness, Alan, 485, 737 (R) Boyars, Arthur, 52, 333 (R) Boyle, Leonard, 158 (A) Bredin, James, 59 (C) Brien, Alan, 10, 41, 73, 103, 143 (CA), 166 (R), 183, 223, 257 (CA), 282 (A), 289, 319, 351, 401, 431, 501, 545, 577, 615, 649, 693, 725, 766 (CA) Brogan, D. W., 82, 200, 445 (R), 836 (A) Brown, George Mackay, 776 (P) Bryden, Ronald, 782 (A) Button, H. G., 339 (C) Cairns, David, 11, 75, 105, 184, 259, 290, 354, 435, 469, 579, 652, 695, 727, 807, 879, 911 (CA) Calvert, Peter A. R., 662 (A) Campbell, Patrick, 571, 801 (A) Carlin, Murray, 411 (P) Champion, Harold, 118 (A) Churchill, R. C., 381 (R) Cohen, Gorda L., 142 (A) Cohen, J. M., 207 (C)
Coleman, John, 54, 85, 124, 166, 236, 271, 302, 380, 447, 526, 555,
595, 627, 673, 741, 784, 823, 844, 863, 898, 918 (R) Conquest, Robert, 594, 736, 863 (R) Cooper, Julian, 909 (P) Coton, A. V., 75 (CA), 201 (R) Craig, David, 124 (R) Creighton, T. R. M., 312, 345, 394 (A), 448 (R), 496, 568, 685, 833 (A) Croome, John, 449 (F) Custos, 26, 57, 88, 129, 170, 203, 241, 274, 305, 337, 385, 418, 487, 530, 562, 597, 632, 676, 710, 745, 788, 826, 865 (F) Daish, W. G., 275 (C) Daniel, Glyn, 23, 484, 741 (R) Davenport, Nicholas, 24, 57, 86, 129, 169, 203, 239, 273, 305, 336. 384, 416, 453, 486, 529, 561, 596, 632, 675, 709, 743, 786, 82.5, 865, 900, 918 (F)
Davie, Donald, 706 (R)
Davis, R. Kennard, 91 (C) Dehn, Paul, 524 (P) Donaldson, Jack, 286 (A) Donn-Byrne, St. John, 116 (A) Donnelly, Desmond, MP, 644, 907 (A) Edwards, Oliver, 429 (A) Edwards, Russell, 242 (C) Ellis, A. E., 201 (R) Enright, D. J., 737 (R), 824 (P), 916 (R.) Evans, Sir Francis, 657 (A) Fairlie, Henry, 876 (A) Ford, Boris, 517 (R) Forster, Peter, 187, 224, 257, 321, 404, 471, 547, 617, 694, 726, 766, 805, 855, 883, 912 (CA) Fraser, Ian, 452 (F) Fuller, J. F. C., Maj.-Gen., 164, 705 (R) 16. 872, 906 (A) 262, 292, 323, 357, 729, 768, 810, 859, 556, 594, 627, 707,
Wilson, John Gray, The Trial of Peter Manuel, 414 (R)
Winch, Peter, The Idea of a Social Science, 592 (R) Wingate, Orde, 590 (R), 665 (L), 760 (A) Wining and Dining in France with Bon Viveur, 691 (R) Winter Thaw, 31 (LA) With a Long Spoon, 641 (A) With Gaitskeil Through Durham, 282 (A) Wolfe at Quebec, Christopher Hibbert, 556 (R) Wolfenden Report, the: see under Prostitution, Homosexuality and
Wolff, Leon, In Flanders Fields, 376 (R) Woman Besieged, A, Desmond Stewart, 236 (R) Woman on the Stair (Westminster), 143 (CA) Women and Thomas Harrow, John P. Marquand, 126 (R) Wood, John, A Simple Guide for the Taxpayer, 382 (R) Woodcock, George, Incas and Other Men, 444 (R) Woollcombe, Robert, The Campaigns of Wavell, 1939-1943, 705 (R) Woolley, Sir Leonard, History Unearthed, 23 (R) Wootton, Barbara, Social Science and Social Pathology, 721 (R) Words Without Music, 873 (N) World in a Jug, Roland Gant, 560 (R) World of Paul Mickey, The (l'alace), 351 (A), 693 (CA), 733, 780 (L) World of Spiders, The, W. S. Bristowc, 52 (R) World Within, Tom Harrisson, 444 (R) Wright, Frank Lloyd, 539 (S)
Gainham, Sarah, 64, 344, 494, 536, 641 (A) Gillie, Darsie, 4, 96, 137, 212, 281, 344, 460, 493, 640, 796, 832 (A) Gilmour, Ian, 6, 35, 213, 499 (A), 915 (R) Goldsmith, Maurice, 723, 858 (A) Goody, Jack, 559, 592 (R) Graves, Robert, 19, 667 (P) Gregory. Kenneth, 575 (A), 856 (CA) Grimond, Jo, MP, 427 (A) Gunn, Thom, 234, 443, 783 (R) Hale, John, 101 (A) Hale, Leslie, MP, 798 (A) Hamilton, lain, 777 (A) Harding, D. W., 198, 332, 628 (R) Harris, Ralph, 382 (R) Hartley, Anthony, 83 (R), 253 (A), 378 (R), 397 (A), 483, 591, 917 (R) Heron, Maxwell, 151 (A) Hesketh, Christian, 851 (R) Hill, Christopher, 22, 53, 233, 304, 334, 414, 481, 516, 668, 740, 784, 900 (R) Hirsch, F. G., 450 (F) Hodgson, Simon, 43, 106, 225, 323, 474, 504, 618, 652 (CA), 739 (R), 856, 883 (CA) Hollis, Christopher, 9, 70, 100, 249, 399, 428, 498, 609, 762, 838 (A) Holloway, John, 513 (P) Howard, Jean, 167, 517, 846 (R) Howard, Miles, 14, 46, 78, 107, 147, 190, 228, 262, 292, 324, 357, 406, 507, 550, 584, 620, 656, 700, 730, 770, 812, 860, 888 (A) Hughes, Fielden, 140 (A) Hughes, Ted, 22 (P) Hunt, Penelope, 853 (A) Huntrods, J. W. W., 156 (A) Hyde, H. Montgomery, MP, 658 (A) Industrial Correspondent, Our, 96, 176, 460, 604 (N), 664 (A), 827 (N) Inglis, Brian, 69, 113, 317, 721, 804 (A) lonides, M. G., 611 (A) Jacobson, Dan, 268, 331, 520, 668, 735 (R) Jenkins, Peter, 398 (A) Jenkins, Roy, MP, 717 (A) Johnson, Donald McI., MP, 800 (A) Johnson, Harry, 235, 414 (R) Kermode, Frank, 19, 54, 83, 126, 165, 197, 237, 302, 332, 375, 413, 482, 513, 556, 628, 667, 738, 824 (R) Kirk, Peter, MP, 834 (A) Klingopulos, G. D., 165, 378, 521, 708, 843 (R) Laing, Allan M., 307 (C) Leach, E. R ., 484 (R) Leach, Edmund, 668, 898 (R) Leach, Gerald, 446 (R) Leavis, F. R., 196 (R) Levin, Bernard. 32 (A), 56, 199 (R), 287 (A), 331 (R), 467 (A), 515, 626 (R), 763 (CA) Lindley, Robert, 200, 414 523, 670 (R) Lloyd-Jones, Hugh, 197, 330, 625 (R) MacCaig, Norman, 443 (P), 776 (A) MacDiarmid, Hugh, 772 (A) McCrone, G., 464 (A) McLaughlin, Patricia, MP, 660 (A) Mayne, Peter, 114 (A) Mellanby, Kenneth, 221 (A) Mellers, Wilfrid, 21, 85, 444, 595, 669, 820, 862 (R) Michie, James, 412 (R) Miles, Pat, 908 (A) Miller, Jonathan, 52, 167, 447, 670, 847 (R)
Miller, Karl, 53, 83, 123, 271, 379, 446, 557, 626, 785, 819, 895 (R)
Millwood, David, 839 (A) Moffett, John, 752 (A) Moorc, Derek, 151 (A) Murray, David, 774 (A) Wright, H. Bunker, and Monroe K. Spears, The Literary Works of
Matthew Prior02 (R) RogerR
Wrong Number, Longrigg, 673 (R) Y Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, The, Vol. I: Diaries, Prayers and Annals, E. L. McAdam, Jr., with Donald and Mary Hyde, 22 (R) Yarmolinsky, Avrahm, (trans. with intro.) The Unknown Chekhov, 236 (R) Year of Opportunity for Building Societies, 158 (F) Yeats, W. B., Mythologies, 736 (R) Yellow Wind, The, William Stevenson, 738 (R) Yoghourt, 654 (A) York Minster, 17, 50, 112 (L) Yorkshire Insurance, 746 (F) You Sec Me Old and Fat . . . . , 114 (A) Young, Lt.-Col. Peter, and Lt.-Col. Alfred H. Burne, The Great Civil War, 1642-1646, 414 (R) Young Have No Time, The, 74 (CA) Young Rebel in American Literature, The: Seven Lectures, (ed.) Carl Bode, 820 (R), 841, 920 (L) Zilliacus, Stella, Bond of Perfection, 784 (R) Zimmermann Telegram, The, Barbara W. Tuchman, 438 (R) Nairn, Ian, 139. 540 (A) Nicholson, Geoffrey, 201, 560, 673, 848 (R) Northcott, Cecil, 217 (A) O'Donnell, Donat, 736 (R) Pan, 27 (C) Papoose, 382 (C) Patterson, David, 64 (A) Paddy, D. R., 127, 419 (C) Peterson, A. D. C., 71 (A) Pharos, 5, 34, 67, 99, 139, 179, 216, 252, 283, 315, 347, 395, 426, 462, 495,538, 570, 607, 643, 687, 718, 755,799,835,875 (S), 908 (A) Phelps, Gilbert, 20, 591 (R) Pibwob, 168 (C) Plash, Sylvia, 163, 227 (P) Plumb, J. H., 863 (R) Porteus, Hugh Gordon, 411 (P), 739 (R) Potts, Paul, 630 (R) Powell, Anthony, 518 (R) Powell, Enoch, MP, 316 (A) Price, David, MP, 754 (A) Pym, Christopher, 86, 238,448, 528, 708, 864 (R)
Quigly, Isabel, 12, 42, 74, 107, 144, 186, 227, 258, 291, 322, 352,
403, 434, 472, 505, 548, 582, 618, 651, 698, 729, 768, 809, 859, 881, 911 (CA) Raven, Simon, 22, 84, 199, 270, 334, 376, 415, 484, 518, 560, 590, 630, 706, 897 (R) Ray, Cyril, 76 (A), 127, 271 (R), 280 (A), 304 (R), 313 (A), 444 (R), 463 (A), 485, 593 (R), 690, 758, 878 (A), 895 (R) Redgrovc, Peter, 864 (P) Rees, David, 23, 199, 558 (R), 691 (A), 704, 738 (R) Robinson, Kenneth J., 145, 260, 437, 616 (CA) Robson, W. W., 22, 51, 238, 300, 483, 629 (R) Rovere, Richard H., 4, 32, 98, 177, 248, 392, 537, 604, 752, 872 (A) Sanger, Clyde, 719 (A) Schwarz, Walter, 65, 646 (A) Scott, George, 219 (A) Sington, Derrick, 797 (A) Smith, Denis Mack, 299, 558, 785 (R) Smith, Stevie, 377 (R.) Stewart, Desmond, 424 (A) Stewart, Oliver, 180 (A) Strix, 16, 46, 78, 109, 148, 191, 230, 264, 294, 326, 358, 408, 438, 476, 509, 552, 586 (A) Sykes, Christopher, 167, 269, 520, 740 (R) Taper, 65, 98, 137, 178, 214, 250, 282, 314, 346, 393, 425, 461, 494, 537, 569, 606, 642, 686 (PC), 877 (A) Taubman, Robert, 670, 862 (R) Thomson, Roy, 771 (A) Thwaite, Anthony, 336 (R), 778 (P), 845 (R) Townsend, Peter, 52 (R) Toynbee, Philip, 756 (A) Tucker, James, 38, 689 (A) Turnell, Martin, 706 (R) Vansittart, Peter, 56, 482 (R) Vaughan, Paul, 647 (A) Vice, Anthony, 450 (F) Vidler, Alec, 412 (R.) Waugh, Evelyn, 268, 894 (R) Westwater, R. H., 778 (A) Williams, Bernard, 672 (R) Williams, Desmond, 448 (R) Williams, L. F. Rushbrook, 181, 541 (A) Wilson, A. J., 301, 446, 672 (R) Wilson, Angus, 412, 861 (R) Wilson, Colin St. John, 125 (R) Wingate, Sybil, 760 (A) Wollheim, Richard, 267, 522, 782 (R) Wyndham, Francis, 21 (R)